How to send a song in the message Odnoklassniki


How to send a song in the message Odnoklassniki

Users of social networks are used to exchange personal messages different pictures, videos and music. But if in the first Odnoklassniki send two types of data is quite easy, with audio recordings there are some difficulties.

How to send music to Odnoklassniki

Send songs through social network Odnoklassniki to private messages can be only one, and with some difficulty. But let us now a little more on this issue, so that each user site could solve this problem in just a few clicks.

Step 1: Go to recordings

First we need to make sure to send your song is available on the website Odnoklassniki. Go to audio in the social network. To do this, on the top menu from any page of the website to find the button "Music" and click on it.

Moving to music in Odnoklassniki

Step 2: Search songs

Now you need to find the song you want to send to your friend in private messages. We enter the artist name or the name of the band and the song itself. Click "Find" and copy the address bar to link to the audio file.

Search lyrics and references to it in OK

Step 3: Go to messages

After copying the link, you can move on to sending it through the posts to classmates. We find that users who want to send a message, go to his page and click the appropriate button under the avatar, which is called "send a message".

Moving messages to the user in Odnoklassniki

Step 4: Send the song

It remains only to insert a line for the message link for the song, which was obtained in one of the preceding claims. Immediately after that, click on the button in the form of an arrow or a paper airplane.

Sending a message to the OC

To open and play a song, you need to click on a link that is a message to classmates. All very quickly and if you look, it is also easy.

Link to the song in Odnoklassniki

If you still have some other questions on this issue, please write them in the comments for this entry. We will try to answer all quickly and accurately.

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