How to disconnect the shipping of the keys to windows 7


Shipping keys in Windows 7

The function of sticking the keys, first of all, is designed for disabled users, for which it is difficult to gain combinations, that is, to produce multiple buttons at a time. But for most ordinary users, the inclusion of this function only interferes. Let's find out how to remove the specified problem in Windows 7.

Method 2: Disconnect activated sticking through the "Control Panel"

But it happens when the function is already activated and it is necessary to turn it off.

  1. Click "Start". Go to the control panel.
  2. Go to the control panel through the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. Click "Special Features".
  4. Switch to section Special features in the control panel in Windows 7

  5. Go to the name of the subsection "Changing the keyboard parameters".
  6. Switching window Changing keyboard parameters in the Special features section in the Special Control Panel Features section in Windows 7

  7. Going into the shell "Lightweight working with a keyboard", remove the mark from the "Enable key sticking" position. Click "Apply" and "OK". Now the function will be deactivated.
  8. Disable key sticking in the Lightweight Window window in Windows 7

  9. If the user also wants to turn off the activation by the five-volume click on SHIFT, as was done in the previous method, then, instead of clicking on "OK", click on the inscription "Setting the shining keys".
  10. Switching to the setting of the keys in the Lightweight window to work with the keyboard in Windows 7

  11. The shell starts the "Configure Key Shipping". As in the previous case, remove the mark from the position "Turn on the shining keys ...". Click "Apply" and "OK".

Turning off the activation of the shroud of the keys in the keypad settings window in Windows 7

Method 3: Disconnect the activated sticking through the "Start" menu

To get to the "Lightweight keyboard" window to deactivate the function being studied, can via the "Start" menu and other method.

  1. Click "Start". Click on "All Programs".
  2. Go to all programs through the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. Go to the "Standard" folder.
  4. Go to folder standard via Start menu in Windows 7

  5. Next, go to the "Special Features" catalog.
  6. Switch to folder Special features through the Start menu in Windows 7

  7. From the list, choose the "Center for Special Opportunities".
  8. Go to the center of special features in the folder Special features through the Start menu in Windows 7

  9. Next, look for the "Facilitation of the keyboard" item.
  10. Transition to a window to facilitate working with a keyboard in the center of special features in Windows 7

  11. The window named is launched above. Next, perform all those manipulations that were described in the method 2, starting in paragraph 4.

Window Facility working with keyboard in the center of special features in Windows 7

As you can see, if you have been activated with the shining keys or the window has opened, in which it is proposed to be turned on, you do not need to panic. There is a clear algorithm of actions described in this article that allows you to remove this tool or turn off its activation after a five-time SHIFT click. You just need to decide whether you need this function or you are ready to refuse it, due to the absence of the need to use.

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