Hidden Files and Mac OS X Folders


Hidden files and folders on Mac
Many who have switched to OS X users ask how to show hidden files on Mac or, on the contrary, hide them, since there is no such option in Finder (in any case, in the graphical interface).

In this instruction, we will talk about this: first about how to show hidden files on Mac, including files whose name starts from the point (they are also hidden in Finder and are not visible from programs that may be a problem). Then - on how to hide them, as well as how to apply the attribute "hidden" to files and folders in OS X.

How to show hidden files and folders on Mac

In order to display hidden files and folders on Mac in Finder and (or) to "open" dialog boxes in programs, there are several ways.

The first method allows you to not including a permanent display of hidden items in the Finder, open them in dialogs programs.

Make it easy: in such a dialog box in a folder where hidden folders, files or files, the name of which starts from the point, press the SHIFT + CMD keys + point (where the letter Yo on the Russian-speaking keyboard Mac) - As a result, you will see them (In some cases, it may be necessary to first go to another folder after pressing the combination, and then return to the required so that the hidden items appear).

Show hidden files in the Open on Mac window

The second method allows you to enable hidden folders and files visible everywhere in Mac OS X "Forever" (before turning off the option), this is done using the terminal. To start the terminal, you can use the search Spotlight, starting to enter the name or found in the "Utilities" in "Programs".

In order to enable the display of hidden elements, enter the following command in the terminal: Defaults Write Com.apple.Finder AppleShowallFiles True and press ENTER. After that, in there, run the KILLALL FINDER command to restart the Finder, to change the changes.

Show and hide hidden files in Finder on Mac

Update 2018: In the latest Mac OS versions, starting with Sierra, you can press the SHIFT + CMD + keys. (Point) in Finder In order to enable the display of hidden files and folders.

How to hide files and folders in OS X

First, about how to turn off the display of hidden elements (i.e., cancel the actions made above), and then show how to make a file or folder hidden on Mac (for those that are currently visible).

In order to re-hide hidden files and folders, as well as OS X system files (those whose names start from the point), use the DEFAULTS WRITE Com.apple.Finder AppleShowallFiles False in the terminal with the following Finder restart command.

How to make a file or folder hidden on mac

And the last in this instruction is how to make a file or folder to be hidden on Mac, that is, to apply this attribute to them used by the file system (and for the journalable HFS + system and for FAT32.

This can be done via terminal and command chflags hidden Put_k_papki_ili_faylu. But to simplify the task, you can do as follows:

  1. In the terminal, enter Chflags Hidden and put a space
  2. Drag the folder or file to this window to be made hidden.
    How to make a file or folder hidden on Mac OS X
  3. Press Enter, to apply the attribute "Hidden"

As a result, if you have a disabled display of hidden files and folders, the element of the file system, over which the action "will disappear" in Finder and the "Open" windows.

To further make it visible, similarly, use the Chflags Nohidden command, however, to use it "dragging", as shown earlier, you will first need to turn on the display of hidden Mac files.

That's all. If you have any questions related to the touched topic, I will try to answer them in the comments.

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