How to convert PDF in Epub


Conversion PDF in Epub

Unfortunately, not all readers and other mobile devices support PDF format reading, unlike books with EPUB extension, which are specifically designed to open on such instruments. Therefore, for users who want to familiarize themselves with the contents of the PDF document on such devices, it makes sense to think about its transformation into EPUB.

Document Location Directory in EPUB format in Windows Explorer

This reformatting method offers very detailed settings for EPUB format. Unfortunately, the Calibar has the ability to specify the directory where the transformed file goes, since all processed books are sent to the program library.

Method 2: AVS Converter

The next program that allows you to fulfill the operation of reformatting PDF documents in EPUB, is AVS Converter.

Download AVS Converter

  1. Open AVS Converter. Click "Add File".

    Go to adding a file in the AVS Document Converter program

    Use the button with the same name in the panel if this option seems to you more acceptable.

    Go to adding a file through the button on the toolbar in the AVS Document Converter program

    You can also use the transition by the "File" menu and "Add files" menu or use Ctrl + O.

  2. Go to adding a file through the top horizontal menu in the AVS Document Converter program

  3. The standard document adding tool is activated. Lay off the PDF location area and select the specified item. Click "Open".

    Window Add file in the AVS Document Converter

    There is another way to add a document to the list prepared to convert objects. It provides for dragging out of the "Explorer" of the PDF book in the AVS converter window.

  4. Add a PDF file to the list for converting by dragging from its pore-breeding Windows to the shell in the AVS Document Converter programs

  5. After executing one of the following actions described above, the PDF content will appear in the area for preview. You should select the final format. In the "output format" element, click on the rectangle "in ebook". An additional field appears indicating specific formats. In it from the list it is necessary to choose the option "EPUB".
  6. Select the output file format in the AVS Document Converter program

  7. In addition, you can specify the address of the directory where the reformatted data will go. By default parameters, this is a folder where the last conversion was performed, or the "Documents" directory of the current Windows account. You can see the exact shipping path in the "Output folder" element. If he does not fit you, then it makes sense to change it. You must click "Review ...".
  8. Switch to the destination window of the outgoing file in the AVS Document Converter program

  9. A "folder overview" appears. Select the folder and press "OK" desired to store the reformatted EPUB.
  10. Overview window folders in the AVS Document Converter

  11. The specified address appears in the "Output folder" element.
  12. The address of the output folder is replaced in the AVS Document Converter program

  13. In the left area of ​​the converter, under the format selection unit, you can assign a number of secondary conversion settings. Right click "format parameters. A set of settings group, consisting of two positions:
    • Save the cover;
    • Built-in fonts.

    Both of these options are included. If you wish to disable the support of the built-in fonts and delete the cover, you should remove the mark from the corresponding positions.

  14. Format settings block settings in the AVS Document Converter

  15. Next, open the "Combine" block. Here, with the simultaneous opening of several documents, it is possible to connect them to one EPUB object. To do this, put a mark near the "Combine Open Documents" position.
  16. Settings block to merge in the AVS Document Converter program

  17. Then click on the name "Rename" block. In the list "Profile" you need to select a renaming option. Initially, the "source name" value is set. When using this parameter, the name of the EPUB file will remain exactly the name of the PDF document, with the exception of the expansion. If you need to change it, then you need to mark one of the two positions in the list: "Text + Counter" or "Counter + Text".

    In the first case, enter the desired name located below the "Text" element. The name of the document will consist of, in fact, this name and the sequence number. In the second case, the sequence number will be located in front of the name. This number is useful especially when group converting files so that their names differ. The final renaming result will appear near the output name lettering.

  18. The settings block rename in the AVS Document Converter program

  19. There is another block of parameters - "Extract images". It is used to extract pictures from the source PDF to a separate directory. To use this option, click the name of the block. By default, the destination directory will be sent pictures, is "My Documents" of your profile. If you need to change it, then click on the field and in the listing list, select "Review ...".
  20. Settings block Extract images in AVS Document Converter

  21. The folder overview means will appear. Indicate in it the area where you want to store pictures and click OK.
  22. Selecting a folder for extracting an image in the AVS Document Converter program

  23. The name of the directory will appear in the "Destination Folder" field. To unload in her pictures, it is enough to click "Extract Images".
  24. Running image extraction in the AVS Document Converter program

  25. Now that all settings are specified, you can move to the reformatting procedure. To activate it, click "Start!".
  26. Run a PDF document conversion to EPUB format in the AVS Document Converter program

  27. The transformation procedure has been launched. The dynamics of its passage can be judged according to data that are displayed in the area for previewing percentage.
  28. PDF document conversion procedure in EPUB format in the AVS Document Converter program

  29. At the end of this process, the window pops up, which communicates with the successful completion of reformatting. You can visit the catalog of finding the received EPUB. Click "Rev. folder. "
  30. Switch to an EPUB converted document in the AVS Document Converter

  31. The "Explorer" opens in the folder you need, where it contains the converted EPUB. Now it can be transferred from here to a mobile device, read directly from the computer or perform other manipulations.

Folder for placing the converted document in EPUB format in Windows Explorer

This method of conversion is quite convenient, as it allows you to simultaneously transform a large number of objects and allows the user to assign a folder to the storage folder after conversion. The chief "minus" consists in paying AVS.

Method 3: Factory Formats

Another converter who knows how to perform actions for a given direction, is called a format factory.

  1. Open the format factory. Click on the name "Document".
  2. Switch to block formats Document in the Format Factory program

  3. In the list of icons, choose "Epub".
  4. Go to the conversion settings in EPUB in the Format Factory program

  5. The conversion condition window is activated to the assigned format. First of all, you need to specify the PDF. Click "Add File".
  6. Switching to the Add file in the Format Factory program

  7. A window for adding a standard form appears. Find the PDF storage area, check this file and click Open. You can simultaneously select a group of objects.
  8. Add file window in the Format Factory program

  9. The name of the selected documents and the path to each of them will appear in the shell of the transformation parameters. The directory where the converted material goes after completing the procedure, is displayed in the "End Folder" element. Usually, this is the area where the last time conversion was made. If you wish to change it, then click "Change".
  10. Go to the destination window of the outgoing file in the Format Factory program

  11. Overview of folders opens. After detecting the target directory, make it allocation and click "OK".
  12. Folder Overview Window in Format Factory

  13. The new path will be displayed in the "End Folder" element. Actually, on this all conditions can be considered specified. Click "OK".
  14. Finishing in the Conversion Settings window in the EPUB format in the Format Factory program

  15. Return to the main converter window. As you can see the task of transforming the PDF document in Epub appeared in the conversion list. To activate the process, mark this list of the list and click "Start".
  16. Running PDF document conversion to EPUB format in Format Factory

  17. The conversion process occurs, the dynamics of which is indicated simultaneously in graphical and percentage in the column "state".
  18. Convert PDF document to EPUB format in the Format Factory program

  19. The completion of the action in the same graph is indicated by the appearance of the value "executed".
  20. PDF document conversion in EPUB format is made in the Format Factory program

  21. To visit the location of the received EPUB, designate the name of the task in the list and click "End Folder".

    Transition to the directory of the converted file in the EPUB format via the button on the toolbar in the Format Factory program

    There is also another embodiment of this transition. Right-click on the task name. In the list of the list, select "Open the final folder".

  22. Transition to the location directory of the converted file in EPUB format through the context menu in the Format Factory program

  23. After the execution of one of the named steps immediately in the "Explorer" the directory where the EPUB is placed. In the future, the User can apply any provided actions with the specified object.

    Directory of placement of the converted document in EPUB format in Windows Explorer

    This conversion method is free, as well as the use of Calibar, but at the same time it allows you to accurately specify the destination folder, as in AVS a converter. But according to the possibilities of specifying the parameters of the outgoing EPUB, the format factory is significantly inferior to Calibre.

There are a number of converters that allow you to reformat the PDF document into the EPUB format. It is quite difficult to determine the best of them, since each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. But you can choose the appropriate option to solve a specific task. For example, to create a book with the most precisely specified parameters of most of the listed applications, Calibar is suitable. If you need to set the location of the outgoing file, but it takes little configuration, then you can apply AVS Converter or Format Factory. The last option is even preferable, since it does not provide for payment for its use.

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