How to open a BMP file


BMP format

BMP is a popular image format without data compression. Consider, with what programs you can view pictures with this extension.

Programs for viewing BMP

Probably, many have already guessed that, since the BMP format is used to display pictures, then you can view the contents of these files using viewers of images and graphic editors. In addition, some other applications can cope with this task, such as browsers and universal viewers. Next, we consider the BMP file opening algorithm using a specific software.

Method 1: Faststone Image Viewer

Let's start considering from the popular viewer of the Faststone Viewer pictures.

  1. Open the Faststone program. In the menu, click "File" and then go to "Open".
  2. Go to the window opening window through the top horizontal menu in Faststone Image Viewer

  3. The opening window is launched. Move in it to where the BMP picture is placed. Select the file of this image and press "Open".
  4. File opening window in Faststone Image Viewer

  5. The selected image will be open in the area for the preview in the lower left corner of the window. In the right part it will be shown the contents of the directory in which the target picture is located. For full-screen view, click the file displayed through the program interface in the directory of its location.
  6. Transition to full-screen display of the BMP image in Faststone Image Viewer

  7. The BMP picture is open in the Faststone Viewer program for a full screen.

Full screen view BMP image in Faststone Image Viewer

Method 2: IrfanView

Now consider the BMP opening process in another popular IrfanView image viewer.

  1. Run IrfanView. Click "File" and choose "Open".
  2. Go to the window opening window through the top horizontal menu in the IrfanView program

  3. The opening window is running. Move in it in the directory of the pictures. Highlight it and click "Open".
  4. File opening window in IrfanView

  5. The drawing is open in the IrfanView program.

BMP image open in Faststone Image Viewer

Method 3: XnView

The following image viewers, actions in which the BMP file open will be considered, is XnView.

  1. Activate XnView. Click "File" and select "Open".
  2. Go to the window opening window through the top horizontal menu in the XNView program

  3. The opening tool is launched. Enter the catalog of finding a picture. Having element, click "Open".
  4. File opening window in XNView

  5. The image is open in the new program tab.

BMP image is open in the XNView program

Method 4: Adobe Photoshop

We now turn to the description of the algorithm for solving the described task in graphic editors, starting with the popular Photoshop application.

  1. Run photoshop. To start the opening window, use the usual transition to the menu items "File" and "Open".
  2. Go to the window opening window in Adobe Photoshop

  3. The opening window will be launched. Enter the BMP placement folder. Having selecting it, apply "Open".
  4. File opening window in Adobe Photoshop

  5. A window appears that reports the absence of an embedded color profile. You can generally ignore it, leaving the radio button in the position "Leave without change", and click "OK".
  6. Dialog box with a message about the lack of an embedded color profile in the Adobe Photoshop program

  7. BMP image is open in Adobe Photoshop.

BMP image is open in Adobe Photoshop

The main disadvantage of this method is that the photoshop is paid.

Method 5: GIMP

Another graphic editor that knows how to display BMP is the GIMP program.

  1. Run GIMP. Click "File", and then Open.
  2. Go to the window opening window in the GIMP program

  3. The object search window is launched. Using its left menu, select a disk containing BMP. Then move to the desired folder. Noting a drawing, apply "Open".
  4. File opening window in GIMP

  5. The picture is displayed in the shell GIMP.

BMP image is open in the GIMP program

Compared to the previous way, this one wins that the GIMP application does not require payment for its use.

Method 6: OpenOffice

The task is also successfully coping with the graphic editor Draw, which is included in the free OpenOffice package.

  1. Run OpenOffice. Click "Open" in the main program window.
  2. Switch to the Open File Open window in the OpenOffice program

  3. The search box appeared. Find the BMP location in it, highlight this file and press "Open".
  4. File opening window in OpenOffice

  5. The graphic content of the file will be displayed in the DRAW shell.

BMP image is open in the OpenOffice Draw program

Method 7: Google Chrome

Not only graphic editors and image viewers are able to open BMP, but also a number of browsers, such as Google Chrome.

  1. Run google chrome. Since this browser does not have controls, with which you can run the opening window, we will act using "hot" keys. Apply Ctrl + O.
  2. Google Chrome browser interface

  3. The opening window appeared. Go to the folder containing the drawing. Having selecting it, apply "Open".
  4. File opening window in Google Chrome browser

  5. The picture is displayed in the browser window.

BMP image open in Google Chrome browser

Method 8: Universal Viewer

Another group of programs can work with BMP are universal viewers, the Universal Viewer application also includes.

  1. Run the universal viewer. As usual, go through the "File" and "Open" program controls.
  2. Go to the Opening window of the file in Universal Viewer

  3. The file search box is started. Go to the location of BMP. Having select an object, apply "Open".
  4. File opening window in Universal Viewer

  5. The image will appear in the shell of the viewer.

BMP image is open in Universal Viewer

Method 9: Paint

Above the opening methods of BMP with third-party installed programs were listed, but Windows has its own graphic editor - Paint.

  1. Run Paint. In most Windows versions, this can be done in the "Standard" folder in the Start menu section.
  2. Opening Paint Program in the Standard Folder Program Section Start Menu in Wimdows 7

  3. After starting the application, click on the icon in the menu located on the left of the "Home" section.
  4. Opening the menu in Paint Program

  5. In the list that appears, select "Open".
  6. Go to the window opening window in the Paint program

  7. Image Search window is running. Watch the location of the picture. Highlighting it, apply "Open".
  8. File opening window in Paint Program

  9. The drawing will be displayed in the shell of the built-in graphic editor of Windows.

BMP image is open in the Paint Program

Method 10: Windows viewer Windows

WINDOVS also has a built-in tool only to view images by which you can run BMP. Consider how to do this on the example of Windows 7.

  1. The problem is that it is impossible to launch the window of this application without opening the image itself. Therefore, the algorithm of our actions will differ from those manipulations that were conducted with previous programs. Open the "Explorer" in the folder where BMP is located. Click on the right mouse button. In the list that appears, select "Open with". Next, go to "View photos of Windows".
  2. BMP file opening window using the tool to view photos of windows through the context menu of the conductor in Windows 7

  3. The image will be displayed using the built-in WINDOVE.

    BMP image is open in the shell to view photos of Windows in Windows 7

    If you have no third-party software on your computer, you can run BMP using the built-in photo viewing you can simply click on the left mouse button on the picture file in the "Explore".

    Of course, a tool for viewing photos of Windows is inferior to the functionality of other viewers, but it is not necessary to additionally install it, and there are enough of those on viewing that this tool provides for most users in order to see the contents of the BMP object.

As you can see, there is a pretty big list of programs that can open images of BMP. And this is not all of them, but only the most popular. The choice of a specific application depends on the personal preferences of the user, as well as from the goals set. If you just need to see the drawing or photo, it is better to use pictures viewers, and use image editors to edit. In addition, as an alternative can be used to view even browsers. If the user does not want to install additional software on a computer to work with BMP, it can use the built-in Windows software to view and edit images.

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