How to open M3D.


How to open M3D.

M3D is a format that is used in applications running 3D models. It also acts as a 3D object file in computer games, such as Rockstar Games Grand Theft Auto, Everquest.

Opening methods

Next, consider the software that opens such an extension.

Method 1: Compass 3D

Compass-3D is a well-known design and modeling system. M3D is its native format.

  1. Run the application and alternately click on the "File" - "Open".
  2. Menu File in Compass

  3. In the next window, move to the folder with the source file, check it and click on the Open button. You can also see the appearance of the detail in the preview area, which will be useful when working with a large number of objects.
  4. Select file to compass

  5. The 3D model is displayed in the interface operating window.

Open File in Compass

Method 2: Dialux EVO

Dialux EVO is a program for conducting lighting calculations. You can import a M3D file to it, although it is officially not supported.

Download Dialux EVO from the official site

Open the Evo Dialyux and move the source object directly from the Windows directory to the working field.

Moving File in Dialux

The procedure for importing a file, after which the three-dimensional model appears in the workspace.

Open File in Dialux

Method 3: Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker

Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker is used to create three-dimensional texts and logos. As in the case of a compass, M3D is its native format.

Upload Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker from the official website

  1. After starting the application, you must click on the "Open" item, which is in the "File" menu.
  2. Menu File in Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker

  3. As a result, a selection window will open, where we move to the desired directory, and then select the file and click "Open".
  4. File selection in Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker

  5. 3D text "Paint" used in this case as an example is displayed in the window.

Open File in Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker

As a result, we found out that applications that support M3D format are not so much. This is partly due to the fact that under such an extension, 3D files of the PC games are stored. As a rule, they are internal and cannot be open to third-party software. It should also be noted that the Dialux EVO has a free license while for Compass 3D and Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker are available for trial versions.

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