Formatting flash drive via the command line


Formatting flash drive via the command line

One way to format the USB flash drive is to use the command line. Usually it is resorted to it in the case when it is not possible to make it possible, for example, due to the error. How to format through the command line, we will look at further.

Formatting flash drive via the command line

We will look at two approaches:
  • through the "Format" command;
  • Through the "diskpart" utility.

Their difference is that the second option is treated in more complex cases when the flash drive does not want to format.

See also: What to do if the flash drive is not formatted

Method 1: The "Format" command

Formally you will do the same as in the case of standard formatting, but only by the tools of the command line.

Instructions in this case looks like this:

  1. Calling the command line can be done through the "Run" utility ("Win" + "R") by entering the "CMD" command.
  2. Calling command line

  3. Dial the Format F: where F is the letter assigned to your flash drive. Additionally, you can specify the settings: / FS - file system, / q - quick formatting, / V is the media name. As a result, the command should be approximately in this form: Format F: / FS: NTFS / Q / V: Flehka. Click "Enter".
  4. Enter the format team

  5. If you have seen a message with an offer to insert a disc, then the command is entered correctly, and you can press "input".
  6. Readiness message to start formatting

  7. The following message indicates the end of the procedure.
  8. Formatting is over

  9. You can close the command line.

If an error occurs, you can try to do the same, but in "safe mode" - so no extra processes will prevent formatting.

See also: How to return deleted files from a flash drive

Method 2: Utility "Diskpart"

Diskpart is a special utility for controlling disk space. Its wide functionality provides for the formatting of the carrier.

To take advantage of this utility, do this:

  1. After starting "CMD", type the DiskPart command. Press "ENTER" on the keyboard.
  2. Activation diskpart.

  3. Now leak List Disk and in the list that appears, find your USB flash drive (oriented on the volume). Pay attention to what it is the number.
  4. Determine the number of the flash drive

  5. Enter the SELECT DISK 1 command, where 1 is the number of the flash drive. Then, you should clear the attributes by the Attributes Disk Clear Readonly command, clear the Clean USB flash drive and create the primary section of the Create Partition Primary command.
  6. Preparation for the formatting process

  7. It remains to register Format FS = NTFS Quick, where NTFS is the type of file system (if necessary FAT32 or other), Quick - "Quick Formatting" mode (without this, the data is completely deleted and cannot be restored). When the procedure is completed, simply close the window.

Formatting and completion of diskpart

In this way, you can specify all the necessary flash drive formatting settings. It is important not to confuse the letter or the disk number so as not to erase the data from another media. In any case, to fulfill the task is easy. The advantage of the command line is that all Windows users have this tool without exception. If you have the opportunity to take advantage of special programs to delete, use one of those specified in our lesson.

Lesson: How to delete information from the flash drive forever

If you have any problems, write about them in the comments. We will definitely help!

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