Reasonable exception in the .NET Framework


Unhandled exception in Microsoft .NET Framework

Microsoft .NET Framework, is a necessary component for the work of many programs and games. It is perfectly compatible with Windows and most applications. Problems in his work arise not often, but still this can be.

By installing a new application, users can see the following window: "The .NET Framework Error, Unhandled Exception in Appendix" . When pressing the button "Proceed" The installed by trying to start ignoring the error, but still it will not work correctly.

Download Microsoft .NET Framework

Why does the unpublished exception occur in the Microsoft .NET Framework application?

I immediately want to say that if this problem appeared after installing the new software, then it is in it, and not in the Microsoft .NET Framework component itself.

Requirements for installing a new application

By installing, for example, you can see a new game with an error warning window. The first thing you need to do in this case check the conditions for installing the game. Quite often, for your work program use additional components. It may be DirectX, the C ++ library and much more.

Check if you are present. If not, install by downloading distributions from the official site. It may be such that the versions of the components are outdated and need to be updated. We also go to the site of the manufacturer and swing new ones.

Or we can do it with the help of special tools that update programs in automatic mode. For example, there is a small SUMO utility that will help to easily solve this task.

SUMO utility to eliminate the error of the unserver exception in the .NET Framework application

Reinstalling Microsoft .NET Framework

To eliminate the error, you can try to reinstall the Microsoft .NET Framework component.

We go to the official website and download the relevant version. Then we delete the previous Microsoft .NET Framework from the computer. Take advantage of the standard WINDOVS master will not be enough. For complete deletion, you need to attract other programs that are cleaned from the system the remaining files and records of the system registry. I do it using CCleaner.

Removing Microsoft .NET Framework completely from computer

After removing the component, we can install Microsoft .NET Framework anew.

Reinstalling an outstanding error program

You need to do the same with the program that led to an error. Be sure to download it from the official site. Removal by the same principle, through CCleaner.

Using Russian characters

Many games and programs do not accept Russian characters. If your system has folders with the Russian name, they need to be changed to English. The best option, look in the settings of the program where information is thrown from the game. Moreover, not only the final folder is important, but also all the way.

Changing Russian Symbols to eliminate the error of the unserver exception in the .NET Framework application

You can use in another way. In the same game settings, change the location of the files. Create a new folder in English or choose already existing. As in the first case, we look through the way. For loyalty, overload the computer and re-run the application.


The correct operation of many programs and games directly depends on the status of the drivers. If they are outdated or there is not at all, there may be failed, including the error of the innovable exception in the .NET Framework.

See the status of the drivers, you can in the Task Manager. In the properties of the equipment, go to the tab "Driver" And click update. To perform this task, the computer must have an active Internet connection.

Viewing the status of the drivers to eliminate the error is the unserver exception in the .NET Framework application

In order not to do this manually, you can use programs to automatically update drivers. I like the Driver Genius program. You need to scan the computer for outdated drivers and update the necessary.

DRIVER GENIUS program to eliminate the error of the unserver exception in the .NET Framework application

After that, the computer must be overloaded.

System requirements

Very often, users install programs, not linked to their minimum system requirements. In this case, too, an error of the indifferent application and many others may occur.

Check the installation requirements for your program and compare with your own. You can see it in properties "My computer".

System Properties To eliminate the error Actual exception in the .NET Framework application

If the reason is exactly in this, you can try, install an earlier version of the program, they are usually less demanding to the system.

A priority

Another cause of errors in the .NET Framework may be a processor. While working with a computer, various processes that have different priorities are constantly started and stop.

To solve the problem, you need to go to "Task Manager" And in the Process tab, find the one that matches your game. By clicking on it with the right mouse button, an additional list appears. It needs to find "A priority" and set a value there "High" . Thus, the performance of the process will increase and the error may disappear. The only drawback of the method is that the performance of other programs will slightly decrease.

Set the priority to the process to eliminate the error of the unserver exception in the .NET Framework application

We reviewed the most popular problems if the .NET Framework error occurs "Reasonable exception in annex" . The problem, though not common, but delivers a lot of trouble. If no option helps, you can write a program or game support service that you installed.

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