Choose between computer and laptop


Choose between computer and laptop

Before buying a computer, everyone has a question: a desktop version or laptop? Some this choice is easy and not so much time goes on it. Others can not decide what will be better. Obviously, both options have their own advantages over to others. In this article we will try to understand their advantages and minuses, and also help make the right choice.

Stationary computer or laptop: Main differences

In order to disassemble in detail in all the advantages and disadvantages of each version of the device, it is necessary to disassemble each characteristic separately.
Characteristic Stationary PC Notebook
Performance Most desktop computers have the highest power, unlike laptops. However, it all depends on the cost of the device. If you take the same price range, this option will be much better in this regard. In order to achieve the same performance as the usual computer, you will have to spend much more money, and the result will turn out to be the same.
Size and mobility Of course, in this characteristic, the computer loses completely. It is located on the table and is there pernames. If there is a need to use the device elsewhere, then it is simply impossible. In addition, it has impressive sizes. No one will argue with the fact that in the size and mobility of the laptop completely defeats his opponent. It can be transferred with you and use where it is convenient. Moreover, thanks to its compactness, it is placed in a special bag or standard backpack.
Upgrade Due to its design, any landline computer may be subject to upgrading from the user. This can be anything: from adding or replacing RAM to complete system reorganization. Unlike the first option, almost nothing can be upgraded in the laptop. In some cases, developers provide for the possibility of replacing RAM, as well as the installation of an additional discrete graphics processor. However, as a rule, you can only replace the hard drive to a newer or SSD.
Reliability Due to the fact that the computer always remains in a fixed state, the probability of applying technical harm is reduced to zero. Therefore, undoubtedly, this big plus for the device. Unfortunately, the breakdown in the laptop is much more common. This is due, of course, with his mobility. Due to permanent movements, the risk of spoiling the devices will return at times. Regarding the iron itself, both at the PC and the laptop, the possibility of breakdown is about the same. It all depends on how the user exploits its capabilities.
Difficulty repair If it really came to breakage, then, as a rule, the user can independently reveal it and immediately get rid of it. In more serious cases, the problem is solved by replacing the unsuitable detail. Pretty easy and cheap. Laptop users will experience serious inconvenience if their device fails. First, it will not work independently to diagnose. In any case, you will have to contact the service center, which already entails costs. And if the breakdown is really serious, it will significantly hit the owner's pocket. In many cases it is easier to buy a new car than try to repair the old one.
Uninterrupted Many, to their misfortune, are experiencing problems with electricity in their home. And, as a result, it can seriously affect the computer. After all, a sudden disconnection of light in the house may entail serious consequences. To do this, it is necessary to acquire a uninterrupted man, which is additional spending. With a laptop is much easier and more convenient. Thanks to its own charging battery, they can be used without fear for safety, as well as in those places where there is no electricity.
power usage Buying a landline computer is not the best way to save on electricity. Not too significant, but the advantage. Consumes much less electricity.

Each device has its own advantages. And it is quite difficult to say that some of them is better than your opponent. Everything rests on the user's personal preferences, as well as the target for which the device is purchased.

Desktop PC or laptop: more detailed analysis

As you could make sure of the previous partition, it is impossible to accurately determine which device will be better: a laptop or computer. First, they have about the same number of advantages and minuses. Secondly, for each situation will be more convenient. Therefore, we propose to figure out a little deeper: to whom and for which the usual device is suitable, and to whom is a laptop?

Main differences in laptop and computer

Device for everyday needs

Under everyday needs, it is understood by watching movies, visiting social networks and similar actions. Most likely, if your computer is needed for such purposes, it is best to buy a standard inexpensive laptop. He will easily cope with it, and thanks to his mobility it will be possible to use its functions anywhere at home and not only.

Laptop for home

As a rule, such a device does not require high costs, since it does not require high performance for its needs. It is enough will be a weak machine, which can be bought for 20 - 30 thousand rubles in the case of a laptop and for 20 - 50 in the case of a stationary computer. Regarding the technical characteristics, to view movies and surfing the Internet, as well as for weak games, 4 GB of RAM, dual-core processor, 1 GB video memory and standard hard disk on 512 gigabytes are suitable. The remaining components may have any characteristics.

Computer for gameimer

If the PC is purchased for a gamer or just for regular games to various new products, then undoubtedly need to buy a desktop version. First, as mentioned earlier, it will be much cheaper than a games laptop much cheaper than the game laptop. Secondly, it's no secret that, together with the emergence of new games, the system requirements for them increase. Therefore, it is necessary to update the computer components from time to time, which is impossible for a laptop.

Computer for gameimer

In this case, the computer can do in the inspired amount of money, especially in the case of a laptop. If, when buying a desktop playing PC, the price is not so high, especially if Gamer decided to collect it on his own, acquiring all the components separately and holding the assembly with his own hands, then with a laptop it is huge numbers. You can buy a game stationary computer for 50 - 150 thousand rubles a minimum. Such a car is enough to play in popular new items, but after a few years you will have to update the "iron". The game laptop will cost 150 - 400 thousand rubles, which can afford not every gamer, and its productivity will strongly yield to the desktop for the same amount. Characteristics of such a device must have more than 2-4 gigabytes of video memory, high-resolution widescreen monitor, 4-8 nuclear processor with high frequency and, of course, about 16 GB of RAM.

What to buy for study

For students, most likely, the NotBuk will suit. Although it all depends on what kind of training is happening. If this comes down to writing abstracts and similar, then the laptop. But if your study implies the use of any capacious programs that require both high productivity of the machine and a convenient workplace, it is better to look at the desktop PC.

Laptop for study

As with the home laptop, in this case you can do the budget option, the cost of which will be from 20 to 60 thousand rubles.

Device for work

As in the case of learning, the choice should depend on what kind of work interests you. For example, for designers who work in Adobe Photoshop type and so on, it is better to take a productive stationary PC. On the other hand, in such work mobility and compactness will also be very by the way. Therefore, most likely, for such cases, an expensive laptop is needed, which combines high performance, and all the advantages of laptops.

Computer for work

For a programmer a regular option may be approached, however, if this is not a specialist in games. For professions where more demanding software is used, for example, AutoCAD for 3D modeling or Sony Vegas Pro for working with video, a more productive machine will be more suitable. A graphics card and processor that should have a high speed of work, as well as maintain solving complex tasks, is especially important. Such devices will cost the user at 40 - 60 thousand rubles to buy a laptop and 50 - 100 thousand rubles for a stationary PC.


Having studied all the pros and cons of both implementations of devices, it can be concluded that for each individual case it will be suitable. First you need to figure out the appointment of the computer. Therefore, we recommend it in detail to explore this article by weighing all the nuances described in it, after which it is possible to make the right choice and go to a specialized store.

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