How to create a table online



The license software for creating tables in our time is very expensive. Enterprises use old versions of programs that do not contain that spectrum of functions available in their more recent editions. What then to make the user who needs to quickly create a table and make it beautifully arrange it?

Creating tables using online services

Make a table on the Internet is no longer difficult. Especially for people who cannot afford licensed versions of programs, large-scale companies in Google or Microsoft create online versions of their products. We will talk about them below, and also affect the site from enthusiasts, which made their own editors.

ATTENTION! Registration needed to work with editors!

Method 1: Excel Online

Microsoft please users from year to year the availability of their applications, and Excel has not exceeded. The most famous table editor can now be used without installing Office application package and with full access to all functions.

Go to Excel Online

In order to create a table in Excel Online, you must perform the following steps:

  1. To create a new table, click on the New Book icon and wait for the operation.
  2. Creating a table in Excel Online

  3. In the opened table, you can start work.
  4. Table Editor in Excel Online

  5. The projects made will be available on the online online service page on the right side of the screen.
  6. Created projects in ECXEL ONLINE

Method 2: Google Tables

Google also does not lag behind and fills its site a variety of useful online services, among which there are both the table editor. Compared to the previous one, it looks more compact and does not have such thin settings as Excel Online, but only at first glance. Google table allows you to create full-fledged projects for free and with user amenities.

Go to Google Tables

To create a project in Google editor, the user will need to perform the following steps:

  1. On the Google Table Google page, click on the icon with the image "+" symbol and wait for the project to load.
  2. Creating a project in Google Tables

  3. After that, you can proceed to work in the editor that will open before the user.
  4. Table Editor in Google Table

  5. All saved projects will be stored on the main page located by opening date.
  6. Saved projects on Google Tables

Method 3: Zoho Docs

Online service created by enthusiasts for simple users. Its only his minus is that it is completely in English, but with understanding the interface problems should not arise. It is very similar to previous sites and everything is intuitive.

Go to Zoho Docs

For editing and creating tables on Zoho Docs, the user needs to do the following:

  1. In the left corner of the screen, you need to click on the "Create" button and select the "SpreadSheets" option in the drop-down menu.
  2. Creating tables on Zoho Docs

  3. After that, the user will see the editor of the tables in which you can proceed to work.
  4. Table Editor on Zoho Docs

  5. Saved projects will be located on the main page of the site, sorted by time of creation or change.
  6. Saved projects on Zoho Docs

As you can see, creating tables online and their subsequent editors may well replace the main software that is engaged in these operations. Availability for the user, as well as convenience and a pleasant interface, definitely make such online services are very popular, especially in work at a large enterprise.

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