How to save photo from contact to computer


How to save photo from contact to computer

Often, in front of users of a full version of the social network VKontakte, there is a need for downloading certain images to your computer. At the same time, new items may have some difficulties with this, which can be avoided due to the detailed study of the instructions we offer under this article.

Keep photos from contact to PC

The first and most important remark regarding the preservation of images on a computer lies in the fact that the methods considered in the article it is possible to download pictures not only from VC, but also other sites. Moreover, the list of such sites is practically unlimited and special scripts that block the basic capabilities of the right mouse button in the Internet browser can become the only possible obstacle. Depending on the web browser used, the names of the key menu items will vary, although not significantly.

You can also save photos using mobile devices, but we will not consider this topic in this article.

Method 1: Keep the full version of the photo

This method is to use the basic means of the social network VKontakte and the capabilities provided by a completely any Internet observer. You can find out more about all aspects regarding this method using the appropriate article on our website.

The process of saving the photo through the PCM menu in the Internet Observer

Read more: How to download photos from VKontakte

In general, the process of downloading images according to the proposed instructions should not cause additional questions. However, if for any reason you did not understand something, please contact your comments.

Not only the basic images are subject to download from the social network VK in the usual average user formats, but also the so-called gifs are animated pictures with the extension GIF.

The process of saving the gifs through the PCM menu in the Internet Explorer

See also: How to download Gifs with VKontakte

Please note that literally every picture during the save can be converted to a convenient format for you. But it is not recommended to change the initial expansion too much, as it may later be provoked by various kinds of errors that entail irreparable damage to the stored media file.

Method 2: Download albums with photos

Rather, additional, rather than a full-fledged method is the ability to save a variety of images from Vkontakte to a computer. At the same time, this social network itself does not put restrictions on users in terms of downloading pictures, which is why the variability of multiple loading is significantly expanding.

Ability to download the album using the Suvelfrom add-on in the Internet Observer

Turning to the instructions, you should pay all your attention to the article affecting the downloading of pictures with whole albums the most affordable means. In many cases, this approach can significantly facilitate the original task concerning the preservation of the necessary or simply liked images on the PC from the site of VKontakte.

The process of downloading the photo album VKontakte using the SAVEFROM program

Read more: How to download album with photos with VKontakte

If for one or another reasons considered in the proposed article methods are not suitable, you can use special programs. However, know that this kind of software has been developed by independent people and often requires you input login and password from your account.

Ability to use download files in the VKMusic CityNOV program

One of the most trusted programs is an application called VKMusic CityNOV, originally intended for downloading media files, but subsequently upgraded substantially upgraded.

The program has been verified by many users of this social network and has many positive feedback. But at the same time trust the developer or not - you decide only yourself.

Ability to download photos using the VKMusic CityNOV program

Download the VKMusic application for any version of Windows operating system, regardless of the discharge, you can on the official website.

In addition to other nuances, it is impossible not to mention the need to clearly fulfill the prescription on working with special programs. In particular, this can be said about references that may be required during the application of applications.

The process of specifying links to the album with photos in the main window of the VKMusic program

In addition to what it is said, it is important to draw your attention to the fact that many programs allow you to download albums not only from your page, but also the profiles of other social network users. However, free privacy settings must be exhibited in a third-party personal profile.

Remember that almost all of the above nuances directly relate to other media files, regardless of the selected software.

The process of changing the main settings in the VKMUSIC CITYNOV program

It is recommended after using the considered software to change the password from the page to avoid unnecessary problems. However, know that in most cases vkmusic citynov does not cause any consequences.

See also: How to change the password from the VKontakte pages


As the completion of the article, it is worth noting that the first option is exactly the considered method of saving photos from the contact. The auxiliary methods aimed at loading whole albums do not have the same high reliability indicators.

We hope that you still were able to achieve the desired result in downloading pictures regardless of the selected instructions.

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