The taskbar does not work in Windows 10


Task panel does not work in Windows 10

Quite often in Windows 10 stops working "Taskbar". The reason for this can be in updates, conflicting software or infection of the system with a virus. There are several effective methods for eliminating this problem.

Return of the workpiece "Taskbar" in Windows 10

The problem with the "taskbar" can be easily solved by built-in tools. If we are talking about the infection of malicious software, then it is worth checking the system with portable antiviruses. Basically, options are reduced to scanning a system for an error with subsequent elimination or re-registration of the application.

Method 2: Re-registration "Taskbar"

To restore the application's performance, you can try to re-register it using PowerShell.

  1. Hold Win + X and find the "Control Panel".
  2. Opening of the control panel in Windows 10

  3. Switch to "large icons" and find "Windows Firewall".
  4. Opening the firewall settings in all elements of the Windows control panel 10

  5. Go to "Enabling and Disable Windows Firewall".
  6. Go to the Windows 10 firewall switching settings and turn off

  7. Disconnect the work of the firewall, noting the necessary items.
  8. Disable firewall in Windows 10

  9. Next, go to K.

    C: \ Windows \ System32 \ WindowsPowerShell \ v1.0 \

  10. Click on PowerShell Right-click and select "Startup from the administrator."
  11. Go to the desired directory and opening PowerShell with admin privileges in Windows 10

  12. Copy and paste such lines:

    Get-AppXPackage -allusers | Foreach {Add-AppXPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$ ($ _. InstallLocation) \ APPXMANIFEST.XML"}

  13. Run Recycling Taskbar With PowerShell in Windows 10

  14. Run everything button ENTER.
  15. Check out the performance of the taskbar.
  16. Turn on the firewall back.

Method 3: Restarting "Explorer"

Often the panel refuses to work because of some kind of failure in the "Explorer". To fix it, you can try to restart this application.

  1. Clamp win + r.
  2. Copy and paste the following in the input field:

    REG Add "HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced" / V EnablexamlstartMenu / T reg_dword / d 0 / f "

  3. Restarting conductor in windows 10

  4. Click OK.
  5. Restart the device.

Here were the main methods that can help in solving problems with "taskbar" in Windows 10. If none of them helped, then try to use the recovery point.

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