How to remove the basket from the desktop


How to remove the basket from the desktop

The basket feature with the corresponding icon on the desktop is in all versions of Windows. It is designed to temporarily store remote files with the possibility of instant recovery in case the user suddenly changed their mind to delete, or it was done erroneously. However, not everyone is satisfied with this service. Some annoys the presence of an excess icon on the desktop, others are concerned that even after removal, unnecessary files continue to occupy the disk space, thirds have some other reasons. But all these users unites the desire to get rid of the irritating icon. How can this be done, will be considered further.

Turning off the basket in different versions of Windows

In operating systems from Microsoft, a basket refers to system folders. Therefore, it is impossible to delete it in the same way as regular files. But this fact does not mean that it will not work at all. Such an opportunity is provided, but in different versions of the OS has differences in the implementation. Therefore, the mechanism for the implementation of this procedure is better to be considered separately for each editorial office of Windows.

Option 1: Windows 7, 8

The basket in Windows 7 and Windows 8 is cleaned very simple. This is done a few steps.

  1. On the desktop using PCM, open the drop-down menu and go to personalization.

    Opening the Personalization menu in Windows 7

  2. Select item "Change desktop icons".

    Go to changing desktop icons from Windows 7 Personalization window

  3. Remove the checkbox from the Checkbox "Basket".

    Removing basket icon from desktop Windows 7

This actions algorithm is only suitable for users who have a complete version of Windows. Those who use the basic or Pro editor, get into the settings window of the parameters you need by using the search string. It is at the bottom of the "Start" menu. It is enough just to start entering the phrase "worker icons ..." and in the resulting results, select the link to the corresponding section of the control panel.

Opening the desktop icon settings window from the Windows 7 search string

Then you need to remove the mark near the inscription "Basket".

Removing this irritating shortcut, it should be borne in mind that despite its absence, deleted files will still get into the basket and accumulate there by occupying a place on the hard disk. To avoid this, you need to make some settings. These actions should be performed:

  1. Right-click on the Open basket properties icon.

    Go to the properties of the basket in Windows 7

  2. Put a mark in the checkbox "destroy the files immediately after removal without placing them in the basket."

    Setting the deletion of files in Windows 7

Now the removal of unnecessary files will be made directly.

Option 2: Windows 10

In Windows 10, the procedure for deleting the basket occurs according to a similar scenario with Windows 7. To get to the window in which the parameters of interest to us are configured, in three steps:

  1. With the help of the right click on the empty place of the desktop, go to the personalization window.

    Transition to personalization parameters in Windows 10

  2. In the window that appears, go to the section "Topics".

    Go to topic section in the Windows 10 parameters window

  3. In the window, find the section "Related Parameters" and go through the "Desktop icon parameters" link.

    Opening the desktop hnock parameters from the windows of the Windows 10

    This section is below the settings list and in the window that opens is immediately not visible. To find it, you need to scroll down the contents of the window down using the scroll bar or the mouse wheel, or deploy the window to the full screen.

Having done the manipulation described above, the user enters the setting window of the parameters of the desktop icons, which is almost identical to the same window in Windows 7:

Removing the basket in the Windows 10 desktop icon parameters window

It remains only to take a tick near the inscription "Basket" and it will disappear from the desktop.

Make so that the files are removed, bypassing the basket, you can in the same way as in Windows 7.

Option 3: Windows XP

Although Windows XP has long been removed from Microsoft support, it still remains popular with a significant number of users. But despite the simplicity of this system and the availability of all settings, the procedure for removing the basket from the desktop is somewhat more complicated than in the latest versions of Windows. The easiest way to do this is:

  1. Using the combination of the "Win + R" keys to open the program launch window and enter the GPedit.msc in it.

    Go to setting up group policies from Windows XP Startup

  2. In the left side of the window that opened sequentially deploy sections as it is indicated on the screenshot. To the right of the partition tree find the section "Delete" Basket "icon from the desktop" and open it with a double click.

    Go to the basket icon setting in the Windows XP Group Policy window

  3. Set this parameter to "Enabled".

    Setting the Basket Icon Delete Setup in Windows XP

Disabling the deletion of files in the basket is performed in the same way as in previous cases.

Summing up, I want to note: despite the fact that you can remove the basket icon from the working area of ​​your monitor without any problems in any version of Windows, it is still to think seriously before turning off this feature. After all, no one is insured against accidental deletion of the necessary files. The basket icon on the desktop is not so stronger, and you can delete files by the "Shift + Delete" key combination.

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