Why the keyboard does not work on the laptop


Why the keyboard does not work on the laptop

With the problem of the non-working keyboard on a stationary computer to cope forces to everyone. The solution is to replace the device to a new or connecting the non-working device to another connector. Alternatively, running the keyboard housing, you can try to clean it from dust and small particles. But what to do if the laptop keyboard failed? This article will consider the causes and methods of reshancing the main input device on the portable PC.

Restoring keyboard work

All malfunctions associated with the keyboard can be divided into two groups: software and hardware. In most cases, there are violations in the following (error in the system registry, input device drivers). Such problems are solved using the functions of the OS itself. A more small group - hardware problems, as a rule, requiring access to the service center.

Cause 1: Sleep and Hibernation Modes

Many users instead of completing the PC work often resort to such useful functions as "sleep" or "hibernation". This certainly significantly reduces Windows loading time and allows you to save the current state of the system. But too frequent use of such opportunities leads to incorrect work of resident programs. Therefore, our first recommendation is an ordinary reboot.

Users of Windows 10 (as well as other versions of this OS), which are the default "fast download", will have to turn it off:

  1. Click on the "Start" button.
  2. Press the "Parameters" icon on the left.
  3. Button Settings in the Start menu in Windows 10

  4. Select "System".
  5. Section System in Computer Parameter

  6. Go to the section "Power and sleep mode" (1).
  7. Section Power and Sleeping Mode in Computer Parameters in Windows 10

  8. Next, click "Advanced System Parameters" (2).
  9. Going to the power settings by clicking on the inscription "Actions when closing a cover".
  10. Reference action when closing the cover in the Windows 10 power options

  11. To change additional parameters, click at the top link.
  12. Enable access to the power supply functions in Windows 10

  13. Now we need to remove the checkbox "Enable Quick Start" (1).
  14. Disabling quick start in Windows 10 power options

  15. Click on "Save Changes" (2).
  16. Reboot your computer.

Cause 2: Invalid OS configuration

First, we find out if our problems with Windows settings are connected, and then consider several ways to solve.

Test keyboard when loading

Keyboard performance can be checked when the computer is booting. To do this, simply press the function keys to access the BIOS. Each laptop model has such keys specific, but you can recommend the following: ("ESC", "DEL", "F2", "F10", "F12"). If you can enter the BIOS or call any menu, it means that the problem lies in the configuration of Windows itself.

BIOS interface

Enabling "Safe Mode"

We check whether the keyboard works in safe mode. To do this, according to the links below, we look at how to download a computer without third-party residency programs.

Transition to a secure mode in Windows 10

Read more:

Safe mode in Windows 10

Safe mode in windows 8

So, if the system does not respond to keystrokes when starting and in safe mode, it means that the problem lies in the hardware fault. Then we look at the last section of the article. In the opposite case there is a chance to correct the operation of the keyboard using software manipulations. On the configuration of Windows - further.

Method 1: System Restore

"System Restore" is a tool built into Windows that allows you to return the system to the previous state.

System Recovery Dialog Box in Windows 7

Read more:

Restoration of the system via BIOS

Windows XP Recovery Methods

Registry recovery in Windows 7

How to restore Windows 8 system

Method 2: Check Drivers

  1. Click on the button "Start".
  2. Select the "control panel".
  3. Select the control panel in the Start menu

  4. Next - "Device Manager".
  5. Select Device Manager in Window Control Panel 7

  6. Click on the keyboard item. There should be no yellow icons with an exclamation mark next to the name of your input device.
  7. Select keyboard in the control panel in Windows 7

  8. If there is such an icon, click right-click on the name of your keyboard and then "delete". Then reboot PC.
  9. Deleting the keyboard driver in the task manager in Windows 7

Method 3: Removing resident programs

If the laptop keyboard works in safe mode, but refuses to perform functions in the standard, which means that a certain resident module interferes with the normal functioning of the input device.

The actions described below are recommended to be used if the previous methods did not give results. The input device does not work, but send the system to the system is still possible. To do this, use the "Screen Keyboard":

Window Tools Screen Keyboard in Windows 7

  1. Click "Start".
  2. Next, we go to all programs.
  3. Item All programs in the Start menu in Windows 7

  4. Choose "Special Features" and click the "Screen Keyboard" mouse.
  5. Selecting the on-screen keyboard in the Start menu in Windows 7

  6. To change the input language, use the icon in the system tray. We need a latice, so we choose "EN".
  7. Item selection icon in the Windows 7 system tray

  8. Press "Start" again.
  9. In the search bar, you enter "msconfig" using the "screen keyboard".
  10. Enter MSCONFIG command in the search string in Windows 7

  11. Windows configuration will start. Choose "autoload".
  12. Tab General Windows Configuration Windows 7 Configuration

  13. On the left will be marked with ticks those modules that are loaded with the system. Our task is reduced to a successive trip to each of them with a reboot until the keyboard is working normally with standard startup.
  14. Tab Startup Window System Configuration in Windows 7

Cause 3: Hardware Faults

If the methods described above do not help, then the problem is most likely related to the "gland". Usually it is a loop of a loop. If we talk in general, then open the laptop housing and get to the ribbon cable does not represent problems. Before disassembling your computer, make sure whether it is warned. If so, then you should not disturb the integrity of the case. Just take the laptop and take it to warranty repairs. This, provided that you ourselves observed the operating conditions (did not shed the fluid on the keyboard, the computer did not drop).

If you still decided to get to the plume and open the case, what's next? In this case, carefully inspect the cable itself - there is no physical defects or oxidation traces on it. If everything is fine with the loop, just wipe it with an eraser. It is not recommended to use alcohol or any other liquids, as it can only worsen the working capacity of the ribbon cable.

Laptop keyboard loop

The biggest problem may be a microcontroller malfunction. Alas, but here you yourself can not do anything - the visit to the service center can not be avoided.

Thus, the restoration of the keyboard of the portable PC consists in a number of actions performed in a certain order. First of all, it turns out whether the device's malfunction is associated with third-party applications. If so, then the considered ways to configure Windows will allow you to eliminate program errors. Otherwise, hardware intervention measures are required.

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