Download drivers for nvidia geforce 9800 gt


Download drivers for nvidia geforce 9800 gt

NVIDIA - The largest modern brand that specializes in the production of video cards. NVIDIA graphic adapters, like any other video cards, in principle, special drivers are needed to disclose the potential. They will not only help improve the performance of the device, but also allow you to use non-standard permissions to your monitor (if it supports them). In this lesson, we will help you find and install software for the NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT video card.

Several ways of installing NVIDIA drivers

Install the desired software can be absolutely different ways. All method below differ from each other, and can be used in situations of varying complexity. A prerequisite for fulfilling all options is the availability of active Internet connection. Now proceed directly to the description of the methods themselves.

Method 1: NVIDIA website

  1. We go to the software download page, which is located on the official website of NVIDIA.
  2. On this page you will see the fields that you need to complete the appropriate information for the correct search for drivers. This is necessary as follows.
  • Type of product - GeForce.;
  • Product Series - GeForce 9 Series.;
  • Operating system - here it is necessary to specify the version of its operating system and its discharge;
  • Language - choose the language that you are preferable.
  • After that, you need to click the "Search" button.
  • Filling data to download

  • On the next page you can read additional information regarding the driver itself (version, size, release date, description) and view a list of supported video cards. Pay attention to this list. It must necessarily include your adapter GeForce 9800 GT. After reading with all information, you need to click the "Download Now" button.
  • List of supported video cards and download button

  • Before the download itself, you will be offered to familiarize yourself with the license agreement. You can see it by clicking on the link on the next page. To start the download, you need to click the "Accept and Download" button, which is located just below the reference itself.
  • Link to the license agreement and the download button

  • Immediately after clicking on the button, the installation file will start. With medium Internet speed, it will be loaded around a pair of minutes. We wait for the end of the process and launch the file itself.
  • Before installing the program, you will need to extract all the necessary files and components. In the window that appears, you will need to specify the place on the computer where the utility will place these files. You can leave the way without change or register your own. In addition, you can click on the button in the form of a yellow folder next to the string and select the place manually from the general list. When the file storage is determined, click the "OK" button.
  • Selection of space for unpacking

  • After that, we expect until the utility unpacks all the components you need into the previously specified folder.
  • File extraction process

  • After unpacking, the installation process will begin. The first window you will see will check the compatibility of your system and the driver installed.
  • System compatibility check

  • In some cases, after checking compatibility, various errors may occur. They can be caused by different reasons. Overview of the most common mistakes and methods of their elimination we were considered in one of our lessons.
  • Lesson: problem solving options when installing the NVIDIA driver

  • We hope you will not have errors, and you will see the window with the text of the license agreement below. You can explore it, turning the text to the Niza itself. In any case, to continue the installation you need to press the button "Accept. Proceed"
  • License Agreement when installing the driver

  • After that, a window will appear with the choice of installation parameters. This is perhaps the most important thing in the installation of software in this way. If you have not yet been installed, the NVIDIA driver is installed - select Express item. In this case, the program will automatically set all the software and additional components. By selecting the "Selecting Installation" parameter, you can independently select those components that need to be installed. In addition, you can perform a clean installation, deleting previous profiles and video card settings files. For example, take a "selective installation" and click the Next button.
  • Selecting the type of installation of the drivers 9600 GT

  • In the next window, you will see a list of all components available for installation. We celebrate the necessary, setting next to the title. If necessary, put a tick and opposite the string "perform a clean installation". After everything is done, we press the "Next" button again.
  • Selecting components when installing the NVIDIA driver

  • The next step will be the direct installation of software and the previously selected components.
  • We extremely not recommended to run any 3D applications at this moment, since during the driver installation, they can simply hang.

  • A few minutes after the start of installation, the utility will need to reboot your system. You can do it manually by clicking the "Restart Now" button in the window that appears, or simply wait for one minute, after which the system will restart automatically. Reboot is required in order for the program to correctly delete the old version of the drivers. Therefore, before starting the installation, it is not necessary to do this manually.
  • Restarting the system when installing NVIDIA

  • When the system is loaded again, the installation of drivers and components will continue automatically. The program will require another couple of minutes, after which you will see a message with the results of installation. To complete the process, simply press the "Close" button at the bottom of the window.
  • NVIDIA installation installation message

  • This method will be completed.
  • Method 2: NVIDIA service for search drivers

    Before proceeding with the description of the way, we would like to run a little forever. The fact is that to use this method you will need Internet Explorer or any other browser with Java support. If you are disabled on Internet Explorer, you can display Java, then you should explore a special lesson.

    Lesson: Internet Explorer. Turn on javascript

    Now let's go back to the method itself.

    1. First you need to go to the official page of the NVIDIA online service page.
    2. This page using special services scans your system and determine the model of your graphics adapter. After that, the service itself will select the most recent driver for the video card and will offer you to download it.
    3. During scanning, you can see the window shown in the picture below. This is a standard Java query for scanning. Just press the "RUN" button to continue the search process.
    4. Request for launching java

    5. If the online service managed to correctly define the model of your video card, after a few minutes you will see the page where you will be offered to download a suitable software. You just stay to click the "Download" button.
    6. Result of automatic driver search

    7. After that, you will find yourself on a familiar page with a description of the driver and a list of supported products. The entire subsequent process will be exactly the same as described in the first method. You can return to it and start executing from paragraph 4.

    Please note that in addition to the browser with Java support, you also need to install Java to your computer. It's not difficult to do it.

    1. If the NVIDIA service does not detect Java on your computer during scanning, you will see the next picture.
    2. Message about the absence of java

    3. To go to the Java download site, you need to click on the appropriate orange button marked in the screenshot above.
    4. As a result, the official product site will open, on the main page of which you need to press a large red button "Download Java for free".
    5. Java download button

    6. You will find yourself on a page where you can familiarize yourself with the Java License Agreement. To do this, go to the relevant link. After familiarizing with the agreement, you must click the "Agree and start free download" button.
    7. License Agreement and Home Download

    8. Next, the Java installation file download is launched. It is necessary to wait for it to end and run. Installing Java You will take you literally a couple of minutes. At this stage you should not have problems. Just follow the prompts. After installing Java, you should return to the page of the NVIDIA online service page and try to repeat.
    9. This method is complete.

    Method 3: GEFORCE EXPERIENCE utility

    Install software for the NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT video card can also be used using a special GEFORCE EXPERIENCE utility. If you have not changed the location of the file when installing the program, you can find the utility in the following folder.

    C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Nvidia Corporation \ Nvidia GeForce Experience - If you have a 64-bit OS

    C: \ Program Files \ Nvidia Corporation \ Nvidia GeForce Experience - if you have a 32-bit OS

    Now proceed to the description of the method itself.

    1. Run from the folder file with the name "NVIDIA GeForce Experience".
    2. Run NVIDIA GeForce Experience

    3. When starting the utility will determine the version of your drivers and reports the availability of newer. To do this, you need to go to the "Drivers" section, which can be found at the top of the program. In this section, you will see data on the new version of the available drivers. In addition, it is in this section that you can download by by clicking the "Download" button.
    4. Loading software using NVIDIA GeForce Experience

    5. Download the required files will begin. Its progress can be tracked in a special area in the same window.
    6. Progress Download Driver

    7. When the files are loaded, instead of the progress of download, you will see the buttons with the installation parameters. Here you will have already familiar parameters "Express installation" and "Selecting installation". Select the most suitable option and click on the appropriate button.
    8. Selective installation of the NVIDIA driver

    9. As a result, preparation for installation, removal of old drivers and installing new ones will begin. At the end you will see a message with the text "Installation Completed". To complete the process, simply click the Close button.
    10. End of installation by NVIDIA

    11. When using this method, the system restart does not need. However, after installing software, we still recommend this.

    Method 4: Software for automatic installation by

    We mention this method whenever the topic concerns the search and installation of software. The fact is that this method is universal and is suitable in any situation. In one of our lessons, we have reviewed the utilities that specialize in automatic search and installation software.

    Lesson: The best programs for installing drivers

    You can use such programs in this case. Which of them choose is to solve only you. They all work according to one principle. Differ only with additional features. The most popular solution for updating is Driverpack Solution. It is it that we recommend using. And our teaching article will help you.

    Lesson: How to update drivers on a computer using DriverPack Solution

    Method 5: Equipment ID

    This method will allow you to find and install a driver for any equipment that is somehow indicated in the Device Manager. Apply this method and to the GeForce 9800 GT video card. First you need to learn your video card. This graphic adapter has the following ID values:

    PCI \ Ven_10de & Dev_0601 & Subsys_90081043

    PCI \ Ven_10de & Dev_0601 & Subsys_90171b0a

    PCI \ Ven_10de & Dev_0601

    PCI \ Ven_10de & Dev_0605

    PCI \ Ven_10de & Dev_0614

    Now, with this, it is necessary to contact one of the online services available on the network, which specialize in the search for the device identifier. About how to do this, and what better service is to use, you can learn from our separate article, which is completely devoted to the issue of searching for the driver by ID.

    Lesson: Search for Drivers by Equipment ID

    Method 6: Automatic search for

    This method is in the last place, as it will allow only the basic set of the necessary files. Such an approach will help you if the system refuses to detect the video card true.

    1. On the desktop by clicking the right mouse button on the My Computer icon.
    2. In the context menu, select the "Management" item.
    3. In the left side of the window that opened, you will see the Device Manager string. Click on this inscription.
    4. Open Device Manager

    5. In the center of the window you will see the tree of all devices of your computer. Open the "Video adapter" tab from the list.
    6. In the list, click on the video card with the right mouse button and select "Update drivers" from the menu that appears.
    7. Update drivers when connecting samsung kies connection

    8. The last step will be the selection of the search mode. We advise you to use "Automatic Search". For this, just click on the appropriate inscription.
    9. Automatic driver search via Device Manager

    10. After that, the search for the necessary files will begin. If the system is possible to detect them, it immediately installs them independently. As a result, you will see a window with a message about the successful installation of software.

    This list of all available methods is over. As we mentioned a little earlier, all the ways imply the use of the Internet. In order not to be in the unpleasant situation once, we advise you to always store the necessary drivers on external media. In the event of problems with the installation of software for the NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT adapter, write in the comments. We will examine the problem in detail and try to solve it together.

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