How to connect one monitor to two computers


How to connect one monitor to two computers

The need to use two PCs may occur in situations where the power of the first is fully involved in the work - rendering or compilation of the project. The second computer in this case performs ordinary casual functions in the form of web surfing or preparation of a new material. In this article, let's talk about how to connect two or more computers to one monitor.

Connect two PCs to the monitor

As already mentioned earlier, the second computer helps to fully work, while the first is engaged in highly resources. It does not always be convenient to transplage after another monitor, especially since it may simply not be places in your room. The second monitor may also not be at hand for a number of reasons, including financial. Here, special equipment comes to the revenue - KVM switch or "SVITCH", as well as programs for remote access.

Method 1: KVM switch

The switch is a device that can feed the signal to the monitor immediately from several PCs. In addition, it allows you to connect one set of peripheral devices - keyboard and mouse and use them to manage all computers. Many switches are allowed to use an acoustic system (mainly stereo) or headphones. When choosing a switch, pay attention to the ports. You should guide the connectors on your periphery - PS / 2 or USB for mouse and "keychams" and VGA or DVI for the monitor.

Ports for connecting peripheral devices to KVM switch

The assembly of the switches can be made both using the housing (box) and without it.

Cabinet and inapproprous version of the KVM switch

Connect Svitcha

In the assembly of such a system there is nothing complicated. It is enough to connect complete cables and perform a few more actions. Consider the connection on the example of the D-Link KVM-221 switches.

Complete cables for connecting a KVM switch to computers

Please note that when performing the actions described above, both computers must be turned off, otherwise it is possible to appear different errors in the operation of KVM.

  1. Connect VGA and audio cables to each computer. The first is connected to the corresponding connector on the motherboard or video card.

    Connecting a video cable in a VGA computer connector

    If it is not (it happens, especially in modern systems), you must use the adapter depending on the type of output - DVI, HDMI or DisplayPort.

    Varieties of video connections for connecting the monitor to a computer

    Method 2: Remote Access Programs

    Special programs can also be used to view and manage events on another computer, such as TeamViewer. The lack of such a method consists depending on the operating system, which significantly reduces the number of functions available in the "iron" control tools. For example, using the software you cannot configure the BIOS and perform various actions when loading, including removable media.

    Computer Management using TeamViewer Program

    Read more:

    Review of remote administration programs

    How to use TeamViewer.


    We learned today how to connect two or more computers to the monitor using the KVM switch. This approach allows you to simultaneously maintain several machines at once, as well as rationally use their resources to work and solve everyday tasks.

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