SYSTEM process loads processor


What to do if the System process loads the processor

Windows performs a large number of background processes, it often affects the speed of weak systems. Often it is the task "System.exe" loads the processor. It is completely impossible to disable it, because even the name itself says that the task is systemic. However, there are several simple ways that will help reduce the load of the SYSTEM process on the system. Let's consider them in detail.

We optimize the process "System.exe"

It is not difficult to find this process in the task manager, just press Ctrl + Shift + Esc and go to the "Processes" tab. Do not forget to check the box next to "display the processes of all users."

SYSTEM process in task manager

Now, if you see that "System.exe" loads the system, it is necessary to optimize it using certain actions. We will deal with them in order.

Method 1: Disable Windows Auto Update Service

Often, the load occurs during the operation of the Windows automatic update service as it loads the system in the background, performing the search for new updates or download them. Therefore, you can try to disable it, it will help you slightly unload the processor. This action is carried out as follows:

  1. Open the "Run" menu by pressing the Win + R key combination.
  2. In the string, write Services.msc and go to Windows services.
  3. Open services through perform

  4. Source to the bottom of the list and find the "Windows Update Center". Click on the Right-click line and select "Properties".
  5. Windows Update Search

  6. Select the start type "disabled" and stop the service. Do not forget to apply settings.
  7. Disable Windows Update Service

Now you can open the Task Manager again to check the SYSTEM process load. It is best to restart the computer, then the information will be more reliable. In addition, you are available on our website detailed instructions on shutting down Windows updates in various versions of this OS.

Read more: How to disable updates in Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

Method 2: Scanning and cleaning PC from viruses

If the first method did not help you, most likely the problem lies in the infection of the computer with malicious files, they create additional background tasks, which load the SYSTEM process. It will help in this case a simple scanning and cleaning of the PC from viruses. This is done using one of the way you are convenient.

Anti-virus utility for the treatment of Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool

After the scan and cleaning process is completed, a system is restarted, after which you can re-open the task manager and check the resources consumed by a specific process. If this method does not help, then only one solution remains, which is also associated with antivirus.

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

Method 3: Disable Anti-Virus

Anti-virus programs work in the background and not only create their own individual tasks, but also load system processes, as for the "System.exe". Especially the load is noticeable on weak computers, and the leader in system resource consumption is Dr.Web. You only need to go to the antivirus settings and turn it off for time or forever.

Disable antivirus

You can read more about the disconnection of popular antiviruses in our article. There are detailed instructions, so even an inexperienced user will cope with this task.

Read more: Disable antivirus

Today, we reviewed three methods by which the system consumed by the system system "System.exe" is optimized. Be sure to try all the ways, at least one accurately help unload the processor.

See also: What to do if the system loads the process svchost.exe, explorer.exe, trustedinstaller.exe, system inaction

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