How to transfer files from iPhone to iPhone


How to transfer files from iPhone to iPhone

During the operation of iPhone, users work with different file formats that may occur periodically from one apple device to another. Today we will consider ways to transmit documents, music, photos and other files.

Transfer files from one iPhone to another

The method of transferring information from iPhone to iPhone, first of all, will depend on whether the phone is copied, as well as from the type of file (music, documents, photos, etc.).

Option 1: Photo

The easiest way can be transferred photos, since here developers have a large number of different copy options from one device to another. Earlier, each of the possible ways has already covered in detail on our website.

Please note that all transfer options for the photo described in the article below are also suitable when working with video recording.

Read more: How to transfer photos from the iPhone on the iPhone

Transfer photos from the iPhone on the iPhone

Option 2: Music

As for music, everything is more complicated here. If in Android devices, any music file can be easily transferred, for example, by Bluetooth, then in Apple smartphones, due to the closedness of the system, you have to search for alternative methods.

Read more: How to transfer music from the iPhone on the iPhone

Music Transfer with iPhone on iPhone

Option 3: Applications

Without which no modern smartphone can be submitted? Of course, without applications that give it various possibilities. About methods that allow you to share applications for the iPhone, we told in detail the site previously.

Read more: How to transfer an application with iPhone on the iPhone

Transferring applications with iPhone on iPhone

Option 4: Documents

Now we will analyze the situation when you need to transfer to another phone, such as a text document, archive or any other file. Here, again, the information can be transferred in different ways.

Method 1: Dropbox

In this case, you can use any cloud storage, the main thing is that it has the official application for the iPhone. One of these solutions is Dropbox.

Download Dropbox

  1. If you need to transfer files to another your Apple gadget, everything is extremely simple: download the application and on the second smartphone, and then enter the entry under your dropbox account. After the synchronization is completed, the files will be on the device.
  2. In the same situation when the file must be transferred to the apple smartphone of another user, you can resort to the provision of shared access. To do this, run on your phone Dropbox, open the "Files" tab, find the desired document (folder) and click below it by the menu button.
  3. File menu in DROPBOX

  4. In the displayed list, select "Share".
  5. Share a file in Dropbox

  6. In the "To" column, you will need to specify the user registered in Dropbox: To do this, enter its email address or login from the cloud service. Finally, select the "Send" button in the upper right corner.
  7. Providing general access to DROPBOX

  8. The user will come to e-mail and an application notification notification application. Now he can work with your selected files.

Transfer file with iPhone on iPhone via Dropbox

Method 2: Backup

If you need to transfer all the information and files on the iPhone to another your Apple smartphone, rationally use the backup feature. With it, not only applications will be transferred, but also all information (files) contained in them, as well as music, photos, videos, notes and more.

  1. To begin with, you will need to "remove" an up-to-date backup from the phone from which the documents actually are transferred. To learn how to do this, you can click on the link below.

    Read more: How to create a backup iPhone

  2. Now the second apple gadget is connected to operation. Connect it to a computer, run iTunes, and then go to the control menu by selecting the appropriate icon from above.
  3. IPhone control menu in iTunes

  4. Make sure that your Overview tab has been opened. You need to choose the "Restore from the copy" button.
  5. IPhone recovery from backup

  6. In the event that the "Find iPhone" protective function is activated on the phone, the recovery will not be launched until you deactivate it. Therefore, open the configuration on the device, select your account and go to the "icloud" section.
  7. ICLOUD Settings on iPhone

  8. In the new window you need to open the section "Find iPhone". Deactivate the operation of this tool. To make changes to force, enter the password from the account.
  9. Disable function

  10. Returning to Aytyuns, you will be prompted to choose a backup, which will be installed on the second gadget. By default, iTunes offers the latest created.
  11. Backup selection in iTunes

  12. If you have activated backup protection, specify the password to remove encryption.
  13. Turning off the backscript encryption in iTunes

  14. The computer will launch the recovery of the iPhone. On average, the process duration takes 15 minutes, but time can be increased, depending on the number of information you want to write to the phone.

IPhone recovery process via iTunes

Method 3: iTunes

Using as an intermediary a computer, various files and documents stored in applications on one iPhone can be transferred to another.

  1. To begin with, the work will be done with the phone from which the information will be copied. To do this, connect it to the computer and run the ITYUNS. Once the program identifies the device, click on the top of the window on the gadget icon that appears.
  2. Go to iPhone Control Menu via iTunes

  3. In the left area of ​​the window, go to the General Files tab. The right will appear the list of applications in which there are any files available for export. Select one mouse click the desired application.
  4. Shared iPhone Files in iTunes

  5. Once the application is selected, the list of files available in it appears on the right. To export the file of interest to the computer, it is easy enough to drag the mouse at any convenient place, for example, on the desktop.
  6. Export files from iTunes to computer

  7. The file has been successfully transferred. Now that it is on another phone, you will need to connect it to iTunes, perform steps from the first one by the third. Opening the application to which the file will be imported, simply drag it from the computer to the internal folder of your selected program.

Import files in iTunes from a computer

In the event that you know the way to transfer files from one iPhone to another, which did not enter the article, will definitely share it in the comments.

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