How to boot from a flash drive on a laptop asus


how to boot from a flash drive on a laptop asus

Asus laptops have gained popularity with its quality and reliability. The devices of this manufacturer, like many others, support booting from external media, such as flash drives. Today we will consider this procedure in detail, as well as get acquainted with possible problems and solutions.

Loading laptops asus from flash drive

In general terms, the algorithm repeats identical to all method, but there are several nuances with which we will find further.
  1. Of course, you will need the loading flash drive itself. Methods for creating such a drive are described below.

    Read more: Instructions for creating a multi-load flash drive and boot flash drive with Windows and Ubuntu

    Please note that at this stage, the problems described below in the relevant section of the article are most often arising.

  2. The next step is to configure the BIOS. The procedure is simple, however, you need to be extremely attentive.

    Read more: Setting up BIOS on Asus laptops

  3. The following should be directly loaded from an external USB drive. Provided that you did everything right in the previous step, and did not encounter problems, your laptop should be loaded correctly.

If problems are observed, read below.

Solving possible problems

Alas, but not always the process of loading from a flash drive on a laptop ASUS is successful. We will analyze the most common problems.

Bios does not see a flash drive

Perhaps the most frequent problem with the download from the USB drive. We already have an article about this problem and its decisions, so first of all we recommend that it is for it. However, on some laptop models (for example, ASUS X55A) in BIOS there are settings that need to be disconnected. This is done like this.

  1. Go to BIOS. Go to the "Security" tab, we reach the SECURE BOOT CONTROL item and turn it off by selecting "Disabled".

    Enable Launch CSM in ASUS BIOS

    To save the settings, press the F10 key and reboot the laptop.

  2. We are loaded again in the BIOS, but this time we select the BOOT tab.

    Disable Secure Boot Control in ASUS BIOS

    In it, we find the option "Launch CSM" and turn it on (position "enabled"). Press F10 again and we make a laptop restart. After these actions, the flash drive must be correctly recognized.

The second cause of the problem is characteristic of flash drives with recorded Windows 7 - this is an incorrect scheme of sections markup. For a long time, the main format was MBR, but with the release of Windows 8, the main position took GPT. To deal with the problem, restart your flash drive RUFUS, selecting the "MBR for computers with BIOS or UEFI" in the "MBR for computers and a UEFI" option, and install "FAT32" in the "FAT32" file system.

Installing the MBR schema for BIOS and UEFI in RUFUS to load a laptop with ASUS

The third reason is the problems with the USB port or the flash drive itself. Check first the connector - connect the drive to another port. If the problem is observed, check the flash drive by inserting it in the obviously working connector on another device.

During booting from the flash drive, the touchpad and keyboard do not work

A rare problem is characteristic of laptops of the newest versions. Solving it up to an absurd simple - connect external control devices to free USB connectors.

See also: What to do if the keyboard does not work in the BIOS

As a result, we note that in most cases the process of loading from flash drives on the laptops ASUS passes without failures, and the problems mentioned above is rather an exception to the rule.

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