How to view files flash drives on laptop


how to view files flash drives on laptop

Flash drives are now the main means for transferring and storing information ahead of the previously popular optical discs and external hard drives. Some users, however, have problems viewing the contents of USB carriers, in particular, on laptops. Our today's material is designed to help such users.

Ways to view the contents of flash drives

First of all, we note that the procedure for opening a Flash drive to further view the files on it is the same for both laptops and stationary PCs. There are 2 options to view the data recorded on the USB flash drive: using third-party file managers and Windows system tools.

Method 1: Total Commander

One of the most popular file managers for Windows, of course, has all the necessary functionality to work with flash drives.

  1. Run Thotal Commander. Above each of the operating panels is a block in which the buttons with images of available drives are indicated. Flash drives are displayed in it with an appropriate icon.

    Open a flash drive for viewing in the Total Commander drives selection unit

    Click on the desired button to open your media.

    Alternative option - select a USB drive in the drop-down list, located on the left above the working panel.

  2. Select a flash drive to view through the drop-down list of drives in Total Commander

  3. The contents of the flash drive will be available for viewing and diverse manipulations.
  4. Files on a flash drive open to view on a laptop through Total Commander

    As you can see, nothing complicated - the procedure takes only a few clicks with mouse.

    Method 2: Far Manager

    Another third-party "conductor", this time from the creator of the archiver WinRar Evgeny Roshala. Despite several archaic views, it is well suited to work with removable drives.

    1. Run the program. Press the ALT + F1 key combination to open the disk selection menu in the left pane (for the right panel, the combination will be Alt + F2).

      Open disk menu to select flash drives for viewing in Far Manager

      Using the arrows or mouse, find your USB flash drive in it (such media are designated as "* Disc letter *: replaceable"). Alas, but no differentiation of flash drives and external hard drives in the headlight manager, so it remains only to try everything in order.

    2. After selecting the desired media, double-click on its name or press ENTER. A list of files contained on the flash drive opens.

      Open For viewing File flash drives in Far Manager

      As in the case of Total Commander, files can be opened, modify, move, or copy to other storage media.

    3. In this method, there are also no difficulties other than the unusual modern interface user.

      Method 3: Windows system tools

      On Microsoft operating systems, official support for flash drives appeared even in Windows XP (on previous versions it is necessary to additionally install updates and drivers). Consequently, on topical Windows (7, 8 and 10) there is everything you need to open and view flash drives.

      1. If your autorun is allowed in the system, then the corresponding window will appear when the flash drive is connected to the laptop.

        Open a flash drive to view files on a laptop through autorun

        You should click "Open folder to view files".

        If the autorun is prohibited, click "Start" and right-click on the "My Computer" item (otherwise "Computer", "This computer").

        Select a start-computer to open a flash drive to view files on a laptop

        In the window with displayed drives, pay attention to the "device with removable carriers" block - it is in it that is your flash drive, indicated by the corresponding icon.

        USB flash drive ready for opening and viewing files in my computer

        Double-click on it to open media for viewing.

      2. The USB flash drive opens as a regular folder in the "Explorer" window. The contents of the drive can be viewed or carrying out any available actions.

      Files on a flash drive, open to view on a laptop with standard means

      This method will suit users who are accustomed to the standard "conductor" windows and do not want to install additional software on their laptops.

      Possible problems and methods to eliminate them

      Sometimes when you connect a flash drive or attempts to open it for viewing, different kinds of failures occur. Let's consider the most common of them.

  • The flash drive is not recognized by the laptop

    The most common problem. It is considered in detail in the relevant article, so we will not stop in detail on it.

    Read more: manual in case the computer does not see a flash drive

  • When connected, a message appears with an error "Invalidly specified folder name"

    Nead, but unpleasant problem. Its appearance can be caused by both a software failure and hardware fault. Check out the article below to find out the details.

    Lesson: Eliminate the error "Invalidly specified folder name" when connecting a flash drive

  • Connected flash drive requires formatting

    Probably, during the previous use, you removed the flash drive incorrectly, because of which its file system was faced. Anyway, format the drive will have to, however, it is possible to pull out at least part of the files.

    Read more: How to save files if the flash drive does not open and asks to format

  • The drive is connected correctly, but inside empty, although there must be files

    Such a problem also arises for several reasons. Most likely, the USB carrier is infected with a virus, but do not worry, the way to return your data is.

    Read more: What to do if the files on the flash drive are not visible

  • Instead of files on flash drive labels

    This is definitely the work of the virus. It is not too dangerous for the computer, but still it is able to label. Musture yourself and return the files yet without much difficulty.

    Lesson: Correct Labels instead of files and folders on a flash drive

Summing up, we note that, subject to the use of safe removal of drives after working with them, the likelihood of any problems is striving for zero.

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