How to install Windows 10 on Windows Phone


How to install Windows 10 on Windows Phone

All Windows Phone users looked forward to the release of the tenth version of the OS, but, unfortunately, not all smartphones received an update. The fact is that the last windows has some functions that are not supported by certain models.

Install Windows 10 on Windows Phone

On the official Microsoft website there is a list of devices that can be updated to Windows 10. This procedure is pretty light, so there should be no problems with it. You just need to download a special application, provide permission to update and update the device through the settings.

List of supported devices to update to windows 10

If your smartphone does not support the latest version of Windows, but you still want to try it, it is worth using the second way from this article.

Method 1: Installation on supported devices

Before the procedure for updating the supported device, it is necessary to charge it completely or at all on charging, connect to stable Wi-Fi, free up of about 2 GB of space in the internal memory and update all the necessary applications. This will help avoid further problems on the new OS. Also remember to back up your data.

  1. Download the UPGRADE ADVISOR program from the "store" (update Assistant).
  2. Open it and click "Next" so that the application verifies the presence of update.
  3. Start update check for Windows Phone in a special application

  4. The search process will begin.
  5. The process of checking the availability of updates to Windows 10 for Windows Phone

  6. If the components are found, you will see the corresponding message. Mark the item "Allow ..." and tap "Next".
  7. How to install Windows 10 on Windows Phone 7734_5

    If the application does not find anything, you will see the message of the following content:

    Message about the impossibility of updating the current device to Windows 10

  8. After you give permission, go to the settings on the "Update and Security" path - "phone update".
  9. Tap to "Check for updates".
  10. Check availability in Windows Phone Update

  11. Now click "Download".
  12. Run download updates to Windows 10 for Windows Phone

  13. Upon completion of the download process, go to the installation of the loaded components by pressing the corresponding button.
  14. Running Windows 10 installation for Windows Phone

  15. Take the Terms of License Agreement on the use of software.
  16. Adoption of the Terms of License Agreement for installing Windows 10 for Windows Phone

  17. Wait until the end of the process. He can take about an hour.

If the update procedure lasts more than two hours, it means that a failure has occurred and you will have to do data recovery. Contact a specialist if you are not sure what you do everything right.

Method 2: Installation on unsupported devices

You can also set the latest version of OS on the unsupported device. At the same time, those functions that the device supports will work correctly, but other possibilities may remain unavailable or create additional problems.

These actions are quite dangerous and only you are responsible for them. You can harm your smartphone or some operating system functions will not work incorrectly. If you do not have the experience of unlocking the additional features of the system, restore data and edit the registry, we do not recommend using the method described below.

Unlocking additional features

First you need to make Interop Unlock, which gives more opportunities to work with your smartphone.

  1. Install the Interop Tools smartphone from the store to your smartphone, and then open it.
  2. Go to "This Device".
  3. Transition to Device Setup in Interop Tools application for Windows Phone

  4. Open the side menu and click on "Interop Unlock".
  5. Transition to Interop Unlock in Interop Tools application for Windows Phone

  6. Activate the "Restore NDTKSVC" parameter.
  7. Configuring Windows Phone in Interop Tools

  8. Restart the device.
  9. Open the app and go to the old way.
  10. Enable the "Interop / Cap Unlock" options, New Capability Engine Unlock.
  11. Changing the parameters in the Interop Tools program for Windows Phone

  12. Reboot again.

Preparation and installation

Now you need to prepare for installing Windows 10.

  1. Disable auto-update programs from the "Store", charge the smartphone, connect to stable Wi-Fi, free the minimum of 2 GB of space and make a backup of important files (described above).
  2. Open Interop Tools and go along the path "This Device" - "Registry Browser".
  3. Next you need to go to


  4. Now write down the meanings of the PhoneManufacturer components, "PhoneManufacturerModelname", "PhoneModelname", "PhoneharDwareVariant". You will edit them, so just in case, especially if you want to recover everything back, this information must be at your hand, in a safe place.
  5. Next, replace them with others.
    • For a single smartphone

      PhoneManufacturer: MicrosoftMDG.


      PHONEMODELNAME: Lumia 950 XL


    • For a two-minute smartphone

      PhoneManufacturer: MicrosoftMDG.


      PHONEMODELNAME: Lumia 950 XL Dual SIM


    You can also use the keys to other supported devices.

    • Lumia 550.


      PhoneManufacturer: MicrosoftMDG.


      PHONEMODELNAME: Lumia 550

    • Lumia 650.


      PhoneManufacturer: MicrosoftMDG.


      PHONEMODELNAME: Lumia 650

    • Lumia 650 ds.


      PhoneManufacturer: MicrosoftMDG.



    • Lumia 950.


      PhoneManufacturer: MicrosoftMDG.


      PHONEMODELNAME: Lumia 950

    • Lumia 950 ds.


      PhoneManufacturer: MicrosoftMDG.


      PHONEMODELNAME: Lumia 950 Dual SIM

  6. Restart your smartphone.
  7. Now turn on the receipt of new assemblies along the "Parameters" path - "Update and Security" - "Preference Program".
  8. Restart the device again. Check if the "Fast" parameter is selected, and reboot again.
  9. Check the availability of the update, download and install it.
  10. As you can see, install Windows 10 on unsupported lumies is quite difficult and generally risky for the device itself. You will need some experience in such actions, as well as attentiveness.

Now you know how to update Lumia 640 and other models to Windows 10. On supported smartphones are easiest to install the latest version of the OS. With other devices, the situation is more difficult, but they can also be updated if you apply certain tools and skills.

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