How to throw a game from a flash drive to a computer


how to throw a game from a flash drive to a computer

A modern computer is a device for performing a variety of tasks - both workers and entertainment. One of the most popular types of entertainment are video games. The game in our time occupies large volumes - both in the prescribed form and being packaged in the installer. For this reason, it is not always convenient to load them again when, let's say a change of computer. To facilitate and speed up the process, the game files can be recorded on the USB flash drive and use it to be transferred to another machine.

Features of copying games on flash drives

Before we proceed to describe the methods of moving games from a USB drive to a PC, we note several important nuances.
  1. The main difficulty when moving games on a flash drive and from it to another computer represents volumes. The modern video game in the prescribed form takes an average of 30 to 100 (!) GB, so we recommend that you store the capacker at least 64 GB, formatted into the EXFAT or NTFS file system.

    Moving games from a removable storage device on a PC

    The process of transferring the game from a flash drive to a computer is no different from copying other types of files. Consequently, we can use third-party solutions or to do with system means.

    Method 1: Total Commander

    Third-party file manager Total Commander allows you to significantly simplify the process of moving games from computers to flash drives and vice versa.

    1. Open Total Commander. Use the left panel to go to the folder in which the resources of the game should be placed.
    2. Open the folder where the game will be placed in Total Commander

    3. In the right pane, go to the USB flash drive. We highlight the desired files, the easiest to the left mouse button with the Ctrl pinch key.

      Open folder with flash drive in Total Commander

      Selected files are highlighted, and their names change the color to pink.

    4. Press the "F5 - Copy" button (or the F5 key on the keyboard) to copy files to the folder selected in the left pane. This window will appear.

      Copying window folder with flash drives to computer in Total Commander

      Check if the location corresponds to the desired, and proceed by clicking on OK. In the same way, copy the preservation folder if required.

    5. Ready - Files are in place.

      Copied folder with game flash drive to computer in Total Commander

      Check the performance of the game by running its executable file. If everything is in order - the USB flash drive can be disconnected from the computer.

    Method 2: Far Manager

    Another alternative to the "conductor", headlight manager, also perfectly cope with the task.

    1. Open the application. As in the method with Total Commander, in the left pane, select the final location of the folder with a copy of the game. To do this, press Alt + F1 to go to the disk selection.

      Selecting a destination disk to move the folder with the game from a flash drive on a PC to Far Manager

      By selecting the desired, go to the folder to which the game directory will be placed.

    2. Selection of the destination directory to move the folder with the game from the flash drive to the PC in Far Manager

    3. In the right pane, go to the flash drive connected to the PC. Click Alt + F2 and select the disk with the label "Changeable".

      Select a flash drive to move the folder with the game with PC in Far Manager

      We highlight the folder with the singular click of the right mouse button and select "Copy" in the context menu.

    4. Copying the game folder to move from a flash drive on a PC in Far Manager

    5. Go to the left panel with an open destination folder. Click the right mouse button, and then "insert".
    6. Moving the folder with the game from a flash drive on a PC in Far Manager

    7. At the end of the process, the folder with the game will be in the right place.

    Method 3: Windows system tools

    Old good "Explorer", the default file manager, is also able to cope with the task of transferring the game from the flash drive to the PC.

    1. By connecting the drive to the computer, open the "Start" and select the "Computer" item in it.

      Open Start Computer For Access Flash

      In the window that opens with available information storage devices, select an external Flash drive (they are designated by a special icon) and double-click on it to open.

      Open a flash drive with the game with my computer

      If autorun is allowed in your system, simply click on the "Open folder to view files" in the window that appears when the flash drive is connected.

    2. Open a flash drive with a game using autorun

    3. All the same, through the "Computer" point, go to the directory in which you want to throw the game files and / or saving. Transfer there with any accessible way, the simplest drag and drop.

      Reduce the folder with the game from the flash drive in the destination directory

      Summing up the foregoing, we recall another important fact - the usual movement or copying will not be able to transfer licensed games to another computer. The exception is to be acquired in the style - to run them, you will need to enter your account on this computer and verify the game files.

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