Download Drivers for Epson L800


Download Drivers for Epson L800

Any printer needs in the presence of a special software installed in the system. Without it, the device simply will not work regularly. The article will discuss the ways of installing the driver for the Epson L800 printer.

Ways to install software for the Epson L800 printer

To install the software, there are different ways: you can download the installer itself from the official website of the company, to use special applications for this or install the installation using standard OS funds. All this will be described in detail on the text.

Method 1: Epson Site

To begin search will be wisely from the official site of the manufacturer, so:

  1. Go to the site page.
  2. Click on the top panel on the "Drivers and Support" item.
  3. Button to go to the driver selection menu for Epson on the company's official website

  4. Search for the desired printer, scoring its name in the field to enter and pressing "Search",

    Perform the search driver for the Epson printer ... by its name on the official website of the company

    Or choosing a model from the list of category "Printers and MFP".

  5. Execute the search driver for the Epson printer ... by type of its device on the official website of the company

  6. Click on the name of the desired model.
  7. Select the desired Epson printer on the official website of the company

  8. On the page that opens, expand the "Drivers, Utilities" drop-down list, specify the version and the discharge of the OS, in which the installation of software is assumed and click "Download".
  9. driver download page for an Epson printer is not official website

The driver installer will be loaded on the PC in the zip archive. Using the archiver, remove the folder from it to any convenient directory for you. After that, go to it and open the installer file, which is called "L800_X64_674HOMEEXPORTASIA_S" or "L800_X86_674HOMEEXPORTASIA_S", depending on the battery of Windows.

After completing all these actions, restart the computer to start working with the printer software.

Method 2: Official program from Epson

In the previous way, an official installer was used to install on the Epson L800 printer, but the manufacturer also proposes to solve the task to use a special program that itself in automatic mode defines the model of your device and installs the corresponding software for it. It is called - Epson Software Updater.

Application Downloads page

  1. Follow the above link to go to the program download page.
  2. Click the "download" button, which is located under the list of supported versions of Windows.
  3. Button to download Epson Software Updater

  4. Go to the file manager to the directory where the program installer was downloaded, and start it. If a message appears on the screen in which the permission will be requested to open the selected application, click "Yes."
  5. Providing permission to launch EPSON Software Updater

  6. At the first stage of the installation, you need to agree with the terms of the license. To do this, set the mark next to the Agree item and click OK. Please note that the text of the license can be viewed in different translations, using the Language List to change the language.
  7. Adoption of the terms of the license agreement when installing the Epson Software Updater program

  8. Installing the Epson Software Updater program will be installed, after which it will automatically open. Immediately after that, the system is scanning for the manufacturer's printers connected to the computer. If you use the EPSON L800 printer, it will be determined automatically if several, you can select the desired drop-down list.
  9. Select the printer model in Epson Software Updater

  10. By defining the printer, the program will offer software to install. Note, the top table contains programs that are recommended to be installed, and in the lower additional software. It is in the top and the necessary driver will be located, so put the marks next to each item and click the "Install Item" button.
  11. Selecting software for installation in Epson Software Updater

  12. Preparation for the installation will begin, during which a familiar window may appear asking for permission to launch special processes. Like last time, click Yes.
  13. Take the license conditions by putting a mark next to the "Agree" and clicking OK.
  14. Adopting a license license when installing the driver for the Epson L800 printer via the Epson Software Updater program

  15. If you have selected the printer driver alone to install, then the process of installing it will start, but it is possible that you have been asked to install the directly updated device firmware. In this case, you will appear in front of you with its description. Having read it with him, click the "Start" button.
  16. The first window of the EPSON L800 printer firmware installer via the Epson Software Updater program

  17. The installation of all firmware files will begin. During this operation, do not disconnect the device from the computer and do not turn it off.
  18. After installation is completed, press the "FINISH" button.
  19. Epson L800 Printer Firmware Installation Process

You will fall on the Main Screen of the Epson Software Updater program, where the window will open with the notification of successful installation into the system of the entire selected software. Click the OK button to close it and restart the computer.

The last stage of installing the firmware for the Epson L800 printer in the Epson Software Updater program

Method 3: Software from third-party developers

Alternative to Epson Software Updater can perform applications for automatic driver update created by third-party developers. With their help, you can install the software not only for the Epson L800 printer, but also for any other hardware connected to the computer. Applications of this type there are many, and with the best of them you can read by clicking on the link below.

Read more: Programs for installing drivers in Windows

DRIVERPACK Solution program for automatic updating all equipment drivers

The article presents many applications, but for most users the undoubted favorite is Driverpack Solution. He received such popularity due to a huge database, which contains a wide variety of hard drivers. It is noteworthy that in it can be found by the support of which even the manufacturer scored. You can familiarize yourself with the manual for using this application by clicking on the link below.

Lesson: how to install drivers using the Driverpack Solution program

Method 4: Search driver for his ID

If you do not want to install additional software on your computer, it is possible to download the driver itself installer using the Epson L800 printer identifier to search it. The values ​​are as follows:

Lptenum \ epsonl800d28d.

USBPRINT \ Epsonl800d28d.

PPDT \ Printer \ Epson

Knowing the equipment number, it must be entered into the search string of the service, whether Devid or GetDRivers. By clicking the "Find" button, in the results you will see available for downloading the driver of any version. It remains to download the desired on PC, after which make it installation. The installation process will be similar to what is shown in the first method.

Search driver for the Epson L800 printer through its ID on devid

Of the advantages of this method, I want to allocate one feature: you load the installer directly on the PC, which means that it can be used in the future without connecting to the Internet. That is why it is recommended to save the backup on the flash drive or other drive. You can read more with all aspects of this method in the article on the site.

Read more: How to install the driver, knowing the equipment ID

Method 5: full-time

The driver can be installed using standard Windows tools. All actions are performed through the element of the "Device and Printers" system, which is in the "Control Panel". To take advantage of this way, do the following:

  1. Open the Control Panel. This can be done via the "Start" menu by selecting the same item in the list of all programs from the "OBJECT" directory.
  2. Start the control panel through the Start menu

  3. Select "Devices and Printers".

    Selecting the device and printers in the control panel

    If the display of all elements is in categories, you need to follow the link "View devices and printers".

  4. Link View devices and printers in the control panel

  5. Click the "Adding Printer" button.
  6. Adding printer button in Devices and Printers

  7. A new window will appear, in which the process of scanning a computer will be displayed for the availability of equipment connected to it. When Epson L800 is found, you need to choose it and click "Next", after which, following the simple instructions, install the software. If Epson L800 is not found, follow the link "The required printer is missing in the list".
  8. Link The required printer is missing in the Add Device list

  9. You need to set the parameters of the device being added manually, so select the appropriate item from the proposed and click "Next".
  10. Selecting the Add Local or Network Printer with the rights specified manually in the Printer Setup menu

  11. Select from the "Use Existing Port" list, the port to which your printer is connected or will be connected in the future. You can also create it yourself by selecting the appropriate item. After all, click "Next".
  12. Select the printer port in the Printer Setup menu

  13. Now you need to determine the manufacturer (1) of your printer and its model (2). If for some reason Epson L800 is missing, click the Windows Update Center button to replenish them. After all, click the Next button.
  14. Select the Epson L800 printer model for further installation of its driver in the Printer Setup menu

It will only remain to enter the name of the new printer and click "Next", thereby running the process of installing the appropriate driver. In the future, you will need to restart the computer so that the system began to work correctly with the device.


Now, knowing five options for searching and downloading the driver for the Epson L800 printer, you will be able to install on your own without resorting to the help of specialists. In conclusion, I would like to note that the first and second ways are priority, as they imply the installation of official software from the manufacturer's website.

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