How to Clean the Ribbon in Odnoklassniki


How to Clean the Ribbon in Odnoklassniki

An indispensable attribute of any social network, including classmates, is a news tape. In it we see what actions made our friends and what happened in the groups in which we are. But over time and friends and communities can become a lot. And then the tape arises confusion and excess information.

Clean the ribbon in classmates

With the overload of the news feed, fairly clogged messages about all kinds of events, users of classmates arise the need to produce "general cleaning" and streamline incoming alerts. Consider how it can be done.

Method 1: Deleting events from friends

First, let's try to clean the ribbon from the events that have come across friends. You can delete alert one by one, and you can completely disable the display of all events from any user.

  1. We go to the OK website, our news tape goes down in the central part of the page. You can get into it by clicking the "Ribbon" button in the left column.
  2. Entrance to the news feed in classmates

  3. List news, find the post of a friend you want to delete. We bring the mouse to the cross in the upper right corner of the message. The inscription appears: "Remove the event from the tape." Click on this string.
  4. Remove the event from the tape on the site classmates

  5. The selected event is hidden. In the drop-down menu, you can completely cancel the display of news from this friend by choosing the item "Hide all events and discussion of the name" and putting a tick in the field opposite it.
  6. Hide friend events on classmates

  7. You can cancel only the census of your friend from a particular user, putting a mark in the corresponding square.
  8. Cancel Disposal Display on Odnoklassniki

  9. Finally, you can complain to the administration of the social network, if the content exhibited does not correspond to your ideas about decency.
  10. Complaint of the administration of Odnoklassniki.

  11. Next, we continue to move along the ribbon, removing unnecessary alerts to you.

Method 2: Cleaning Events in groups

It is possible to delete separate events in your groups. Here, too, everything is extremely simple.

  1. We enter the site to your page, at the beginning of the news feed, turn on the "Group" filter.
  2. Search for groups on ribbon in classmates

  3. We find on the ribbon a message from the group, the alert from which you decided to remove. By analogy with friends, click on the cross on the right, the inscription "dislike" appears.
  4. Removing a message from the group on the ribbon in classmates

  5. The selected event from the group is removed. Here you can also complain to the content of the post.

Method 3: Disable alerts from the group

You can completely disable events alerts in the specific group in which you are. Let's see how to do it.

  1. On your page in the left post, choose the "groups".
  2. Entrance to the group in classmates

  3. On the next page on the left side, click "My Groups".
  4. Transition to my groups on the site classmates

  5. We find a community, alerts about events in which we do not want to see more in our tape. We go to the title page of this group.
  6. Entrance to your group in classmates

  7. To the right of the "Participant" button, we see the icon with three horizontal points, bring the mouse to it and in the menu that appears click "exclude from the tape".
  8. Exception from the ribbon group in classmates

  9. Ready! Now events in this community will not be displayed in your news feed.

Method 4: Deleting events from a friend in applications

In mobile applications from classmates, there are also tools for cleaning the tape. Differences from the site, of course, is.

  1. We open the application, log in, go to the tape.
  2. Entrance to the ribbon in the mobile application Odnoklassniki

  3. Find an alert from the friend we want to clean. Click on the icon with points and select "Hide Event" in the menu.
  4. Clearing Events in Mobile Application Ribbon Classmates

  5. In the next menu, you can completely unsubscribe from displaying all events of this friend in your ribbon by putting a mark in the field and clicking the "Hide" button.
  6. Unsubscribe from all the events of a friend in mobile application classmate

Method 5: Disable alert from the group in applications

In applications for Android and iOS, it is possible to fully unsubscribe from alerts about what is happening in communities, whose participants you are.

  1. On the main page of the application, go to the "Group" tab.
  2. Go to groups in mobile application Odnoklassniki

  3. Moving to the "My" section and find a community, the alerts from which you are not needed in the tape.
  4. My groups in mobile app classmates

  5. We enter this group. Davim on the "Set up subscription" button, then in the column "Subscribe to the ribbon" by moving the slider to the left.
  6. Removing a group of ribbons in a mobile application classmates

As you were convinced, clean the news feed on your page in classmates is easy. And if users or groups are too tensioned, then maybe it's easier to simply remove a friend or exit the community?

READ ALSO: Turn off the alerts in classmates

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