How to install windows 7 on the GPT disk


How to install windows 7 on the GPT disk

The style of the MBR sections was used in physical drives since 1983, but today the GPT format came to a shift. Thanks to this, it is now possible to create more partitions on the hard disk, operations are performed faster, and the rate of recovery of damaged sectors has increased. Installing Windows 7 on the GPT disk has a number of its features. In this article we will consider in detail them.

How to install windows 7 on the GPT disk

The process of installing the operating system is not complicated, but the preparation of this task is difficult for some users. We divided the entire process into several simple stages. Let's consider in detail every step.

Step 1: Preparation of the Drive

If you have a disk with a copy of Windows or a licensed flash drive, you don't need to prepare the drive, you can immediately move to the next step. In another case, you personally create a bootable USB flash drive and install it from it. Read more about this process in our articles.

Next, the standard installation of the operating system will start, during which you will not need to perform additional actions, just wait for it to complete. Please note that the computer will be rebooted several times, it will automatically start and the installation will continue.

Step 4: Install Drivers and Programs

You can pre-download a flash drive program for installing drivers or a separate driver for your network card or motherboard, and after connecting to the Internet, download everything you need from the official site of the manufacturer of components. Included with some laptops there is a disc with official firewood. It is enough to insert it into the drive and install.

Installing Drivers With Driver Pack Solution

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Search and installation driver for network card

Most users are refused by the Standard Internet Explorer web browser, replacing it with other popular browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex.Browser or Opera. You can download the browser you like and download the antivirus and other necessary programs through it.

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In this article, we examined in detail the process of preparing the computer to install Windows 7 on the GPT disk and described the installation process itself. Carefully following the instructions, even an inexperienced user can easily perform installation.

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