Issch.exe shipping processor


ISSCH EXE shipping processor

Issch.exe is the system process of the InstallShield tool, which is used during the installation of programs on Windows. The process in question is intended specifically to search and install updates, so it often refers to the Internet. In some cases, it begins to ship the system. In this article, we will consider the main reasons for this and we describe several solutions.

Solving Problem: Process Issch.exe Surgical CPU

If you open a task manager and see that Issch.exe consumes too many system resources, this indicates faults in the system or disguised virus under the type of process. There are several simple ways to solve the problem that has arisen, let's look at each of them.

Method 1: Cleaning from viruses

Typically, the process under consideration does not tend to load the system, but if it happened, then first of all, you should check the computer for viruses and hidden miners programs. The main confirmation of the system infection is the modified Issch.exe path. It is possible to determine this personally in just a few actions:

  1. Hold the CTRL + SHIFT + ESC key combination and wait for the task manager launch.
  2. Open the Processes tab, locate the required line and click on the PCM. Select "Properties".
  3. Process Properties Windows 7 Task Manager

  4. In the General tab, the following path should be specified in the "Location" string:

    View the location of the process in Windows 7

    C: \ Program Files \ COMMON Files \ InstallShield \ UpdateService

  5. If you have a way different, it means you need to urgently check the computer to viruses in any way convenient for you. If the threats were not detected, it means immediately go to the consideration of the third and fourth method, where we will tell about how to disable or delete this process.
  6. Read more: Fighting computer viruses

Method 2: Cleaning garbage and registry optimization

Sometimes climbing on the computer of the garbage files and the wrong operation of the registry leads to the fact that some processes begin to heat the system strongly concerns it and issch.exe. Therefore, we recommend cleaning Windows using the CCleaner program. Read more about this in our article by reference below.

Cleaning the computer from garbage in CCleaner

Read more:

How to clean the computer from garbage using the CCleaner program

Cleaning Windows 10 from garbage

Check Windows 10 for errors

As for the registry cleansing, it is also simple. It is enough to choose one of the convenient programs and carry out the necessary procedure. Full list of suitable software and detailed instructions can be found in our article by reference below.

Search for registry errors in CCleaner

Read more: How to Clean Windows Registry from Errors

Method 3: Turning off the process

Usually, Issch.exe is started from autoload, so it turns off it and occurs through the configuration of the system configuration. This can be done for several actions:

  1. Hold the Win + R key combination, enter into the MSCONFIG string and click on OK.
  2. Go to Windows 7 configuration

  3. In the window that opens, move to the "Autoload" tab, find the "InstallShield" string and remove the checkbox near it.
  4. Windows 7 startup parameters

  5. Before going out, do not forget to click on "Apply" to save the changes.
  6. Saving Windows 7 Startup changes

Now it's enough to restart the computer, and this process should no longer be launched. However, in some cases, especially when it is a disguised virus or Mainer program, this task can still run automatically, so you need to perform more radical measures.

Method 4: Rename File

Perform this method only when the previous three did not bring any results, because it is radical and to be restored only by manually by reverse action. To stop the constant start of the process, you will need to rename the application file. This can be done as follows:

  1. Press CTRL + SHIFT + ESC hotkeys and wait for the task manager.
  2. Here, move to the Processes tab, find the required string, click on it PCM and select "Open the file storage location".
  3. Open the file storage location in Windows 7 Task Manager

  4. Do not close the folder as you need to perform a manipulation with the ISSCH application.
  5. Windows 7 file storage location

  6. Return to the task manager, click on the right mouse button and select "End Process".
  7. Complete the process in Windows 7 Task Manager

  8. Quickly, until the program has started again, rename the file in the folder by setting it an arbitrary name.
  9. Rename the file in Windows 7

Now the process will not be able to start until you rename the application file back to ISSCH.

As you can see, in correcting an error with the download of the CPU, the Issch.exe process has nothing complicated, you only need to find out the reason for the emergence of a problem and take appropriate measures. You do not need any additional knowledge or skills, just follow the instructions and everything will turn out.

See also: What to do if the processor loads the process mscorsvw.exe, the process of system, the process wmiprvse.exe

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