How to clean the phone android from unnecessary files


how to clean the phone android from unnecessary files

One of the unpleasant features of the Android OS is an inefficient use of memory storage. Simply put - the internal drive and the SD card are clogged with garbage files that do not bring any benefit. Today we will tell you how to deal with this problem.

How to Clear Device from Unnecessary Files

There are several methods for cleaning the memory of the device from garbage - using third-party applications and system tools. Let's start with applications.

Method 1: SD MAID

The program, the main purpose of which is the liberation of drives from unnecessary information. It is easy to work with her.

Download SD MAID

  1. After installing the application, open it. Tabay on the "Garbage" tab.
  2. Exterior view of the main SD MAID window

  3. Carefully read the recommendations that left the developers of the MEID SD, then press the button in the lower right corner.
  4. Trash Tab in SD MAID

  5. If you have root access, issue it an application. If not, the system scanning system will begin for trash files. At the end, see the picture similar to the screenshot below.

    General list of garbage files found SD MAID

    Yellow marked files that can be safely deleted (as a rule, these are technical components of remote applications). Red - user information (for example, customer cache Vkontakte like vk coffee). You can check the files of files in one way or another by pressing the gray button with the "I" symbol.

    Button with details of the file deleted in SD MAID

    Single pressing on this or that item will start the removal dialog. To remove the whole garbage with a time, simply press the red button with the image of the garbage tank.

  6. Clear All button in the SD MAID application

  7. You can then click on the menu button in the upper left corner.

    Output button Main menu SD MAID

    It can, for example, find duplicates of files, clear the information of custom applications and other, however, for most options presented there, the options need a full version, so we will not stop in detail on this.

  8. At the end of all procedures, simply leave the application by double pressing the "Back" button. After some time, the manipulation should be repeated, since the memory is contaminated periodically.
  9. This method is good for its simplicity, however, for a more complete and accurate removal of unnecessary functionality files, the free version of the application is still not enough.

Method 2: CCleaner

Android version of the famous garbage cleaner for Windows. Like the older version, is distinguished by speed and convenience.

Download CCleaner

  1. Open the installed application. After the introductory instructions, the main program window will appear. Press the "Analysis" button at the bottom of the window.
  2. Running memory analysis for garbage files in the CCleaner application

  3. At the end of the verification process, a data list appears that the program algorithms found suitable for removal. For convenience, they are divided into categories.
  4. Categories of garbage files in the CCleaner application

  5. Pressing any of them will open file details. They can remove a separate element without affecting the rest.
  6. Details about cached files in the CCleaner application

  7. To clean everything entirely in a separate category, select it, putting a tick in the square on the right, then click on the "Clear" button.
  8. Selection to remove garbage in CCleaner application

  9. In the category "Manual Cleaning" there are data in the firmware of applications, such as Google Chrome and YouTube Client.

    Manual cleaning category of unnecessary information in the CCleaner application

    Sicliner has no permissions for cleaning files such applications, so the user is invited to remove them manually. Be careful - program algorithms can calculate unnecessary bookmarks or saved pages!

  10. As in the SD MAID method, it is recommended to periodically re-scan the system for garbage.
  11. CCleaner for a number of parameters is preferable to the MEID SD, however, in some aspects (this applies primarily to the cached information) it works worse.

Method 3: Clean Master

One of the most popular and trusted Android applications capable of cleaning the system.

Download Clean Master

  1. Running the application, click on the "Start" button.

    Start window Clean Master application

    The process of analyzing files and search for garbage information will begin.

  2. At the end, the list divided into category will appear.

    Prepared analysis of garbage data CLEAN MASTER

    It provides rather detailed information about a particular element. As in the case of other cleaners, be careful - sometimes the application can delete and the files you need!

  3. Highlight what you want to delete, and click on "Clear Garbage".
  4. Preparation of files to delete in the Clean Master application

  5. After graduation, you can get acquainted with other options Wedge Master - you may find something interesting for yourself.
  6. Functions and features of the Clean Master application

  7. The procedure for cleaning the memory is to spend again, after a while.
  8. Among all Clean Master cleaners have the widest functionality. On the other hand, someone such opportunities may seem excessive, as well as the number of advertising.

Method 4: Systems

Android OS has built-in components for cleaning the system from unnecessary files, so if you do not want to install a third-party application - you can use them.

  1. Open the "Settings" (for example, opening the "curtain" and using the corresponding button).
  2. Android system settings in a curtain

  3. In the general settings group, find the item "Memory" and go to it.

    Memory item in system settings

    Please note that the location and the name of this item depends on the firmware and the version of Android.

  4. In the "Memory" window, we are interested in two elements - "cached data" and "other files". Wait until the system gave information about the volume occupying.
  5. Categories of cached and other files in the system component memory

  6. Pressing the "cached data" will call the removal dialog window.

    Dialog for deleting all cached data through the memory utility

    Warning - Cash will be deleted all installed applications! Save the desired information and only then click "OK".

  7. At the end of the process, go to "Other Files". Pressing this item will lead you to the likeness of the file manager. Elements can only be allocated, viewing is not provided. Highlight what you want to clean, then press the button with the garbage basket icon.
  8. Selecting and deleting an item of other files from the memory utility

  9. Ready - a considerable amount should be released in the device drives.
  10. System tools, unfortunately, work quite roughly, so for a fine-clean device from the garbage information, we still advise you to use third-party applications mentioned above.

As you can see, the task of cleaning the device from unnecessary information is solved quite simply. If you know more trash removal methods from a phone or tablet, share in the comments.

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