Why not playing music vkontakte on computer


Why not playing music in vkontakte

Custom problems associated with the refusal of the work of any social network functional VKontakte - a normal and even stable phenomenon that occur not only on this site, but also on many other resources. The composition of possible malfunctions as an inoperability of the built-in music listening to music online.

Music playback problems

Often, the malfunctions of this kind come from the user side, with rare exceptions, when the VK.COM servers are submitted. You can find out about such problems of the site by using the special service described by us in the relevant article. In addition, you can always directly contact the administration site VK.

Schedule crashes from site VKontakte

See also:


How to write in technical support

First of all, it is necessary to exclude some of the possible reasons that could cause problems with the playback of VKontakte audio recordings. The main list of negative factors includes the following most common reasons:

  • Unstable Internet connection;
  • lack of free disk space on the system section;
  • infection of the operating system by viruses;
  • malfunctions in the performance of the Internet browser;
  • Lack of workable version of Adobe Flash Player;
  • Lack of system resources.

Almost every mentioned malfunction was already considered by us in separate thematic articles on the site. You can get acquainted with the appropriate material by clicking on the links you are interested in.

If you cannot delete some problems yourself, it is recommended to consider each reason to fully.

Mandatory requirements of VKontakte

The site VK is functionally downloaded fairly, as a result of which, under certain circumstances, users may have difficulties. The most relevant this case is for those people whose computers are not capable of processing flash elements with proper speed. Moreover, it is in a number of similar negative factors that the insufficient Internet connection is included.

How to measure the speed of the Internet connection

According to statistics and recommendations of the site administration of the social network, VKontakte is the most optimal speed of over 100 KB / s, provided that a stable connection without micro-sensions. Otherwise, as the practice of many users with low-speed Internet shows, such a connection does not allow the use of most site capabilities, including audio recordings.

Read more: How to measure the speed of the Internet connection

Problems with software

Quite often, users do not reproduce audio recordings due to recent infection with viruses. At the same time, malicious programs were completely unimportant or not, since some of them have the ability to embed directly into the Internet Observer used.

Computer scanning process using Doctor Web Curelt

If you have suspicions of possible infection, it is recommended to start cleaning your operating system from infection.

Read more:

Checking Hosts File

How to check the computer for viruses without antivirus

Selection of antivirus for a weak laptop

After your system has been completely cleaned, you must double-check the performance of the music content of the VKontakte social network and, if the music still does not work, reinstall the web browser. This is done with a practically identical way, regardless of the browser used.

Error downloading audio recordings in the section Music VKontakte

Read more: How to reinstall Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex.Browser, Internet Explorer

The last aspect is the absence or malfunction of the Adobe Flash Player software components, which plays a major role when using flash elements. It is recommended to uninstall and re-install the named software, especially if recently reinstalled the operating system and the Internet browser used.

Problems with Adobe Flash Player

Read more: Basic problems Adobe Flash Player

In addition to what was said, provided you use the Internet browser, equipped with built-in additions, allowing to reduce traffic consumption, in addition, thus, the speed of page loading is recommended to turn them off and check the performance of music by VKontakte.

Read more: How to disable turbo mode in Opera and Yandex.Browser

It is also desirable to complete the deletion of cache files, depending on the web browser used.

Read more: How to remove cache in Google Chrome, Opera, Yandex.Browser and Mazil Firefox

Other comments

In addition to everything that was told in the article, it is important to take into account the possible shortage of not only system resources, but also places on the local disk from the installed OS. If you have freely less than 100 MB of disk space, it is recommended to immediately release the place, as this may lead to failure of not only the music of VKontakte, but also your system.

Lack of free space on the system disk

Read more:

How to clear the hard disk space

How to remove garbage using CCleaner

There is still a situation in which your operating system has already been damaged, as a result of which only recovery or a complete reinstallation can help.

Installing the Windows 8 operating system

See also: How to reinstall Windows for example 8 version

If you have difficulties, unresolved after reading this article, you can tell about it in the comments. We wish you all the best!

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