How to add a bookmark in opera


Bookmarks Browser Opera

Often by visiting any page on the Internet, we, after some time, we want to view it to recall certain points, or find out if the information was updated there. But the memory of the page is very difficult to restore the address, and look for it through search engines - is also not the best way out. It is much easier to save the address of the site in the browser bookmarks. It is for storing addresses of those who loved or the most important web pages this tool is intended. Let's analyze in detail how to save bookmarks in Opera browser.

Bookmark Saving Pages

Adding a site to bookmark the browser is quite frequently performed by users of the procedure, so the developers tried to make it as simple as possible and intuitive.

To add a page bookmark open in the browser window, you need to open the main menu of the opera browser, go to its section "Bookmarks", and select "Add to bookmarks" from the list that appears.

Adding to bookmarks in Opera browser

This action can be performed and easier by typing the key combination on the Ctrl + D keyboard.

After that, a message appears that the tab is added.

Bookmark Added in Opera browser

Display bookmarks

To have the most fast and convenient access to bookmarks, again go to the Opera program menu, select the "Bookmarks" section, and click on "Display Bookmarks Panel".

Enabling the display of the bookmarks panel in the Opera browser

As you can see, our bookmark appeared under the toolbar, and now we can go to a loved site, being at any other Internet resource? Literally with the help of one click.

Site on the bookmarks panel in Opera browser

In addition, with the included bookmarks panel, adding new sites is becoming even easier. You just need to click on the plus sign located in the extreme left part of the bookmarks panel.

Adding a new bookmark on the bookmarks panel in Opera browser

After that, a window appears in which you can manually change the name of the bookmarks to the more you liked, and you can leave this default value. After that, click on the "Save" button.

Editing Bookmark names in Opera browser

As you can see, the new tab also appears on the panel.

New bookmark on the bookmarks panel in Opera browser

But even if you decide to hide the bookmarks panel to leave a large monitor area by viewing sites, you can see the bookmarks using the main menu of the site, and turning into the appropriate section.

Display bookmarks through the menu in Opera browser

Editing bookmarks

Sometimes there are cases when you automatically pressed the "Save" button without correcting the name of the bookmark on the one that you would like. But this is a corrected business. In order to edit the bookmark, you need to go to the bookmark manager.

Again, open the main menu of the browser, go to the "Bookmarks" section, and click on "Show all bookmarks". Either simply type Ctrl + SHIFT + B key combination.

Transition to bookmark manager in Opera browser

The bookmark Manager opens. We bring the cursor to the record that we want to change, and click on the symbol in the form of a handle.

Changing the recording in the Opera browser beddings

Now we can change both the name of the site and its address, if, for example, the site has changed its domain name.

Editing Record in Opera Browser Browse

In addition, if you wish, the bookmark can be removed or removed in the basket by clicking on the symbol in the form of a cross.

Removing an entry in the Opera browser beddings

As you can see, working with bookmarks in the opera's brawser is extremely simple. This suggests that developers seek their technologies to the average user as close as possible.

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