How to write hashtags in instagram from the phone


How to put hashtags in instagram

Instagram is a really interesting social service, the essence of which is to publish small pictures or videos. In order for the service users to find photos on the subject of interest, such a useful tool as Hesteg is implemented. About him in the article and will be discussed.

Hesteg is a special post in Instagram, which allows you to set a snapshot one or more topics to simplify the search for yourself or other users on the information you are interested in.

Example Hestegs in Instagram

What do you need hashtags

The use of hashtegov is really wide. Here are just a few examples of their use:
  1. Promotion page. There is a fairly wide list of tags, which is used to promote your page, that is, for getting likes and new subscribers.
  2. Sort personal photos. For example, your profile has over 500 published pictures, including pictures of your favorite cat. If you assign images with a cotton one and the same unique hashtheg, which was not used before any user, then when you go on it, you will have selected pictures. So you can sort all your photos album.
  3. Sale of products. Often Instagram profile is used for commercial purposes to search for new customers. To more users find out about you, you need to set pictures of the subject of possible search. For example, if you are engaged in a manicure, then the tags like "manicure", "gel_lak", "nails", "design_nog", "Shellac" and so on should be added to each photo card with work.
  4. Participation in contests. Competitions are regularly held in Instagram, the essence of which, as a rule, is to replies or publish a specific photo and adding a given Hesteg to it.
  5. Search for services of service. It's no secret that many individual entrepreneurs and entire organizations have their own pages in Instagram, where you can track photos of products or work results, user comments and other information you are interested in.

How to put hashtegi

Writing them extremely simple. To do this, when publishing a snapshot, adding a description to it, or simply when you enter a comment, you will need to put the "#" symbol and follow the word-hashteg. When entering, the following points must be taken into account:

  • The tag must be prescribed. In the event that you need to add two or more words to Hesteg, you can register them in a pony or put between words the lower underscore, for example, "Tatumaster" or "Tattoo_Master";
  • The tag cannot use characters. This applies to both such signs, both an exclamation mark, colon, asterisk and other similar and emoticons Emodezi. The exceptions make up the lower underscore and the figures;
  • The tag can be registered in any language. You can use tags in English, Russian and any other language;
  • The maximum amount of hashtegov, which you can leave below the image, is defined in the amount of 30 pieces;
  • Divide the tags are not necessary, but it is recommended.

Publication of Hestegs in Instagram

Actually, posting a snapshot or comment on it, hashtags will be immediately applied.

How to pick up hashtags?

Method 1: Alone

The most time-consuming method that will require fantasy from you if you need to come up with a large number of labels for search.

Method 2: via the Internet

Entering in any search engine "Popular Housteg" request, a large list of resources with a finished list of labels will appear in the results. For example, on this link on the Instatag service website you can choose one of the subjects offered and get an extensive list of labels.

Search for hashtegov via instatag

Method 3: With the help of heshtegov selection services

If you need to expand the list of labels on a certain topic, then there will be specialized services for such a case. For example, using the online Ritetag service, by keyword or phrase you can find a huge list of all kinds of label variations with the assignment of each level of popularity. Based on the ranking, you can choose the most requested tags.

Automatic selection of hashtegs using Ritetag

The theme of hashtegov is interesting, and it should not be ignored if you want to have a popular page in Instagram.

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