How to add a friend in Telegraph


How to add a friend to telegrams

The list of contacts can be called the most important component of any messenger, because in the absence of interlocutors, the presence of most possibilities offered by the developers of funds to communicate, loses any meaning. Consider how to add friends to Telegram to ensure the functioning of one of the most convenient and reliable communication channels to date.

The popularity of Telegram is not least caused by a literate, simple and logical approach of developers to the implementation of the functions of the messenger. This applies to the organization of work with contacts - no difficulties in finding other participants in the system and adding them to their own list by the user does not usually occur.

Adding Friends to Telegram

Depending on which platform, the useable messenger client application is used - Android, iOS or Windows, to add friends and acquaintances to the contact list, various actions are being made to telegrams. At the same time, differences in the performance of specific steps are dictated by the features of the interface of this or that version of the means to communicate, the general principle of forming the book of contacts and the toolkit for this procedure is almost the same for all Telegram options.

Adding friends to telegrams for any OS


Telegram users for Android have formed today the most numerous audience of the participants in the information exchange of the information. Adding data on interlocutors to the list available from the android client to telegrams, occurs according to one of the following algorithms or combining them.

Method 1: Android phone book

The client of the service Telegram after its installation is quite closely interacting with Android and can use various components of the mobile OS to perform their own functions, including the "Contacts" module. The user added by the user to the phonebook android item by default is automatically appearing in Telegram and vice versa, the interlocutors from the messenger are displayed when calling "contacts" of the operating system.

Telegram for Android Synchronization of OS and Messenger Contacts

Thus, when the data of any person is entered by the user to the Android phone book, this information must already be present in the messenger. If the friends are added to "Contacts" android, but not displayed in the Telegraph, most likely, the synchronization is disabled and / or the client application is not provided with access to the desired OS component when you first start (may be prohibited later).

To correct the situation, follow these steps. The order of the menu items listed below and their names may differ depending on the version of Android (on screenshots - Android 7 Nougat), then the main thing is to understand the general principle.

  1. Open "Settings" android in any convenient way and find the "Application" section among the "Device" partition option.
  2. Telegram for Android Settings - Device - Applications

  3. In the list of installed programs, tap on the name of the "Telegram" messenger, then open the "permissions". Activate the "Contacts" switch.
  4. Telegram for Android Applications - Permissions - Activation Contacts for Synchronization

  5. Run the messenger, call the main menu (three drops in the top corner of the screen on the left), open "Contacts" and make sure that the Android phonebook content is available now in the telegram.
  6. Telegram for Android Main menu - Contacts

  7. The list of contacts in Telegram, obtained as a result of synchronization with the Android phone book, is sorted not only by name, but also by the future interlocutors of the activated account in the messenger. If the necessary person is not yet a member of the information sharing service, there is no avatar near his behalf.

    Telegram for Android Services Participants and Ensured in Contacts

    TAP by name that has not yet connected to the person's system will call a request for sending an invitation to communicate through the telegrams through SMS. The message contains a link to download service client applications for all popular platforms. After the invitation participant establishes and activates the means to communicate, it will be an accessible correspondence with it and other features.

Telegram for Android Invitation to Messenger via SMS

Method 2: Means of Messenger

Of course, the above-described synchronization of phone books android and Telegram is a convenient thing, but not for all users and not in all situations it is advisable to use only such an approach to the formation of the list of interlocutors. The messenger is equipped with a number of tools that allow you to quickly find the right person and start sharing information with it, you only need to own individual information.

Telegram for Android Adding Friends to Contacts

Call the client application menu and open "Contacts", and then use one of the following features:

  1. Invitations. If you support the connection with your friend through the social network, other messaging services, email, etc., "call" it in the telegrams is very simple. Tap "Invite Friends" on the "Contacts" screen and further - "invite to Telegram". In the list of available Internet services that appears, select the one in which the person you are interested in, and then its (it) itself (itself).

    Telegram for Android Invitation of participants through the social network

    As a result, the selected person will be sent a message containing an invitation to a conversation, as well as a link to loading the intercelter client distribution.

  2. Telegram for Android Sending an invitation message through social networks

  3. Making data into the phone book manually. If the phone number of the participant in the information exchange system under consideration is known to them as an account in the telegraph, you can create a record that contains information about the future interlocutor manually. Tap "+" on the contact control screen, specify the name and surname of the service member (not necessarily real), and, most importantly, is its mobile phone number.

    Telegram for Android Adding contact manually by phone number

    After confirming the loyalty of the entered data, the card with information will be added to the list of Telegram contacts and the chat window will automatically open. You can proceed to transmission / acceptance of messages and the use of other functions of the messenger.

  4. Search. As you know, each Telegram user may come up with and use a unique "username" in the "@userName" as part of the service. If this pseudonym, the future interlocutor said, start with him a dialogue through the messenger, using the search. Touch the image of the magnifying glass, enter the username of another participant in the system and tap the resulting result.

    Telegram for Android Search for people by user name @userName

    As a result, the dialog screen will open, that is, the participant you can immediately send a message. Save user data to your phone book, knowing only his public name in Telegram, is impossible. It is necessary to find out the mobile identifier and use item 2 of these recommendations.

Telegram for Android Send your phone number through the messenger


The owners of the iPhone that exchange information using the Telegram client for iOS, as well as in the above case with the Android version, is given a choice of several action options to add friends to the Messenger's phonebook and the beginning of communication with them. At the same time, it should be noted - the main principle for solving the question under consideration in the case of Apple's device is to synchronize telegrams with the iOS phone book.

Telegram for iPhone Synchronization of IOS and Messenger Contacts

Method 1: iPhone phone book

The iOS phonebook and the list of Telegram contacts for this OS are, in fact, the same module. If the data of people from the list formed earlier and saved to the iPhone are not displayed in the messenger, the following should be taken.

  1. Open the "Settings" of iOS, sign up the list of points down and log in to the "Privacy" section.
  2. Telegram for iPhone IOS settings - Privacy

  3. Press "Contacts" that will display the screen with the list of applications requiring access to this IOS component. Activate the switch opposite the name "Telegram".
  4. Telegram for iPhone Activation of access to contacts in iOS settings

  5. After executing the above actions, returning to the messenger and tap on the phone book call icon at the bottom of the screen, access to all persons whose data has been saved earlier in the iPhone. Tap named any contact from the list opens the chat screen.

Telegram for iPhone Module Contacts in Appendix

Method 2: Means of Messenger

In addition to synchronization with the Telegram phone book, the IOS-version of Telegram is equipped with other options that allow you to quickly add the right person to the list of your interlocutors and / or start a dialogue with him through the messenger.

  1. Invitations. Opening the list "Contacts" in Telegraph, you can find not only those persons who are already participants in the messaging service, but also those that this opportunity has not yet benefited. The option is used to prompt the option.

    Telegram for iPhone Invite friends to messenger via SMS

    Tap "Invite" at the top of the "Contacts" screen, check the desired user (s) from the list and click "Invite to Telegram". Next, confirm sending SMS with an invitation and link to download the Messenger Distribution for all OS. As soon as your friend comes with a proposal from the message, establishes and activates the application-client, the dialogue and data exchange through the messenger will be possible.

  2. Adding an identifier manually. To add phone numbers of friends, which are simultaneously logins of the information sharing service to their list of interlocutors Telegram, tap "+" on the "Contacts" screen, enter the name and surname of the participant, as well as its mobile number. After pressing "ready", a new item will appear in the list of information available to the exchange of individuals and will be possible to communicate with the "contacts" person.
  3. Telegram for iPhone Adding contacts manually by phone number

  4. Users. Search by user name "@username", which the latter determined for itself as part of the Telegram service can be carried out from the dialog screen. Tap the search field, correctly enter the alias and tap the result. The chat window will automatically open - you can proceed to the correspondence.

    Telegram for iPhone Search for people on the public name @userName

    To save the data found on the public name of the interlocutor to my contact list, you need to figure out the phone number. Exclusively users are impossible to add to the phone book, although the exchange of information with such a participant will be available at any time.


When using the Telegram client application for Windows as well as in the case of the above-described messenger options for mobile OS, when adding new items to the list of friends is initially recommended to use synchronization capabilities.

Method 1: Synchronization with Mobile Device

The main feature of Windows-option telegrams with respect to contacts can be called forced synchronization of their list with a phone book of the smartphone, which also activates the messaging user account.

Telegram for PC Windows Contacts in the application menu

Thus, the simplest method of adding a friend in Telegram for PC is to save information about it through the messenger client in the mobile OS, acting on one of the above instructions. As a result of the synchronization, the data is practically immediately after its saving in the phone, appear in the Windows application, that is, no additional actions do not need to produce.

Telegram for Windows PC Synchronization of contacts with Mobile Messenger Version

Method 2: Adding manually

Those users who use the desktop version of the Telegram application to access the service in question autonomously, and not as the "mirror" of the Android, or an iOS client on the smartphone, to add friends to the messenger, use the following action options.

  1. Making data of the future interlocutor manually:
    • Run the messenger, call it the main menu.
    • Telegram for Windows PC Calling the main application menu

    • Click "Contacts".
    • Telegram for Windows PC Menu - Contacts

    • Click "Add Contact".
    • Telegram for Windows PC Add Contact Manual

    • Specify the name and surname of the future interlocutor, as well as his phone number. Checking the correctness of the data entered, click "Add".
    • Telegram for Windows PC add contact by phone number

    • As a result, the contact list will be replenished with a new item, click on which the dialog box opens.
    • Telegram for Windows PC manually added contact in the list

  2. Global Search:
    • If the phone number of the desired person is unknown, but you know his public name "@UserName", enter this nickname in the search field "Find ...".
    • Telegram for Windows PC field search field

    • Click on the result obtained.
    • Telegram for PC Windows Search Participant on the public name @userName

    • As a result, access to the chat will open. As in other versions of the client application, telegrams, save user data to "Contacts", if it is known only to users, it is impossible, additional information is needed, that is, a mobile number identifier of the service participant.
    • Telegram for PC Windows Chat with a participant found by @userName

As we see, despite the fact that the Telegram user provides several options for adding another Member of the Messenger to its own list of contacts, almost in all cases and on any platform, the best way to use synchronization with a mobile device phone book.

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