How to flash TP-Link router


TP-LINK router firmware

Any router, like many other complex devices, is equipped with flash memory with a set of firmware, which is necessary to start, set up and functioning the device. At the manufacturer's factory, each router is stitched by the freshest at the time of the release of the BIOS version and to a certain moment of this embellished software, it is quite enough for correct operation in various operating conditions. But the manufacturer of "iron" can release a new version of the firmware with wider capabilities and correction of identified errors. So how to properly and safely flash the TP-LINK router?

The ability to independently reflash the TP-LINK router can be very useful to any user network equipment. There is nothing very difficult in this process, the main thing is to comply with the logicality and sequence of actions. Manifest healthy caution and meaningfulness, because the unsuccessful firmware can output your router in order, and you lose the right to warranty repair of the device.

So where to start? We connect a personal computer or laptop to the router via the RJ-45 cable. Wireless connection via Wi-Fi is undesirable due to the relative data instability. Ideally, carefully take care of uninterrupted power supply for a refrainable device and PC, if possible in your conditions.

  1. First, find out exactly the model of our router. If the accompanying documentation is not survived to the device, then this information can always be viewed on the back of the router housing.
  2. Model Router TP-Link

  3. Then we read on the same label and remember the version of the hardware revision of the router. Any model of the router there may be several and firmware are mutually incompatible. So be careful!
  4. Hardware revision of the TP LINK router

  5. Now we know exactly for which device we need to find a new firmware and go to the official website of the router manufacturer.
  6. Go to TP-Link website

  7. On the TP LINK website, go to the "Support" section, where we will find everything we need for the firmware of the device.
  8. Transition to support on TP LINK

  9. On the next web page, go to the "Download" block.
  10. Switch to download on TP-Link website

  11. In the search bar, you start typing the model number of your router and move to the page of this device.
  12. Search for a router on the TP LINK website

  13. Then confirm the current hardware version of your device and click on the "Built-in software" link.
  14. Built-in for the router on the TP LINK website

  15. From the list of versions of the built-in software, select the latest, most recently by date of the version and start loading the file to the hard disk of the computer or other carrier.
  16. Loading the built-in software on the TP LINK website

  17. We wait for the full load of the file and unpack it in the archiver. I remember the location of the received file in BIN format.
  18. Opening File Firmware TP-LINK

  19. Now in any Internet browser in the address bar, we recruit or and press ENTER to enter the web interface of the router. In the authentication window that appears, enter the username and password, they are identical to the default - admin.
  20. Authorization at the entrance to the router

  21. In the opened web interface of the device in the left column, click on the "System Tools" string.
  22. Transition to system settings on TP LINK router

  23. In the submenu, click on the "Firmware Upgrade" column, that is, we proceed to the process of updating the firmware of the router.
  24. Entrance to the flashing page on the TP LINK router

  25. On the right side of the page click the left mouse button on the "Overview" button to specify the path to the installation file.
  26. Select a file for firmware on the TP LINK router

  27. In the Explorer window, we find the BIN-file previously downloaded from the TP-LINK site, click on it with the LKM and confirm the selection by click on the "Open" icon.
  28. Unloading the file on the TP LINK router

  29. By clicking on the "Upgrade" button, run the upgrade of the built-in router software.
  30. Starting upgrades on TP-Link Router

  31. In a small window, finally confirm your decision to update the firmware version of your router.
  32. Confirmation of the upgrade on the TP-Link Router

  33. We are waiting for the progress of the upgrade completely. It takes a few minutes.
  34. The process of flashing on the TP LINK router

  35. The device reports the successful completion of the firmware update and goes into an automatic restart. Patiently waiting for the completion of the reboot of the router.
  36. Reboot on TP-Link Router

  37. In the graph "Embedded software" column, we see the information about the new router firmware (assembly number, date, release). Ready! You can use.

Router TP-Link reflash

Rollback to the factory firmware

In case of incorrect operation of the device with a fresh version of the embedded software and for other reasons, the user of the router can at any time roll back the firmware of the router to the factory, that is, the default installed. Read more about how to do this, you can in another article on our website, clicking on the link specified below.

Read more: Reset TP-LINK router settings

At the end of the article, let me give another little advice. At the time of upgrade Bios Router, try to exclude the use of the device for the direct purpose, for example, turning off the cable from the WAN port. Good luck!

See also: Reloading the TP-LINK router

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