Creating a boot USB flash drive with Windows 7


Boot flash drive with windows 7

Currently, CDs are increasingly losing their former popularity, giving way to other types of media. It is not surprising that now users are increasingly practicing the installation (and with accidents and download) OS from a USB drive. But for this, you should record the image of the system or installer on the installation flash drive. Let's figure it out how to do this in relation to Windows 7.

Writing a Windows 7 image on a flash drive is completed in the recording settings window in Ultraiso

Lesson: Creating a Windows bootable WINDOVS 7 in Ultraiso

Method 2: Download Tool

Next, we will look at how to solve the task with the download tool. This software product is not as popular as the previous one, but its advantage is that it is created by the same developer as installed OS - Microsoft. In addition, it should be noted that it is less universal, that is, it is suitable only for creating bootable devices, while Ultraiso can be used for many other purposes.

Download download tool from the official site

  1. After downloading, activate the installer file. In the required welcoming window of the installer utilities, click "Next".
  2. Welcome window Wizard Installation Utilities Windows 7 USB DVD Download Tool

  3. In the next window, you need to click "Install" to start directly installing the application.
  4. Running application installation in the Windows Utility Wizard window Utility 7 USB DVD DOWNLOAD TOOL

  5. The application will be implemented.
  6. Application Installation Procedure In the Windows Utility Utility Windows 7 USB DVD DOWNLOAD TOOL

  7. After the process is completed to exit the installer, press FINISH.
  8. Finishing in the installation wizard Utility Windows 7 USB DVD Download Tool

  9. After that, the utility label will appear on the "desktop". To start it, you need to click on it.
  10. Launch Windows 7 USB DVD DOWNLOAD TOOL

  11. The Utility window opens. At the first stage, you need to specify the path to the file. To do this, click "Browse".
  12. Go to the choice of operating system image file in the Windows 7 USB DVD DOWNLOAD TOOL

  13. Run the Open window. Move in it to the OS Image Location Directory, select it and press "Open".
  14. Opening the operating system image file in the windows of the Windows 7 USB DVD DOWNLOAD TOOL

  15. After displaying the path to the OS image in the "Source File" field, click "Next".
  16. Go to the next step after adding an OS image in the Windows 7 USB DVD DOWNLOAD TOOL

  17. The next step requires you to select the type of media to be recorded. Since you need to create an installation flash drive, then click the "USB Device" button.
  18. Selecting media for writing OS images in the Windows Utility window 7 USB DVD Download Tool

  19. In the next window from the drop-down list, select the name of the flash drive to which you want to record. If it is not displayed in the list, then update the data by pressing the button with the icon in the form of arrows forming the ring. This element is located on the right of the field. After the choice is made, press "Begin Copying".
  20. Selecting a flash drive and start copying in the Windows Utility 7 USB DVD DOWNLOAD TOOL window

  21. The formatting procedure will be launched, during which all data will be deleted from it, and after automatically starts the image recording of the selected OS. The progress of this procedure will be displayed graphically and in percentage of the same window.
  22. Procedure for recording the bootable flash drive in the Windows Utility window 7 USB DVD Download Tool

  23. After the procedure is completed, the indicator will move to a 100% mark, and the status will appear below: "Backup Completed". You can now apply a flash drive to load the system.

Creating a boot flash drive Completed in the Windows 7 USB DVD DOWNLOAD TOOL

See also: Install Windows 7 using a boot USB drive

Write a bootable flash drive with Windows 7 using a specialized software. What kind of program is to apply, decide, but there is no fundamental difference between them.

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