How to install 2 windows per 1 computer


How to install 2 windows per 1 computer

We are all accustomed to the fact that our computer has an operating system with which communication with the machine occurs. In some cases, it may be necessary to install the second "axis" to familiarize or other purposes. This article will devote the role of using two Windows instances on one PC.

Install the second windows

There are two options for solving this task. The first implies the use of a virtual machine - a special emulator program. The second is the installation of the operating system on the physical disk. In both cases, we will need the installation distribution with the desired version of Windows recorded on the USB flash drive or image.

Read more: How to create a Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP bootable USB flash drive

Method 1: Virtual Machine

Speaking about virtual machines, we mean special programs that allow you to install any instances of any OS on one PC. In this case, such a system will work as a full-fledged computer, with its main nodes, drivers, network and other devices. There are several similar products, we will focus on VirtualBox.

After the above actions, we will receive an unblocked space required for installation of Windows. For different versions of Windows, this process will differ.

Windows 10, 8, 7

  1. After passing the stages of selecting the language and the adoption of the license agreement, we choose the full installation.

    Selecting a complete installation when installing Windows 7

  2. Next, we see our indifferent space created using the Minitool Partition Wizard. Choose it and click "Next", after which the standard process of installing the operating system will begin.

    Select unintended hard disk space to install Windows 7

Windows XP.

  1. After loading from the installation medium, press Enter.

    Go to installing Windows XP from a boot disk

  2. We accept the license agreement with the F8 key.

    Adopting a license agreement when installing Windows XP

  3. Next, click ESC.

    Transition to the selection of the section to install Windows XP

  4. We choose an unblocked area that we were freed during preparation, after which we start the installation with the Enter key.

    Running Windows XP installation from a boot disk

When you start a computer with multiple copies of "Windows", we will receive an additional download step - OS selection. In XP and Sixer, this screen has this kind (freshly installed system will be the first in the list):

System selection screen for download in Windows 7

In Win 10 and 8, such:

Screen selection system for download in Windows 8

Method 3: Installing on another disk

When installing on a new (second) disk, that drive, which is currently system, must also be connected to the motherboard. This will make it possible to combine two copies of the OS in one group, which, in turn, will allow you to manage the download.

On the Windows Installer Screen 7 - 10 it may look like this:

Hard drives in the Windows 7 Installer list

In XP, the list of sections has this kind:

Hard drives in the Windows XP Installer list

Further actions will be the same as when working with one disk: Selecting a section, installation.

Possible problems

During the installation of the system, some errors associated with the incompatibility of file table formats on the disks may occur. They are eliminated quite simply - conversion or using the correctly created bootable flash drive.

Read more:

No hard disk when installing windows

Unable to install Windows to disk 0 section 1

Solving problems with GPT disks when installing Windows


Today we figured out how you can install two independent Windows per computer. A variant with a virtual machine will be suitable if you need simultaneous work at once in several operating systems. If you need a full-fledged workplace, then pay attention to the second method.

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