How to update drivers for windows 7


Installation of drivers in Windows 7

For correct operation of devices connected to a computer, it is important to maintain the relevance of the software that ensures interaction between the hardware and the operating system. Such software are drivers. Let's determine the various options for updating Windows 7, suitable for different categories of users.

Drivers are automatically installed in the Driver Pack Solution program in Windows 7

This method is good simplicity and minimum requirements for the user. But still there is a slight chance that the program will install not entirely correct updates. In addition, an additional software is also installed when installing drivers, which is not necessary for the user by and large.

Method 2: manual update with third-party applications

DriverPack provides both manual selection of updated drivers. This method will suit the users who know what needs to be updated, but do not have sufficient experience in order to perform an update using the built-in system functionality.

  1. Activate the program. At the bottom of the window displayed, click on the "Expert Mode" element.
  2. Transition to expert mode in Driver Pack Solution in Windows 7

  3. A shell opens with a proposal to update outdated or install missing drivers, as well as install some drive utilities. Remove the marks from all objects in the installation of which you do not need.
  4. Removing the ticks from the items in which there is no need for Driver Pack Solution in Windows 7

  5. After that, move to the "Installation Software" section.
  6. Go to section Installing programs in the Driver Pack Solution program in Windows 7

  7. In the displayed window, also remove the checkboxes from the names of all objects that there is no desire to install. Next, go back to the "Install Driver" section.
  8. Go to section Installing drivers in Driver Pack Solution in Windows 7

  9. After you have refused to install all unnecessary elements, click on the "Install All" button.
  10. Run the installation of drivers in the Driver Pack Solution program in Windows 7

  11. The procedure for creating the recovery point and install the selected drivers will be launched.
  12. The process of installing drivers in the Driver Pack Solution program in Windows 7

  13. After the procedure is completed, as in the previous case, the "Computer is configured" appears on the screen.

The computer is configured in the Driver Pack Solution program in Windows 7

This method is although a little more complicated than the previous one, but it allows you to install the necessary software components and refuse to install those that are not relevant for you.

Lesson: Driver Update with Driverpack Solution

Method 3: automatic search for drivers via "Device Manager"

We now move on to the installation methods using the built-in OS tool, the Device Manager. Let's start with the description of the automatic search. This action is suitable for users who know which hardware components need to be updated, but do not have the necessary update on the hands.

  1. Click "Start" and move to the control panel.
  2. Go to the control panel through the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. Open the System and Security section.
  4. Go to System and Security in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  5. Find the element called the Device Manager for which you should click.
  6. Run Device Manager in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  7. The "dispatcher" interface will start, in which the names of the device groups will be displayed. Click on the name of the group where the device is located, whose drivers need to be updated.
  8. Go to section with a group of devices in device manager in Windows 7

  9. A list of devices opens. Click on the name of the desired equipment.
  10. Go to device properties window in device manager in Windows 7

  11. In the device's properties displayed window, move to the "Driver" section.
  12. Go to the Driver tab in the device properties window in the device manager in Windows 7

  13. In the shell that opened click the "Update ..." button.
  14. Switch to the driver update in the device properties window in the device manager in Windows 7

  15. The update method selection window opens. Click "Automatic Search ...".
  16. Go to automatic search for updated drivers in the Windows Update window in Windows 7

  17. The service will search for driver updates for the selected device in the World Wide Web. When the update is detected, it will be installed in the system.

Software search online in Windows Update window in Windows 7

Method 4: manual driver update via "Device Manager"

But if you have an actual update of the driver, for example, loaded from the device developer web resource, then it is preferable to execute the manual installation of this update.

  1. Do all operations described in the method 3 to paragraph 7 inclusive. In the update window that opens, this time you will need to click on another element - "perform a search ...".
  2. Switch to the search for drivers on this computer in the Windows Update window in Windows 7

  3. In the next window, click on the "Overview ..." button.
  4. Go to the selection of the driver update directory in the Driver Update window in Windows 7

  5. The "Overview of Folders ..." window opens. It is necessary to go through the directory where the directory is located in which the downloaded updates are located, and highlight this folder, and then click OK.
  6. Select a directory of containing driver updates in the Windows Overview window in Windows 7

  7. After displaying the path to the selected directory in the Driver Update window, click on the "Next" button.
  8. Start manual installation of receivers of drivers in the Driver Update window in Windows 7

  9. Updates will be installed on this computer.

Method 5: Search for updates for device ID

If you do not know where you can download topical updates from the official resource, the automatic search did not give results, but to the services of a third-party software you do not want to resort, then you can search for drivers on the device ID with the subsequent installation.

  1. Perform the manipulations described in the method 3 to paragraph 5 inclusive. In the equipment properties window, move to the "Details" section.
  2. Go to the Details tab in the device properties window in device manager in Windows 7

  3. From the list "Property" Select "ED EDUCATION". Right-click on the data that is displayed in the "Value" area and in the list that appears, select "Copy". After that, insert the specified data in an empty document, open in any text editor, for example, in notepad.
  4. Copying data ID data in the device properties window in device manager in Windows 7

  5. Then open any browser installed on your computer and go to the driver's search service site. In the window that opens, enter the previously copied device code and click Search.
  6. Starting the driver search for equipment ID on in the Opera Chrome browser

  7. A search will be prompted and a page with issuing results will open. Click the Windows 7 emblem over the issuance list so that only the results suitable for this operating system remain in it.
  8. Selection of the operating system for searching for drivers on in the Opera Chrome browser

  9. After that, click on the floppy icon opposite the very first option in the list. It is the first object in the list of the latest update.
  10. Go to launch download driver file on a computer on in the Opera Chrome browser

  11. You will go to the page with full information about the driver. Here, click on the name of the object opposite the inscription "Original File".
  12. Running the file download on in the Opera Chrome browser

  13. On the next page, check the box in the antikapchi "I am not a robot" window and click on the name of the same file again.
  14. File download activation on website in Opera Chrome browser

  15. The file will be downloaded to the computer. Most often, it is a zip archive. Therefore, you need to go to the load directory and unzip.
  16. Go to extract files from the archive in the Explorer in Windows 7

  17. After unpacking the archive, make a manual driver update via the Device Manager, as indicated in the method 4, or start the installation using the installer if it is available in the unpacked archive.

Run the driver installation in the explorer in Windows 7

Lesson: Search for Drivers by Equipment ID

You can update the driver in Windows 7, both using third-party applications and using the built-in devices manager. The first option is simpler, but not always the most reliable. In addition, various unnecessary programs can be installed during the update with the help of additional software. The algorithm of procedure itself also depends on whether you have in the hands of the necessary components or have to be found.

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