The driver detected the Device Harddisk1 DR1 controller error


The driver detected the Device Harddisk1 DR1 controller error

Errors that occur during the operation of the operating system are a signal of one or another malfunction. Quite often, a hard disk controller error message appears. Today we will look at the reasons for the appearance of this problem and introduce you to the options for its corrections.

Causes of errors and correction methods

The fault message becomes clear that the root of the problem lies in the hard disk, in this case - secondary, both internal, connected loop to the motherboard and the external, connected to the computer via USB. In some cases, the problem lies in the conflict between the "motherboard" and a hard disk, as well as the Windows software failure. First of all, it is worth checking the working capacity and integrity of the hard disk, for example, using the HDD Health utility.

  1. Download and install the application, after which it will automatically turn into a tray, from where it can be called by clicking on the icon.
  2. Call HDD Health to test hardware

  3. After starting the program, pay attention to the HEALTH column. Under normal conditions, the indicator should be "100%". If it is lower, there is a malfunction.
  4. Winchester performance check in HDD Health

  5. You can get more information using the "Drive" menu item in which you want to select the "Smart Attributes" option.

    SMART Winchester Status Check in HDD Health

    In the window that opens will be displayed the main indicators of your hard drive.

    Displaying SMART Winchester Indicators in HDD Health

    These indicators are considered in detail in a separate article, because we suggest you familiarize yourself with it.

    Lesson: How to check the working capacity of the hard disk

If the verification showed the presence of a problem, then methods will be suitable 3-4. If the disk is fully operational, then you first use the 1-2 methods, and go to the rest only in case of failure.

Method 1: Turning off the large data cache in the registry

With a good disk, a similar error causes enabled large data cache. It can be disabled by changing the value of the corresponding key in the registry, which should be carried out like this:

  1. Call the registry editor: Press the Win + R key combination, enter the REGEDIT word in the task startup window text box and click OK.
  2. Open Windows Registry To correct the hard drive driver error

  3. After opening the editor, go to the next way:


    On the right side of the window, find the "LargeSystemCache" key and check the "value" column. It usually looks like "0x00000000 (0)".

    View system cache value to correct the hard drive drivers error

    If the value looks like "0x00000001 (1)", it should be changed. To do this, double-click the LKM by the key name. In the window that opens, make sure that the "calculus system" is set as "hexadecimal", after which instead of the existing value, enter 0 and click "OK".

  4. Changing the system cache value to correct the hard drive drivers error

  5. Close the registry editor and restart the computer - the error must disappear.

In this way, part of the program causes of malfunction can be corrected. If the actions described did not help you, read further.

Method 2: Updating HDD Controller Drivers

The second program reason for the appearance of the problem under consideration is the problem with the drivers of the hard disk controller. In this case, the solution will be updated drivers. As practice shows, the built-in Windows tool in such a situation is useless, therefore we will use the way to search for drivers on the device ID.

  1. Find the "My Computer" icon on the "Desktop" and click on it by PKM. In the context menu, select Management.
  2. Open Computer Management to update hard disk controller drivers

  3. Select the Device Manager item in the left menu. Next in the main part of the window, discover the "IDE ATA / ATAPI controllers" by pressing the LCM. Then right-click on the chipset and select the option "Properties".
  4. Open the properties of the chipset to update the drivers of the hard disk controller

  5. In the "Properties" window, go to the "Details" tab, then refer to the "Property" drop-down list, from which you should select "EQUIPPHES".

    Find EC Equipment for Updating Hard Disk Controller Drivers

    Click the PCM on any of the values ​​presented and use the "Copy" option.

  6. Copy hardware ID to update hard disk controller drivers

  7. Next, go to the website of the online service search for hardware drivers. At the top of the page there is a search string in which insert the ID of your chipset copied earlier and click "Search". You may have to use other values, since the service does not always correctly recognize some identifier variants.
  8. Search for hard disk controller drivers for equipment ID

  9. At the end of the search, sort the results by the version of the OS version and its discharge.
  10. Sort driver hard disk controller drivers

  11. Next, find the latest version of the drivers - this will help you the release date, the location of which is noted in the screenshot. Selecting the desired, click on the button with the diskette.
  12. Start downloading hard disk controller drivers

  13. Check out the driver file information, then locate the "Original File" item: next to it is a link to download the installer on which you should click.
  14. Download hard disk controller drivers for equipment ID

  15. To continue the download, you will need to pass the captcha (just put a check mark on the words "I'm not a robot"), and then click on the link below this block.
  16. Download hard disk controller drivers for hardware ID

  17. Load the installer at any convenient place on your computer.
  18. Go to the location of the downloaded driver, start it and install, following the instructions. At the end of the installation, do not forget to restart the computer. Alternative ways to search for drivers by id can be found in the article below.

    Read more: How to search for device identifier drivers

This method has proven its effectiveness in cases where the cache shutdown has not worked.

Method 3: Replacing a loop or disk connection cable (stationary PC)

If the disk is working, the system of large data is disabled, but the specified error still appears, then the cause of the problem lies in a faulty loop that the hard drive is connected to the motherboard. If the error is associated with an external hard disk, the problem is respectively lifting in the connection cable. In this case, the solution will replace a loop or cable. In most modern PCs or laptops, disks are connected via the SATA interface, it looks like this:

SATA cable for connecting peripheral devices

Replace the loop is very simple.

  1. Disconnect the system unit from the network.
  2. Remove the side cover and locate the disk location.
  3. Disconnect the cable first from the disk, then from the motherboard. The disk itself can not be removed from the box.

  5. Install a new cable, connecting first to the Winchesteer, and then to the motherboard.
  6. Install the side cover in place, then turn on the computer. Most likely, you will no longer see the error.

Method 4: Replacing Hard Disk

The worst option is the appearance of the errors in question along with the bad performance indicators of HDD. As a rule, a similar combination says about the soon out of the Winchester. In such a situation, all important files from the problem disk should be copied and replaced with a new one. The procedure for stationary PCs and laptops is highlighted in detail in the reference instructions below.


Lesson: Replacing a hard disk on a PC or laptop


Finally, we want to note the next fact - often an error occurs spontaneously and just as spontaneously disappears without the user intervention. The reasons for such a phenomenon are not fully found.

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