How to make a drawing online: 2 work options


How to make a drawing online

Need to draw a simple scheme or a large plan may occur from any user. Usually, such work is performed in special CAD programs like AutoCAD, FreeCad, Compass-3D or Nanocad. But if you are not a profile specialist in the field of design and drawings create quite rarely, why set excess software on your PC? To do this, you can use the corresponding online services, which will be discussed in this article.

Draw a drawing online

The network has not so many web resources for the drawing and most advanced of them offer their services for a specific fee. Nevertheless, there are still good online services for design - comfortable and with a wide range of features. These tools will be considered below.

Method 1:

One of the best among CAD resources, made in Google Web Application Style. The service allows you to work with schemes, diagrams, graphs, tables and other structures. contains a huge number of functions and thought out to the smallest detail. Here you can create even complex multi-page projects with an infinite number of items. Online Service

  1. First of all, of course, at will, you can go to the Russian-language interface. To do this, click the "Language" link, after which in the list that opens, select "Russian".

    Installing Russian Language for online service

    Then restart the page, using the "F5" key or the corresponding button in the browser.

    Notification of the need to reboot the page of the web service page

  2. Next, you should choose where you intend to keep ready-made drawings. If it is a Google disk or cloud ONEDRIVE, you will have to authorize the appropriate service in

    Google Drive Authorization Window in Online Service

    Otherwise, click the "This Device" button to use your computer hard disk for export.

    Selection of storage for export drawing from online service

  3. To start working with a new drawing, click "Create a new diagram".

    Getting started with online service

    Click the "Empty Diagram" button to proceed to the drawing "from scratch" or select the desired template from the list. Here you can specify the name of the future file. Deciding with a suitable option, click "Create" in the lower right corner of the pop-up window.

    List of available document templates in the web service

  4. All the necessary graphic elements are available in the left area of ​​the web editor. In the same panel, you can configure the properties of each object in detail in the drawing.

    Editor Interface Charts in Online Service

  5. To save the ready-made XML drawing, go to the "File" menu and click "Save" or use the "Ctrl + S" key combination.

    Export drawing in XML from the online service

    In addition, you can save a document as a picture or file with PDF extension. To do this, go to "File" - "Export as" and select the desired format.

    Exports of the drawing from the online service in the desired format

    Specify the parameters of the outcome file in the pop-up window and click "Export".

    Drawing Export Preparation Window from Online Service

    You will again be prompted to enter the name of the finished document and choose one of the end items of export. To save the drawing to the computer, click the "This Device" or "Download" button. After that, your browser will immediately start downloading the file.

    Options for exporting a document from the web application

So, if you used any office web product Google, understand the interface and the location of the necessary items of this resource for you should not be difficult. will perfectly cope with the creation of simple sketches with subsequent exports to a professional program and with full-fledged project work.

Method 2: Knin

This service is quite specific. It is designed to work with technical plans of construction objects and collected all the necessary graphic patterns for the practical and convenient creation of common drawings of the premises.

Online service KNIN

  1. To start working with the project, specify the parameters of the described room, namely its length and width. Then click on the "Create" button.

    Creating a new room in the online service KNIN

    In the same way, you can add all new and new rooms to the project. To proceed to further creating a drawing, click "Continue".

    An online service interface for creating drawings KNIN

    Click "OK" in the dialog box to confirm the execution of the operation.

    Confirmation of the design of the room in the online service KNIN

  2. Add to the wall, door, windows and interior objects using the appropriate interface elements. Similarly, you can apply various inscriptions and a flooring - tile or parquet.

    Ready project of premises in the online service KNIN

  3. To proceed to the export of the project to the computer, click on the Save button at the bottom of the web editor.

    Transition to the export of the drawing from the online service KNIN

    Be sure to specify the address of the designed object and its total area in square meters. Then click "OK". The finished room plan will be downloaded to your PC as a picture with the expansion of the PNG file.

    The last stage of the export of the technical plan of the room from the online service KNIN

Yes, the tool is not the most functional, but contains all the necessary opportunities to create a qualitative plan of the construction site.

See also:

The best programs for drawing

Blacks in Compass 3D

As you can see, you can work with the drawings right in your browser - without using additional software. Of course, the decisions described as a whole are inferior to desktop counterparts, but, again, they do not pretend to fully replace them.

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