How to connect PS4 to laptop via HDMI


How to connect PS4 to laptop via HDMI

Now the game console PS4 is not only the most powerful console, but also leads the market, gradually ousting all competitors. For her, many exclusives are produced annually, which only heats the interest of users and literally makes the players acquire PS4 only to play the desired game. However, not everyone has a good TV or monitor to which you can connect the console, so it remains to connect it only to the laptop. How to do through HDMI, we will tell in this article.

Connect PS4 to a laptop via HDMI

To connect the prefix in this way, you will not need to buy special equipment, besides, you will save money on buying a TV, replacing it with a laptop screen. All that is required of you, the presence of one cable or adapter.

Before starting the connection process, we recommend ensuring that your portable computer is equipped with a connector. HDMI IN. (signal reception), and not HDMI Out. (signal output), like most old laptops. Only in the presence of the first type of connector connector will be successfully connected. Modern devices now have many users, especially often equipped with a version. IN. Game laptops.

Step 1: Selection of HDMI cable

Today there is a large number of HDMI cables of different formats. To connect a portable computer and PS4, you will need a type of type A. Detailed about the varieties and characteristics of the wires, read in other articles on the link below.

Read more:

What are HDMI cables

Choose an HDMI cable

Step 2: Connecting devices

After selecting the cables, the simplest thing remains to connect two devices. This process will not take much time and is easy enough, you need to perform only a few steps:

  1. Find the connector on the back panel, then insert the HDMI cable there.
  2. HDMI connector on PS4

  3. Check the same with a laptop. Usually the HDMI input is located on the left pane.
  4. HDMI connector on a laptop

  5. Now it remains only to run PS4 and a laptop. The picture should be displayed automatically.
  6. It is worth noting that periodic hangs may be observed on weak mobile computers, and this is due to the insufficient power of the processor or the video card, which cannot be consistently transferred the image from the console. When observing such brakes, it is better not to load the device once again so as not to cause the speedy wear of the equipment.

    On this all, nothing more from the user is required, you can immediately launch your favorite game and enjoy the process. As you can see, the connection of the two devices is performed very easily and does not require any complex manipulations and additional actions.

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