Shift does not work on a laptop


Shift does not work on a laptop

The non-working keys on the laptop keyboard is a phenomenon that occurs quite often and leads to a known discomfort. In such cases, it is impossible to use some functions, for example, to introduce punctuation marks or uppercase letters. In this article we will provide ways to solve problems with non-working chip.

SHIFT does not work

The reasons causing the shift key of the SHIFT. The main of them is to reassign the keys, turn on limited mode or sticking. Next, we will analyze in detail each of the possible options and give recommendations for troubleshooting.

Method 1: Virus Check

The first thing to be done when this problem appears this to check the laptop for viruses. Some malicious programs are able to reassign the keys, making changes to the system settings. You can identify and eliminate pests using special scanners - free programs from leading antivirus developers.

Treatment of the system from viruses using Kaspersky Removal Tool anti-virus utility

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

After the viruses were found and removed, it may have to work with the system registry, removing the "extra" key. We will talk about this in the third paragraph.

Method 2: Hot Keys

On many laptops there is a keyboard operation mode, in which some keys are blocked or reassigned. It turns on using a specific key combination. Below are several options for different models.

  • Ctrl + Fn + Alt, then press the combination of SHIFT + space.
  • Simultaneous pressing of both creiples.
  • FN + SHIFT.
  • FN + INS (INSERT).
  • Numlock or Fn + Numlock.

There are situations where for some reason the keys that turn off the mode are inactive. In this case, such manipulation can help:

  1. Run the standard Windows on-screen keyboard.

    Read more: How to turn on the on-screen keyboard on a laptop

  2. Go to the settings of the program with the "Parameters" or "Options" key.

    Go to the settings of the on-screen keyboard settings in Windows 7

  3. We put a checkbox in a checkbox near the "Enable Digital Keyboard" item and click OK.

    Turning on the digital screen of the on-screen keyboard in Windows 7

  4. If the Numlock key is active (pressed), then click on it once.

    Disabling the digital block of the on-screen keyboard in Windows 7

    If not active, then click two times - turn and turn off.

  5. Checking the work of the chiffs. If the situation has not changed, we try the shortcuts of the keys above.

Method 3: Editing Registry

We have already written above about viruses that can reassign keys. You could do it and you or another user with a special software, which was successfully forgotten. Another particular case - the keyboard failure after the online game session. Looking for a program or find out, after which events there were changes, we will not. All changes are recorded in the value of the parameter in the registry. To solve the problem, this key must be deleted.

Before editing the parameters, create a system recovery point.

Read more: How to create a recovery point in Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7

  1. Run the registry editor using the command in the "Run" menu (Win + R).


    Go to editing the system registry in Windows 7

  2. Here we are interested in two branches. First:


    Select the specified folder and check the presence of a key called "Scancode Map" in the right side of the window.

    Transition to the registry branch with key reassignment keys in Windows 7

    If the key is found, it needs to be removed. It is just done: you select it in the list and click Delete, after which we agree with the warning.

    Confirmation of the deletion of the system registry parameter in Windows 7

    It was the key for the entire system. If it has not been discovered, it is necessary to look for the same element in another branch that defines user parameters.




    Availability of key reassignment keys in the Windows 7 registry

  3. Restart the laptop and check the key to work.

Method 4: Disabling sticking and filtering input

The first function temporarily includes the possibility of separately pressing such keys like SHIFT, CTRL and ALT. The second helps to exclude double pressing. If they are activated, then the Shift can work not as we used. To disable, do the following:

  1. Run the string "Run" (Win + R) and introduce


    Switch to the control panel using the string to execute in Windows 7

  2. In the "Control Panel" switch to the mode of small icons and go to the Center for Special Opportunities.

    Transition to the center of special features in the Windows 7 control panel

  3. Click on the link "Lightweight work with the keyboard".

    Switch to the Lightweight section of the keyboard in Windows 7

  4. Go to the sliding settings.

    Go to configuring key sticking parameters in Windows 7

  5. We remove all the daws and click "Apply".

    Configure key sticking parameters in Windows 7

  6. Return to the previous section and select the input filtering settings.

    Go to setting up input filtering in Windows 7

  7. Here we also remove the checkboxes shown in the screenshot.

    Setting input filtering options in Windows 7

If you fail to disable the sticking in this way, it is possible to do this in the system registry.

  1. Run the registry editor (Windows + R - Regedit).
  2. Go to the branch

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ CONTROL PANEL \ ACCEssibility \ Stickykeys

    We are looking for a key with the name "Flags", click on it by PKM and choose the item "Change".

    Go to changing the value of the parameter in the Windows 7 system registry

    In the "Value" field, we enter "506" without quotes and click OK. In some cases, you will need to enter "510". Try both options.

    Changing the value of the string parameter in the Windows 7 system registry

  3. Do the same in the branch

    HKEY_USERS \ .Default \ Control Panel \ Accessibility \ StickyKeys

Method 5: System Restore

The essence of this method is to roll back system files and parameters to the state in which they were before the problem occurs. In this case, it is necessary to determine the date and select the corresponding point.

Select the recovery point to roll back the system in Windows 7

Read more: Windows recovery options

Method 6: Clean Loading

Clean the operating system boot will help us identify and disable the service that is guilty of our problems. The process is very long, so you are patient.

  1. Go to the "System Configuration" section from the "Run" menu using the command


    Switch to the System Configuration Console from the Run Windows 7 menu

  2. We switch to the list of services in the list and turn off the mapping of Microsoft products by putting the appropriate checkbox.

    Disable Microsoft Services Display In Console Windows 7 Configuration

  3. Click the "Disable All" button, then "apply" and reboot the laptop. Check the keys.

    Disable third-party service services in the Console Windows 7 Configuration

  4. Next, we need to identify the "hooligan". It is necessary to do this if Shift began to work fine. Include half of the services in the "system configuration" and reboot again.

    Enabling Half Services in Console Windows 7 Configuration

  5. If SHIFT still works, then remove the daws from this half of the services and put opposite the other. Reboot.
  6. If the key has stopped functioning, then we work with this half, we also divide into two parts and reboot. We produce these actions until one service remains, which will be caused. It will need to turn off in the appropriate snap.

    Read more: How to disable unused services in Windows

In a situation where, after disconnecting all services, Shift did not earn, you need to turn on everything back and pay attention to other ways.

Method 7: Editing Startup

The autoload list is edited in the same place in the system configuration. The principle does not differ here from the clean download: we turn off all the elements, reboot, after which we continue to work until the desired result is obtained.

Editing a list of autoload in the console Windows 7 system configuration

Method 8: Reinstalling the system

If all the ways above have not worked, you will have to go to extreme measures and reinstall Windows.

Installing Windows from a disk or flash drive

Read more: How to install Windows


You can temporarily solve the problem by using the on-screen "keyboard", connect a desktop keyboard to a laptop or reassign the keys - to assign a virgte function to another, for example, CAPS LOCK. This is done with the help of special programs, such as MapKeyboard, Keytweak and others.

Clean the keys using the MapKeyboard program

Read more: Reassay keys on the keyboard in Windows 7

The recommendations given in this article may not work if the laptop keyboard failed. If this is your case, you need to contact the service center for diagnosis and repair (replacement).

Read more