Laptop brightness is not regulated


Laptop brightness is not regulated

In the Windows operating system, you can configure the brightness of the screen without any difficulties. This is done by one of the available methods. However, sometimes problems occur in the work, because of which this parameter is simply not regulated. In this article we will describe in detail about the possible solutions of the problem that will be useful to laptop possessors.

How to change the brightness on the laptop

First of all, it should be sorted out how the brightness on the laptops is changing under the control of windows. In total there are several different adjustment options, they all require the execution of certain actions.

Functional buttons

On the keyboard of most modern devices there are functional buttons, the activation of which occurs by clamping Fn + F1-F12 or any other key. Often, the brightness varies with the combination with the arrows, but it all depends on the manufacturer of the equipment. Carefully read the keyboard to make the necessary function key.

Laptop Brightness Functional Button

Video card software

All discrete and integrated graphics adapters have software from the developer, where the fine configuration of many parameters, including brightness, is performed. Consider the transition to such software on the example "NVIDIA control panel":

  1. Press PCM on the scratch of the desktop and go to the NVIDIA control panel.
  2. NVIDIA control panel

  3. Open the Display section, find "Adjusting the desktop color parameters" and move the brightness slider to the required value.
  4. Changing brightness in the NVIDIA control panel

Standard Windows Function

WINDOVS has a built-in function, which allows you to adjust the power plan. Among all the parameters there is a brightness configuration. It changes as follows:

  1. Go to Start and open the Control Panel.
  2. Go to control panel in Windows 7

  3. Select the "Power" section.
  4. Transition to power supply in Windows 7

  5. In the window that opens, you can immediately adjust the required parameter, moving the slider below.
  6. Configuring brightness in Windows 7

  7. For more detailed editing, move to "Setting the Power Plan".
  8. Setting the power plan in Windows 7

  9. Set the appropriate value when working from the network and from the battery. If you leave, do not forget to save the changes.
  10. Changing the brightness in the Windows Power Plan 7

In addition, there are some more additional methods. The detailed instructions for them are in the other of our material on the link below.

Read more:

Changing the brightness of the screen on Windows 7

Changing brightness on windows 10

We solve the problem with brightness adjustment on a laptop

Now that we have dealt with the basic principles of brightness adjustment, we turn to solve problems associated with its change on the laptop. Let's analyze the solution to the two most popular problems faced by users.

Method 1: Enable Function Keys

Most laptop owners use a key combination in order to adjust the brightness value. Sometimes, when you click on them, nothing happens, and this indicates that the corresponding tool is simply disabled in the BIOS or day of it there are no suitable drivers. To solve the problem and activate the function keys, we recommend contacting the two of our items on the links below. They have all the necessary information and instructions.

Changing the function keys mode in Dell BIOS

Read more:

How to enable the F1-F12 keys on a laptop

Causes of Inoperability Keys "Fn" on ASUS Laptop

Method 2: update or rollback of video card drivers

The second common fault that causes failures when trying to change brightness on the laptop is incorrect operation of the video device. This happens when updating / installing an incorrect version. We recommend updating or roll back the software to the previous version. The deployed guide on how to do it is located in our other materials below.

Reinstalling the NVIDIA GeForce Experience driver

Read more:

How to roll back NVIDIA video card driver

Installing Drivers via AMD Radeon Software CRIMSON

Winners of the Windows 10 operating system, we advise you to turn to the article from another our author, where you will find instructions for eliminating the problem under consideration in this version of the OS.

See also: Troubleshooting brightness control problems in Windows 10

As you can see, the problem has been solved quite easily, sometimes it is not even necessary to produce any action, because another version of the brightness adjustment can work, the speech of which was at the very beginning of the article. We hope that you have been able to correct the problem without any difficulties and now the brightness varies correctly.

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