How to make a search by mail


How to make a search by mail

Now almost every Internet user has one or even several electronic boxes in popular services. There are messages from connected social networks, subscriptions of sites, various mailings and is often found spam. Over time, the number of letters accumulates and it is difficult to find the necessary. It is for such cases that there is a built-in search. We will talk about its use in this article.

We perform a search by mail

Each recognizable mail has its own search function with various filters and additional parameters, which allows you to more comfortably use this tool. Below we will analyze the process of finding messages in four popular services, and if you need to find a person, seek help to other materials on the links below.


First of all, I would like to tell about the most popular mail - Gmail. Drawer holders in this service will be able to find letters without any problems in all sections by applying various filters. This is done as follows:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this process, and the sorting mode will help to find the right letter from all those in the post office.

Yandex Mail

Now let's look at what you need to do to find letters holders of a box in Yandex.Pue: also has its own complimentary postal service. Let's deal with the process of finding messages here:

Rambler mail

Rambler is the least popular, but many users have their drawers there. On this site, find incoming, sent or spam like this:

Unfortunately, there are no extended filters or categories in the rabler, so the process in question here is the most difficult, especially if there are a large number of letters.

Above you could familiarize yourself with the detailed instructions for finding letters in the most popular mailboxes. As you can see, this process is simple, and the function itself in the services is implemented quite convenient, except for rambler.

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