How to install instagram on the phone


How to install instagram on the phone

Instagram is a popular social network oriented primarily in the photo. For a long time, it was only available on the iPhone, then an application for Android appeared, and after and the PC version. In our current article we will tell you how to establish a client of this social network to mobile devices running the two most popular operating systems.

Install Instagram Application for Phone

Instagram Social School Installation Method The Instagram is determined primarily by the operating system of the device used - Android or iOS. Similar to its essence, within these OS are performed somewhat differently, besides, there are several ways to choose from several ways, each of which will be discussed.

Instagram Installation Methods on iPhone


Users of smartphones on Android can install instagram in several ways, and one of them can be implemented even if there is no market in the Play system - Google Apps store. We proceed to more detailed consideration of the available methods.

Install Instagram Application on Android OS Mobile

Method 1: Google Play Market (Smartphone)

Most Android smartphones and tablets contain a pre-installed application store in their arsenal - Play Market. Taking advantage of them, you can literally in several taps to establish the Instagram social network client on a mobile device.

  1. Launch Play Market. Its label can be on the main screen and there is definitely in the application menu.
  2. Launch Play Application Market for Instagram Installation on Android

  3. Tap the search bar and start entering the name of the application - Instagram. As soon as a hint appears with the social network icon, select it to go to the page describing. Click on the green button "Set".
  4. Search Google Play Instagram Application Market for Android

  5. The procedure for installing the application to the device will begin, which will not take much time. By completing it, you can open the application by pressing the appropriate button.
  6. Installation process on Google Play Instagram Application Market for Android

  7. Enter Instagram by entering your username and password, or create a new account.

    Sign in with your login and password in the Instagram application for Android

    Additionally, there is the possibility of authorization through Facebook to which this social network belongs.

  8. Entry procedure Instagram application for Android

  9. After logging in to your account, you can use all the features of Instagram,

    Main page Instagram applications for Android

    Its icon will appear in the application menu and on the main screen of your smartphone.

  10. How to install instagram on the phone 6417_10

    Method 2: Google Play Market (Computer)

    Many users are used to installing applications, which is called, in the old manner - through a computer. To solve the problem under consideration under this article, the task is also quite possible. Conservative owners of Android devices can take advantage of the same Play Market, but in the browser on the PC, opening it. The final result will be the same as in the previous way - a ready-to-use client of the Instagram social network will appear on the phone.

    Note: Before proceeding with the execution of the actions described below, log in to the web browser under the same Google account, which is used as the main on your mobile device.

    Read more: How to enter Google account

    Google Play Market Logo

    Go to Google Play Market

    1. Once on the main page of the Google store, go to the "Applications" section.
    2. Main page Google Play Market before searching Instagram

    3. Enter the "Instagram" search line and press the "ENTER" keyboard or use the button in the form of a magnifying glass located on the right. Perhaps the desired client will be directly on the search page, in the Basic Package Package. In this case, you can simply click on his icon.
    4. Search Google Play Market Instagram

    5. In the list with the search results that appear on the screen, select the very first option - Instagram (Instagram). This is our client.
    6. List of search results in Google Play Market Before installing Instagram

    7. On the page describing the application features, click the Install button.

      Install Instagram application for Android on Google Play

      Note: If several mobile devices are tied to your google account by clicking on the inscription "Appendix compatible with ..." You can choose exactly what you want to install instagram.

    8. Selecting a device to install from Google Play Instagram Application Market

    9. After short initialization, you may be prompted to confirm the account.

      Waiting for installation from Google Play Instagram Application Market for Android

      To do this, enter the password from it to the appropriate field and click "Next".

    10. Confirmation in Google Play Account Market for Installation Instagram application on Android

    11. Then in the window that appears with the list of requested permissions, press the "Install" button. In the same window, you can double-check the correctness of the selected device or, if necessary, change it.
    12. Confirm installation from Google Play Instagram Application Market for Android

    13. Immediately a notification will be notified that Instagram will soon be installed on your device. To close the window, click "OK".
    14. Waiting for installation from Google Play Instagram Application Market on Android

    15. At the same time, subject to the availability of an Internet connection, the usual procedure for installing the application will begin on the smartphone, and after the inscription "set" will be changed to "installed" in the browser

      Installation Result from Google Play Instagram Application Market for Android

      On the main screen and in the device menu will appear the social network client icon.

    16. Instagram application for Android installed and added to the main screen

      Now you can run instagram on your mobile device, enter it or create a new account. All recommendations regarding the implementation of these simple actions are set out at the end of the previous method.

    Method 3: APK file (universal)

    As we have already said in joining, not all Android devices are endowed by Google services. Thus, devices intended for sale in China and those on which custom firmware are installed often do not contain any applications from the "Corporation of Good". Actually, someone they do not need, and the same who wants to equip their smartphone with Google services, we recommend reading the following article:

    Services and Google Applications Project OpenGapps

    Read more: Installing Google Services after Firmware

    So, if there is no Play Market on your mobile device, you can install Instagram using the APK file that you have to download separately. Note that in the same way, you can install any version of the application (for example, old, if the last for some reason does not like it or simply is not supported).

    Important: Do not swing apk with dubious and unverified web resources, as they can harm your smartphone and / or contain viruses. The most secure site on which the Android Mobile Application Files are presented is apkmirror, so it will be considered in our example.

    Download APK File Instagram

    1. Go to the above link and select the appropriate version of instagram, new are at the very top. To go to the download page, tap the name of the application.

      Finding the required version of Instagram to install through APK

      Note: Please note that there are alpha and beta versions in the list of available options, which we do not recommend that they are instabilities.

    2. Scroll through the page describing the social network client down until the "See Available APKS" button and click on it.
    3. Transport to view available instagram application versions for installation via APK

    4. Select the appropriate application to your application version specifically. Here you need to look at the architecture (Arch column). If you do not know these information, refer to the support page of your device or tap on the Handy FAQ link, located above the download list.
    5. Search for an Instagram application of a suitable architecture to install via APK

    6. After clicking on the name of a specific version, you will be redirected to the page of downloading it, which you want to scroll down down until the "Download APK" button. Tap it for starting download.

      Start downloading Instagram application to install through APK

      If you have previously downloaded files through a browser on your mobile device, a window will appear with a request for access to the repository. Click on "Next" in it, then "Allow", after which the apk load will start.

    7. Provide the necessary permissions to download Instagram to install through APK

    8. Upon completion of the download, a corresponding notification will appear in the curtain. Also, Instagram installer can also be found in the Download folder, for which you will need to use any file manager.

      Instagram application downloaded and ready to install through APK

      To start the installation procedure simply tap on the downloaded APK. If you have previously installed applications from unknown sources, you will need to provide an appropriate permission. To do this, in the window with a query that appears, click "Settings", and then transfer the switch opposite the "Allow installation from unknown sources" to the active position.

    9. Allow installation Instagram application through the downloaded APK

    10. Pressing the "Set" button, which will appear when the APC starts, initiates its installation to your smartphone. It will take some seconds, after which you can "open" an application.
    11. The beginning and installation of Instagram application via APK

      This method of installing Instagram on the Android device is universal. It can be performed from the computer by downloading APK to the disk (paragraphs 1-4), and then transferring to a mobile device by any convenient way and running 5-6 points of this instruction.


      Apple Device Owners who plan to use Instagram for iPhone, as well as Android users usually do not have difficulty in installing an application providing access to the service. Instagram installation in iOS-device can be carried out in an in one way.

      Method 1: Apple App Store

      The simplest method of receiving Instagram on the iPhone is its download from the App Store - Apple Apple Shop, pre-installed in all modern IOS versions. Actually, the instruction described below is the only way to install the application under consideration, which recommends using Apple.

      Instagram for iPhone Installation from Apple App Store

      1. Run the App Store by touching the store icons on the iPhone screen.
      2. Instagram for iPhone Starting Apple App Store To install the service application

      3. To find the application page in the huge catalog of the APP Stor Tapack "Search" and enter the "Instagram" request to the field that appears, click "Search". The first sentence in the list of search results and is our goal - click on the service icon.
      4. Instagram for iPhone Search Apple Apple App Store

      5. On the Instagram Application page in the Apple Store touch the cloud image with an arrow. Next, we expect downloading components. Upon completion of the download, Instagram Instagram will automatically begin, we wait until the Open button appears on the screen.
      6. Instagram for iPhone Installation Installation from Apple App Store

      7. Installation Instagram for iPhone completed. We open the application, authorized in the service or create a new account, after which you can start using the functions of the most popular service to accommodate photos and videos on the network.
      8. Instagram for iPhone Startup after installation, authorization in service

      Method 2: iTunes

      Almost all iPhone owners used the official tool developed by EPPL, to work with their devices - iTunes. After the development of the developer version 12.7 of this program, its users have lost the possibility of accessing the App Store with a PC to install software into smartphones, so to implement the installed installation algorithm below Instagram to the iPhone will have to install on the computer more than an ITYUNS assembly than the Apple offered to download from the official website. .

      Instagram for iPhone How to Install through iTunes

      Download iTunes 12.6.3 for Windows with access to Apple App Store

      We load the "old" iTunes distribution, delete Mediacombine installed in the computer and install the desired version. This will help us with the following instructions:

      Read more:

      How to remove iTunes from a computer completely

      How to install iTunes on a computer

      Download iTunes 12.6.3 for Windows with access to Apple App Store

      1. Open iTunes 12.6.3. And configure the program:
        • Call a menu containing options related to the list of components available from the application.
        • Instagram for iPhone iTunes Calling the program partition menu

        • Clicking the mouse, select the "Edit Menu" function.
        • Instagram for iPhone iTunes Edit Section Menu

        • Install a tick near the program "Program" appeared in the list window and click "Finish".
        • Instagram for iPhone iTunes Adding a program point in the section menu

        • Open the "Account" menu and click "Login ...".

          Instagram for iPhone iTunes Authorization in AppleID Account

          Log in with Apple's support services using AppleID login and password, that is, we enter the data in the field the window that appears and click on the input button.

        • Instagram for iPhone Authorization in iTunes Store - Appleid login and password entry

        • We connect Apple-devices to the USB port of the PC and confirm the requests coming from ITYUNS to provide access to the data on the device.

          Instagram for iPhone iTunes - request for access to information on the device

          It is also necessary to issue permission on the smartphone, tapping "trust" in the window displayed on the screen.

        • Instagram for iPhone iTunes Confirmation Permission to access data from PC on smartphone screen

      2. Select "programs" from the list of sections available in iTunes,

        Instagram for iPhone iTunes transition to the program section

        Go to the "App Store" tab.

        Instagram for iPhone iTunes Transition to the App Store from the program section

      3. We enter the "Instagram" request in the search field,

        Instagram for iPhone iTunes application search field in AppStore

        Then go to the "Instagram" result from the list issued by Aytyuns.

      4. Instagram for iPhone iTunes Search Results App Store

      5. Click on the icon of the Instagram photo and video application icon.
      6. Instagram for iPhone iTunes Switch to the App Store page

      7. Click "Download" on the Social School Customer page in the AppStore.
      8. Instagram for iPhone iTunes Download application file to Disk PC from App Store

      9. Enter your AppleId data in the query window field "Sign up in iTunes Store" and then click "Get".

        Instagram for iPhone iTunes Request Sign up in iTunes Store

      10. Waiting for the installation of the Instagram package to the computer disk.
      11. Instagram for iPhone iTunes Process Downloading Application File to Disk PC

      12. That the download is completed, prompts the change of the name of the "Download" button to "loaded". Go to the Devys Management section in Aytyuns by clicking on the image of the smartphone at the top of the program window.
      13. Instagram for iPhone iTunes Download App Store Application Completed

      14. Open the "Programs" tab by clicking on its name on the left side of the mediacombine window.
      15. Instagram for iPhone iTunes Section of the program on the Devys Management page

      16. The instagram received earlier from the AppStore is present in the application list shown. Click "Set", after which the name of this button will change - will be "will be installed".
      17. Instagram for iPhone iTunes Button Set for installation in Device

      18. To initiate a synchronization process, which includes copying the Instagram application files to the iPhone, press "Apply" at the bottom of the Aytyuns window.
      19. Instagram for iPhone iTunes application is ready to install in the device - button Apply

      20. The procedure for sharing information between the iPhone and PC will begin.

        Instagram for iPhone iTunes Synchronization Process - Start

        If the PC has not been authorized to work with a specific Apple-Device instance, in the synchronization process will receive a request for the need to issue permissions. Click "authorized" twice - under the first request,

        Instagram for iPhone iTunes Request a computer authorization during synchronization process

        And then in the next window that appears after entering the password from AppleID.

        Instagram for iPhone iTunes Computer authorization confirmation using AppleID

      21. It is not necessary to make any more actions, it remains to be monitored by the Instagram installation procedure at the top of the iTunes window.
      22. Instagram for iPhone iTunes application transfer process in device

      23. At this stage, the Instagram Installation in the iPhone is considered almost completed. The button next to the name of the application will change its name to "Delete" - this is a confirmation of the installation operation success. Click "Ready" at the bottom of the Aytyuns windows after this button becomes active.
      24. Instagram for iPhone iTunes application installed - button ready

      25. Turn off the iPhone from the PC, unlock its screen and state the presence of instagram icons among other software tools. You can run the application and log in to the service or create a new account.
      26. Instagram for iPhone installed via iTunes and ready to use

      Method 3: ITOOLS

      With the inapplicability of the two above-described installation methods Instagram in the iPhone (for example, for any reason, AppleiD is not used) or if you wish to install a specific version of the Social School client for iOS (perhaps not the new one) files are used. * .Ipa. . This type of file is essentially the archive containing the components of iOS applications and stored in the Appstor for further deployment on devices.

      Instagram for iPhone IPA file

      Downloading * .ipa files is carried out by iTunes in the process of installing iOS applications "Method 2", which is described above in the article. "Distributions" are saved on the next way:

      C: \ Users \ User \ Music \ iTunes \ iTunes Media \ Mobile Applications.

      Instagram for iPhone ITools IPA File for Installation in Smartphone

      On the Internet, you can also find resources that provide the ability to download IPA files of various ayos applications, but it should be used with caution - a chance to upload from unverified sites inoperable or infected with viruses a software product is quite large.

      IPA-packages and instagram among them are integrated into iOS using funds created by third-party developers. One of the most common and functional software tools intended for manipulation with iPhone, including installation of applications from a computer, is itools.

      Instagram Installation for iPhone from IPA file via itools

      1. We download the distribution and install the aituls. Description of the installation process can be found in an article that tells about the functionality of the instrument.

        Instagram for iPhone is ready to use


        In this article, we talked about the simplest and most convenient ways to install Instagram social network client, separately reviewing the actions algorithm on various platforms - Android and iOS. Owners with respect to modern devices are enough to contact the official store of applications integrated into the OS. The same who uses an old iPhone either Android without Google services will be useful "Method 3" of the corresponding section of the article, thanks to which you can install any compatible version of the application.

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