How to create a game for android


How to create a game for android

For the Android operating system, a large number of games are produced almost every day. Not only large companies are engaged in their production. The complexity of projects are different, so they require special skills and availability of additional software. It is possible to work on the application yourself, however, you should make great efforts and explore certain materials.

Create a game on Android

In total, we allocated three available methods that fit the usual user to create the game. They have a different level of difficulty, so first we will talk about the most simple, and at the end we will raise difficult, however, the most extensive way to develop applications of any genre and scale.

Method 1: Online Services

On the Internet, there are many auxiliary services, where there are pre-created game templates by genres. You only need to add images, configure characters, peace and additional options. This method is carried out without any knowledge in the field of development and programming. Let's analyze the process on the example of the website AppsGeyser:

Go to the official website of AppsGeyser

  1. Go to the main page of the service on the link above or through the search in any convenient browser.
  2. Click on the "Create" button.
  3. Go to creating a project in AppsGeyser

  4. Select the project genre you want to do. We will look at the usual Ranner.
  5. Selecting a type of application in AppsGeyser

  6. Check out the description of the application genre and go to the next step.
  7. Get acquainted with the description of the game in AppsGeyser

  8. Add images for animation. You can draw them yourself in a graphic editor or download from the Internet.
  9. Add pictures of animations to AppsGeyser

  10. Choose enemies if necessary. You only need to specify their number, health parameter and upload a picture.
  11. Add opponents to appsgeyser

  12. Each game has the main theme, which is displayed, for example, when entering or in the main menu. In addition, there are various textures. Add these images in the category "Background and Game Images".
  13. Add image games in appsgeyser

  14. In addition to the process itself, each application is characterized by using a suitable music and design genre. Add fonts and audio files. On the AppsGeyser page you will provide links where you can download free music and fonts that are not copyrighted.
  15. Add music and fonts in AppsGeyser

  16. Name your game and go further.
  17. Game name in appsgeyser

  18. Add a description to interest users. A good description contributes to an increase in the number of application downloads.
  19. AppsGeyser Game Description

  20. The last step is to install the icon. It will be displayed on the desktop after installing the game.
  21. AppsGeyser game icon

  22. Save and download the project only after registering or logging in AppsGeyser. Perform this and follow below.
  23. Registration on AppsGeyser website

  24. Save the application by clicking on the appropriate button.
  25. Save game in AppsGeyser

  26. Now you can publish a project on Google Play Market for a small fee of twenty-five dollars.
  27. Publish the game in AppsGeyser

This is completed on this process. The game is available for download and works correctly if all the images and additional options were specified correctly. Share it with friends through the playing market or send as a file.

Method 2: programs for creating games

There are a number of programs that allow you to create games using embedded tools and apply scripts written on supported programming languages. Of course, a high-quality application will only be possible if all items have been carefully worked out, and for this it will require the skill of writing codes. However, there are a large number of useful templates on the Internet - apply them and you will only have to edit some parameters. With a list of such software, meet another article.

Read more: Choose a program to create a game

We will consider the principle of creating a project in Unity:

  1. Load the program from the official website and install on your computer. During the installation, do not forget to add all the necessary components that will be offered.
  2. Run Unity and go to the creation of a new project.
  3. Create a new project in Unity

  4. Set the name, convenient location of the files and select "CREATE PROJECT".
  5. Project Name in Unity

  6. You will be moved to the workspace, where the development process occurs.
  7. Workspace in the Unity program

Unity's developers took care that new users make it easier to proceed to the use of their product, so they created a special guide. It is described in detail all about creating scripts, preparation of components, working with physics, graphics. Read this manual by reference below, and then, using the knowledge gained and skills, go to the creation of your game. It is better to start with a simple project, gradually mastering new features.

Read more: Games for creating games in Unity

Method 3: Development Environment

Now let's consider the last, the most difficult method is to use the programming language and development environment. If the previous two ways allowed to do without knowledge in the coding area, here you will definitely need to own Java, C # or, for example, Python. There is still a whole list of programming languages ​​that normally work with the Android operating system, but the official and most popular is considered Java. To write a game from scratch, you first need to learn the syntax and get acquainted with the basic principles of creating code in the selected language. This will help special services, such as Geekbrains.

GEEKBRAINS website interface

The site contains a large number of free materials focused on different users. Meet this resource on the link below.

Go to the site geekbrains

In addition, if your choice is on Java, and you have never worked with programming languages, we recommend reading Javarush. Lessons are held there in a more entertainment style and are more suitable for children, but at zero luggage knowledge will be useful and adults.

Javarush site interface

Go to Javarush website

Programming itself occurs in the development environment. The most popular Integrated Development Environment for the operating system under consideration is considered Android Studio. It can be downloaded from the official site and immediately start using.

Android Studio Development Wednesday

Go to the Android Studio website

There are still several common development environments that support different languages. Meet them on the link below.

Read more:

Select programming environment

How to write a program on java

This article covers the theme of self-development of games under the Android operating system. As you can see, it is quite complicated, but there are methods that are significantly simplifying work with the project, since ready-made templates and blanks are involved. Check out the methods above, select the one that will be most appropriate and try your forces in creating applications.

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