What do you need a motherboard in a computer


What do you need a motherboard in a computer

The motherboard connects all components of the computer and allows them to function normally. It is the main component of the PC, many processes are responsible and creates a single system from all equipment. Next, we will analyze everything in detail, for which the motherboard meets, and let's talk about her role.

Why do you need a motherboard in the computer

At the moment, the PC component market is clogged with motherboards of different models and manufacturers. All of them are distinguished by those present connectors, additional functionality and design, however, perform the same role. It is difficult to choose a motherboard, so we recommend contacting the other article on the link below, and now we will turn to the consideration of what is responsible for this component.

Types of motherboard

Read more:

Choose your motherboard for a computer

Combining components

The system board is installed processor, RAM, video card, hard disk and SSD connected. In addition, there are additional power connectors that ensure the functioning of the PC buttons. Everything you need to connect is located on the board panel itself in the places allotted for this.

Structure of motherboard

See also: Connect the motherboard to the system unit

Unified Working System for Peripherals

Each user connects various peripherals to the computer, whether it is only a keyboard, a mouse or printer. Motherboard connectors convert all this equipment into one system, which helps to interact with PC, perform certain I / O functions.

Connectors for peripheral devices on the motherboard

See also:

How to connect the keyboard to the computer

How to connect the GEYMPAD PS3 to the computer

How to connect a printer to a computer

Fixing problems with the visibility of USB devices in Windows 7

Some components are connected not via USB, but require additional manipulations. This includes, for example, to a drive or front panel of the system unit. The detailed instructions for connecting these parts with the motherboard read in the following links below.

Read more:

Connecting the front panel to the motherboard

Connecting a drive to the motherboard

Communication of the central processor with components

As you know, the processor regularly supports communication with the rest of the components, ensuring their correct operation. The motherboard not only unites them all, but also contributes to the fulfillment of such a connection. More information about the role of the processor in the computer you can read in another our material on the link below.

Connected to the motherboard processor

See also:

Select a processor for a computer

We select the motherboard to the processor

Installing the processor on the motherboard

Image Transfer to Display

Now almost any CPU is equipped with a built-in video card. Not every user has the opportunity to buy a discrete graphics adapter. Provided that the monitor is connected via the motherboard, it is responsible for displaying the image on the screen. In the new models, the dispenser occurs through the DVI video interface, DisplayPort or HDMI.

Video Interface Connectors on Motherboard

See also:

Choose a video card under the motherboard

Connect a new video card to the old monitor

How to enable HDMI on a laptop

As for comparing the above video interfaces, it is impossible to give an accurate answer here, since each has its advantages and disadvantages. If you want to know what type of connection is to use, pay attention to the following links below.

Read more:

Comparison of connections VGA and HDMI

Comparison HDMI and DisplayPort

Comparison DVI and HDMI

Sound transmission

Although the built-in sound cards in the motherboard will not be equal to quality with discrete, they still provide normal sound transmission. You can connect headphones, columns and even a microphone to a special connector and after installing sound drivers to move.

Transmission of sound through the motherboard

See also:

Connecting and configuring columns on a computer

Subwoofer Connection Options for Computer

Configuring headphones on a computer with Windows 7

Internet access

Almost every motherboard model has a built-in network adapter. It allows you to connect a computer with a router or modem by the LAN cable. In addition, the model of medium and high price grade can be built-in Wi-Fi module, which provides a wireless connection to the Internet. Bluetooth also responds for data transmission, which is often found in laptopboards and very rarely in computer.

LAN connector on motherboard

See also:

5 Computer connection methods to the Internet

Connecting the Internet from Rostelecom on a computer

Like any component, the motherboard is sometimes breaking, problems arise with the launch or requires the replacement of parts. Other authors on our site have already written recommendations on solving the most popular tasks and problems related to the equipment under consideration. Read them on the links below.

Read more:

Replacing the battery on the motherboard

What to do if the motherboard does not start

Major motherboards malfunctions

Computer motherboard diagnostics manual

Above, we talked about the role of motherboard in the computer. As you can see, this is a rather complex device that controls all components and ensures the connection of a certain number of peripheral equipment. We hope our article was useful to you, and now you know why the motherboard needs in the PC.

See also:

Learning the mother map socket

Determine the model of the motherboard

Learning the guidance of the motherboard from Gigabyte

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