How to install games on PS3 from flash drive


How to install games on PS3 from flash drive

The Sony PlayStation 3 game console is still widely popular among gamers, often due to exist exclusive games that are not ported to the next generation. To install applications with great comfort, you can use the Flash-storage device.

Video instruction

Installing games on PS3 from flash drive

We will skip the installation of custom firmware or ODE to the console, since this process needs to be considered separately from the question of the game. At the same time, for subsequent actions, this is a prerequisite, without which this instruction does not make sense.

Step 1: Preparation of removable media

First of all, you must select and correctly format the Flash drive, which is planned to be used to install games on PlayStation 3. For these purposes, almost any removable disk is suitable, be it a USB flash drive or a microSD format memory card.

The only significant difference between the drives is in the data transfer rate. For this reason, the USB flash drive is more suitable for this task. In addition, not all computers are equipped with a microSD connection kit.

Example USB flash drive

The amount of memory on the disk must fit your needs. It can be like a flash drive on 8 GB and an external USB hard disk.

MicroSd example flash drive

Before downloading and adding games, a removable disk should be formatted. To do this, you can resort to standard Windows operating systems.

  1. Depending on the variety of the Flash drive, connect it to the computer.
  2. Example USB ports on a computer

  3. Open the "This Computer" section and right-click on the disc found. Select "Format" to go to the window with special settings.
  4. Go to the window to format on PC

  5. When using external HDD, you will need to use special software to format it to format "FAT32".

    Read more: Hard disk formatting programs

  6. Using a hard disk program

  7. Here the "File System" list is most important. Expand it and select the option "FAT32".
  8. File system selection for PC flash drive

  9. In the Distribution Unit Line, you can leave the default value or change it to "8192 bytes".
  10. Changing allocating units on a flash drive

  11. Optionally, change the volume label and check the "Fast (Cleaning Tool" checkbox to speed up the procedure for deleting available data. Click the Start button to initiate formatting.

    Start formatting flash drive on PC

    Wait for notifying the successful completion of the process and you can move to the next step.

  12. Successful formatting flash drive on PC

If you have any difficulties or questions about the described actions, you can familiarize yourself with the more detailed instructions for solving the most common problems. We are also always glad to assist you in the comments.

Now disconnect the prepared USB flash drive and you can proceed to working with the console.

Step 3: Running games on the console

Subject to the proper preparation of the drive and write a fully operational game, this stage is the simplest, as it does not require any additional actions from you. The entire startup procedure consists of several steps.

  1. Connect the previously recorded drive to the USB port on the PS3.
  2. Connecting flash drive to USB on PS3

  3. After making sure the memory card is successfully connected, select Multiman through the main menu of the console.

    Note: Depending on the firmware, the software may differ.

  4. Run Multiman on PlayStation 3

  5. After starting, it remains only to find the application in the overall list by name.
  6. View the list of games in Multiman on PS3

  7. In some cases, it may be necessary to update the list by pressing the "SELECT + L3" buttons on the gamepad.
  8. Use a combination of keys on the GEYMPAD PS3

We hope our instruction helped you with a solution to installing games from flash drives on the PlayStation 3 console.


After familiarization with this article, we should not forget about the need to use custom firmware, since PS3 with standard software does not provide such an opportunity. Change on the console is only with a detailed study of the question or contacting specialists. Subsequently, the installed games does not apply.

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