Why the game is not started: 6 solutions


Why doesn't play steam game

One of the most frequent problems with which the Steam user may encounter is the impossibility of starting the game. It is amazing that it may not happen at all, but when trying to start the game, the error window will be displayed. Other options for the manifestation of this problem are possible. The problem may depend both from the game and from the wrong zoning of the Steam service on your computer. In any case, if you want to continue playing the game, you need to solve this problem. What to do if you do not start some kind of incentive game, read further.

Solving problems with running games in Steam

If you wondered why GTA 4 is not started or any other incentive game, then first it is necessary to identify the cause of the error. You need to carefully review the message of the error if it is displayed on the screen. If there is no message, other measures should be taken.

Method 1: Checking Cache Game

Sometimes the game files may be damaged for one reason or another. As a result, an error occurs on the screen in most cases, which prevents the correct launch of the game. The very first thing to be done in such situations is to check the integrity of the cache. A similar procedure will allow Steam to re-check all the game files, and if errors are detected - replace them with a new version.

Checking the integrity of files in Steam

Earlier, we were told in a separate article on how to correctly carry out the procedure mentioned. You can read it at the following link:

Read more: Checking the integrity of the grade cache

If you checked the cache integrity, and the result still remains negative, then you should move to other methods of solving the problem.

Method 2: Installing the necessary libraries for the game

Perhaps the problem is that you lack the necessary software libraries that are required for normal starting game. Such is the SI ++ update package, or the Direct X library. Usually, the necessary software components are in the folder in which the game is installed. Also, often they are invited to install before the launch itself. Even more, usually they are installed in automatic mode. But the installation can be interrupted due to different reasons. Therefore, try installing these libraries yourself once again. To do this, you need to open the game folder. This is done as follows:

  1. Go to the Game Library using the Steam Client top menu. Right-click on the game, which does not start, and select "Properties".
  2. Starting the properties of the application or game style

  3. The properties window of the selected game opens. You need the Local Files tab. Select a tab, and then click the "View Local Files" button.
  4. View local game files in Steam

  5. The folder with the game files opens. Usually, additional software libraries are in the folder with the name "CommonRedist" or with this name. Open such a folder.
  6. Opening the CommonRedist folder in the Steam catalog

  7. In this folder there may be several software components that need a game. It is advisable to install all components. For example, in this example, the folder with additional libraries contains "DirectX" files, as well as "VCREDIST" files.
  8. Folders with system software programs

  9. You need to go to each of these folders and set the appropriate components. For this, usually, it is enough to start the installation file that is in the folders. You should pay attention to what the discharge of your operating system. The system component with similar bit to you and must be installed.
  10. System utilities with different discharge in Steam

  11. When installing, try to choose the most recent version of the software component. For example, in the "DirectX" folder may contain many versions that went out during the year designated by dates. You need the latest version. Also, it is important to install those components that are suitable for your system. If your system is 64-bit, then you need to install a component for such a system.

After you install the required libraries, try to start the game again. If it did not help, then try the following option.

Method 3: Duplicate Game Process

With incorrect start, the game may not start, but the game process itself can stay in the "Task Manager". In order to start the game, you need to disable running game processes. This is done through the already mentioned "Task Manager". Press the CTRL + ALT + DELETE key combination. If the "Task Manager" has not opened immediately after this action, select the appropriate item from the proposed list.

Example of the game process in the Task Manager

Now you need to find the process of the hung game. Usually, the process has a similar name with the name of the game itself. After you find the game process, right-click, and select "Remove the task". If confirmation of this action is required, then execute it. If the game of the game you can not find, then, most likely, the problem is different.

Method 4: Checking system requirements

If your computer does not meet the system requirements of the game, the game may well do not start. Therefore, it is worth checking if your computer can pull the game that does not start. To do this, go to the game Store page. The lower part provides information with the requirements of the game.

Sample System Requirements Games in Steam

Check these requirements with your computer hardware. If the computer is weaker than the one that is specified in the requirements, most likely, this is the cause of problems with the launch of the game. In this case, you can also see a different message about the shortage of memory or the shortage of other computer resources to start the game. If your computer fully satisfies all the requirements, then try the following option.

Method 5: Specificity Errors

If there is some error or a non-standard window when you start the game, with a message that the application is closed, due to some kind of definite error - try using search engines in Google or Yandex. Enter the text of the error in the search string. Most likely, other users also have similar errors and already have their solutions. After he finds a way to solve the problem, use it. Also, you can search for an error in the stimple forums. They are also called "discussions". To do this, open the game page in your library of games by clicking on the left mouse button to the "Discussion" point in the right column of this page.

Location Center for Discussion in Steam

The Stima Forum will open, associated with this game. The search string page is on the page, enter the text of the error in it.

Search string on page discussion page

The search result will be those topics that are associated with an error. Read these topics carefully, most likely, there is a solution to the problem. If there is no problem in these topics, you will unsubscribe in one of them that you have the same problem. The game developers pay attention to a large number of user complaints and produce patches that correct game malfunctions. As for patches, here you can go to the next problem, because of which the game may not start.

Method 6: Critical Developer Errors

Software products are often imperfect and contain errors. This is especially noticeable at the time of release of a new style game. It is possible that the developers made critical errors in the game code that do not allow you to run games on certain computers or the game may not start at all. In this case, it will also be worthwhile to go to the discussion of the game in the style. If there is a lot of topics due to the fact that the game does not start or gives any errors, then the reason is most likely it is in the code of the game itself. In this case, it remains only to wait for a patch from the developers. Usually, critical errors developers are trying to eliminate in the first few days after the start of sales of the game. If even after a few patches, the game does not start anyway, then you can try to return it back to Steam, and get money for this spent. About how to return the game in Steam, you can read in our separate article.

Read more: Return money for the purchased game in Steam

The fact that the game you does not start means that you have not played more than 2 hours. Consequently, you can easily return the money spent. You can buy this game later when the developers will release a few more "patches." Also, you can try to apply to the style of stima. About how to do this, we also mentioned earlier.

Read more: Correspondence with Steam Support

In this case, you need an item associated with a specific game. The Support Forum can also host answers to frequently arising problems with the game.


Now you know what to do when the game does not start in the style. We hope that this information will help you get rid of the problem and continue to enjoy the excellent games of this service. If you know other ways to get rid of the problems that do not allow starting the game in the style, then write about it in the comments.

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