How to open ports on the D-Link router


How to open ports on the D-Link router

Opening ports is necessary for programs that use the Internet connection during operation. This includes UTorrent, Skype, many launchers and online games. You can arouse ports through the operating system itself, but this is not always effective, so it is necessary to manually change the settings of the router. We will talk about it further.

It remains to find out only one - the IP address of the computer for which the port will be minted. Read more about how to determine this parameter, read in the other article by reference below.

Read more: How to find out the IP address of your computer

Step 2: Routher Setup

Now you can go directly to the router configuration. You only need to fill out several rows and save changes. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the browser and write in the address bar, then press ENTER.
  2. Go to the D-LINK router settings through the browser

  3. A login form is displayed where you need to enter a login and password. If the configuration has not changed, in both fields, type ADMIN and log in.
  4. Enter login and password to enter the D-Link router settings

  5. On the left you will see the panel with categories. Click on the "Firewall".
  6. Go to category Firewall in the D-Link router settings

  7. Next, go to the "Virtual Servers" section and click on the Add button.
  8. Add Virtual Server on D-Link Router

  9. You have a choice of one of the ready-made patterns, they include saved information about some ports. You do not need to use them in this case, so leave the "Custom" value.
  10. Selecting a virtual server template on D-Link router

  11. Set an arbitrary name to your virtual server to be easier to navigate the list, if it is large.
  12. Select a name for Virtual D-Link Server

  13. The interface should be specified WAN, most often it is called pppoe_internet_2.
  14. Select interface for Virtual D-Link Server

  15. Protocol Select the one that uses the necessary program. You can also find it in TCPView, we spoke about it in the first step.
  16. Selecting a protocol for Virtual D-Link Server

  17. In all rows with the ports insert the one that you learned from the first step. In "Internal IP", enter your computer address.
  18. Entering ports and IP addresses for Virtual D-Link Server

  19. Check the entered parameters and apply the changes.
  20. Apply the D-Link Virtual Server Settings

  21. The menu will open with the list of all virtual servers. In the case of the need to edit, simply press one of them and change the values.
  22. Go to editing a Virtual D-Link Server

Step 3: Check open ports

There are many services that allow you to determine which ports you have and closed. If you are not sure whether it turned out to successfully cope with the task, we advise you to use the 2IP site and check it out:

Go to the site 2IP

  1. Go to the main page of the site.
  2. Select the Port Check Test.
  3. Open Test ports on the site

  4. In the string, enter the number and click on "Check".
  5. Check the port on the site

  6. Check out the displayed information to make sure the router settings performed.
  7. Information about port on site

Today you were familiar with the ports on the port of ports on the D-Link router. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this, the procedure itself is literally in a few steps and does not require experience with the configuration of similar equipment. You only follow the appropriate values ​​to certain rows and save the changes.

See also:

Skype: port numbers for incoming connections

About ports in utorrent

Definition and configure port forwarding in VirtualBox

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