Detected a conflict of IP addresses in Windows 7


Conflict IP addresses in Windows 7

With simultaneously connecting multiple devices to one source of the Internet, an error is possible in operation associated with the conflict of IP addresses. Let's figure out how to eliminate the specified fault on the PC running Windows 7.

Closing the connection properties window in Windows 7

Method 2: Signing Static IP

If the above method does not help or the network does not support automatic IP issuing, then in this case there is a reason to try to make a reverse procedure - to assign a unique static address to the computer so that there is no conflict with other devices.

  1. To understand what kind of static address can be prescribed, you need to know information about the pool of all available IP addresses. This range is usually indicated in the router settings. To minimize the probability of the IP coincidence, it must be expanded as much as possible by increasing the number of unique addresses. But even if you do not know this pool and do not have access to the router, you can try to choose IP. Click "Start" and make a click on the "All Programs" item.
  2. Go to all programs through the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. Open the "Standard" directory.
  4. Go to folder standard via Start menu in Windows 7

  5. Right-click on the "Command Line". In the list of actions that opens, select the option that provides for the launch procedure with administrative powers.

    Run a command line on behalf of the administrator via the Start menu in Windows 7

    Lesson: How to enable "command line" in Windows 7

  6. After opening the "command line", enter the expression in it:


    Press the ENTER button.

  7. Enter the command to the command prompt to view the connection properties in Windows 7

  8. Network data will open. Lay information with addresses. Specifically, you will need to write down the following parameters:
    • IPv4 address;
    • Subnet mask;
    • Main gate.
  9. Network Addresses on the Command Line in Windows 7

  10. Then go to the Internet Protocol Properties version 4. The transition algorithm is described in detail in the previous method by paragraph 7 inclusive. Switch both radiocans to the lower position.
  11. Switching radio pools to use static address addresses in the Properties of the Internet Protocol version 4 in Windows 7

  12. Next, in the "IP Address" field, enter those data that is displayed opposite the "IPv4 address" parameter in the "Command line", but replace the numeric value after the last point per any other. It is recommended to use three-digit numbers to minimize the possibility of matching addresses. In the "Subnet Mask" and "Main Gateway" field, slide exactly the same numbers that are displayed opposite similar parameters in the "Command line". In the alternative and preferred DNS server, it is possible to drive values ​​according to and After entering all the data, click "OK".
  13. Manual indication of static addresses in the properties window of the Internet protocol version 4 in Windows 7

  14. Returning to the connection properties window, also press OK. After that, the PC will receive a static IP and conflict will be eliminated. If you still have an error left or other connection problems arose, then try replacing the numbers after the last point in the "IP address" field in the Internet Protocol properties. It should be remembered that even if successful when installing a static address, an error can occur again when another device will receive exactly the same IP. But you will know how to deal with this problem and quickly correct the situation.

Closing the connection properties window in Windows 7

Conflict addresses in Windows 7 may occur due to the coincidence of IP with other devices. This problem is solved by assigning a unique IP. It is preferable to make it automatic method, but if this option is impossible due to network restrictions, you can assign a static address manually.

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