How to make a repost in instagram with iPhone


How to make a repost in instagram on the iPhone

Repost in Instagram - full duplication of publication from someone else's profile in its own. Today we will tell how this procedure can be performed on the iPhone.

We make repost in Instagram on iPhone

We will not affect the option when the repost is created completely manually - all the methods described below assume the use of special applications, with which it is possible to put an entry on your page almost instantly.

Method 1: Repost For Instagram Instasave

Download Repost for Instagram Instasave

  1. Download the application for the smartphone from the App Store, using the reference above (if necessary, the search for the application can be performed manually by name).
  2. Run the tool. A small instruction will appear on the screen. To start work, tap on the "Open Instagram" button.
  3. Start Instagram in InstaSave application on iPhone

  4. Open the post that you plan to copy. Click in the upper right corner on the three-point icon, and then select "Copy Link".
  5. Copy Link to Publication in Instagram for iPhone

  6. Return to instasave. The application automatically picks up a copied publication. Select the location of the author with the author name, as well as, if necessary, change the color. Press the repost button.
  7. Creating Instagram reposity in Instasave application for iPhone

  8. The application will need to provide permission to access the photo library.
  9. Providing access to the photo library application InstaSave on the iPhone

  10. The tool instructs how you can insert the same signature to the photo or video as the author of the publication.
  11. Instructions for working with instasave on iPhone

  12. The next will start instagram. Select where you would like to publish post - in history or tape.
  13. Creating a repost in Instagram on the iPhone

  14. Click "Next".
  15. Creating a new publication in Instagram on the iPhone

  16. If necessary, edit the image. Click "Next" again.
  17. Photo editing in Instagram on iPhone

  18. To present and describe in the reposit, insert data from the exchange buffer in the Add Signature field - to do this for a long time, select the "Paste" button.
  19. Insert Descriptions to Publication in Instagram on iPhone

  20. If necessary, edit the description, since the application inserts along with the source text and the information that tells, with which tool the repost was performed.
  21. Deleting descriptions for publishing in Instagram on iPhone

  22. Complete the publication by clicking the "Share" button. Ready!

Completion of the publication of the repost in Instagram on the iPhone

Method 2: Repost Plus

Download Repost Plus.

  1. Download the App Store application to your iPhone.
  2. After starting, select "Login via Instagram".
  3. Input via Instagram in the Insta Plus application for iPhone

  4. Specify the username and password from the social network account.
  5. Authorization in Instagram through the Insta Plus

  6. When the authorization is executed, click on the lower central part of the window on the repost button.
  7. Creating a new repost in the Insta Plus application for iPhone

  8. Follow the search for the desired account and open the publication.
  9. Account search in Insta Plus application for iPhone

  10. Choose, how would you like to be a mark about the author of the post. Tap the "repost" button.
  11. Repost Publication in the Insta Plus application for iPhone

  12. An additional menu will appear on the screen, in which you should select the Instagram icon twice.
  13. Opening Instagram through the Insta Save

  14. Again, select where the repost will be published - it is allowed both in history and in the news feed.
  15. Creating a new publication in Instagram for iOS

  16. Before publishing, if necessary, do not forget to insert the text of the repost, which is already saved to the clipboard. Finally, select the Share button.

Completion of the creation of repost in Instagram through the Insta Plus application for iPhone

As you can see, it is not difficult to make a repost with an iPhone. If you are familiar with more interesting solutions or you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

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