What if the laptop does not see Wi-Fi


What if the laptop does not see Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi technology has long entered the daily lives of many people. Today, almost in all houses have its own access point to the wireless network. With its help, various mobile devices, stationary computers, as well as laptops are connected to the Internet. It often happens that for a portable PC wireless network is the only way to access the Internet. But what should I do if there have been problems with the network and the laptop simply does not catch it? This article will consider accessible to the unprepared user ways to solve this problem.

Wi-Fi restoration on a laptop

All methods for correcting the wrong work of Wi-Fi on a portable PC can be divided into two types. The first is the test and changing the settings of the computer itself, to the second - associated with the configuration of the distribution device itself. The emphasis will be made at the most common causes of Wi-Fi inoperability, and in terms of methods - on the solutions available for ordinary user.

Method 1: Driver Verification

One of the most common reasons, due to which a portable PC cannot connect to a wireless network, is the lack of Wi-Fi adapter drivers. It happens that the user reinstalled or updated the current Windows OS, but forgot to install drivers for devices.

Read more: find out which drivers need to be installed on a computer

Drivers for Windows XP, for example, very often incompatible with newer versions of Windows. Therefore, when updating this OC, you must first make sure that the necessary software for the Wi-Fi of the adapter.

If we talk about laptops, it should be stopped here at an important point: it is recommended to download and install the manufacturer appropriate only from the official website (or the included disk). Using third-party applications to search for network drivers often leads to improper Wi-Fi operation.

Read more: The best programs for installing drivers

To check the status of the network adapter, we carry out the following:

  1. To call the "Device Manager" click "Win" + "R".
  2. Read more: How to open Device Manager in Windows XP, Windows 7.

  3. Drive the command "Devmgmt.msc" there.
  4. Run the window with the DevmGMT.msc entered in Windows 7

  5. Next, we find the item responsible for network adapters, and click on it with LKM.
  6. Item Network Adapters In the Device Manager window in Windows 7

  7. A list of network devices available on a laptop computer will appear.
  8. List of network devices in device dispatcher in windows 7

  9. As a rule, the name of the desired device will contain the words like "Wireless", "Network", "Adapter". This item should not be marked by any icons (yellow with an exclamation mark, arrows, etc.).

If you do not have it, then the problem lies in the adapter drivers. There is an easy way recommended first:

  1. In the same window of the Device Manager window, we make a click on the name of our Wi-Fi adapter and select "Properties".
  2. Next, go to the tab that is responsible for the device driver.
  3. Tab common in the Wireless Adapter Properties window in Windows 7

  4. Click at the bottom of the window to "delete".
  5. Delete button in the Wireless Adapter properties window 7

  6. Restart the system.

If such actions do not bring the result (or the adapter is simply not displayed in the Device Manager), it means that you need to install the appropriate driver. The main idea is that to look for software for the adapter follows from the name of the specific model of the laptop. To search for official drivers, we will use Google's search engine (you can use any other).

Go to Google

  1. Going on the specified link to the search engine, take the name of the model of the portable PC + "Driver".
  2. The official website with drivers on the Laptop model Asus in the search results of Google

  3. The search for issuance will display a list of resources. It is best to choose the official website of the manufacturer of a laptop (in our case asus.com).
  4. Link to the official website of Asus in the search for Google

  5. Since we have entered the specific name of the computer, we can immediately go to the corresponding page on this model.
  6. Name of the laptop model on his page on the site asus

  7. Click on the "Drivers and Utilities" link.
  8. Link Driver and Utilities on the site Asus

  9. The next step is the choice of the operating system.
  10. Operating system selection for laptop model asus

  11. The site displays a list with drivers under the selected version of Windows.
  12. List of drivers for various devices for x550cc laptop on the official website asus

  13. Go to the Wi-Fi Drive of the adapter. As a rule, in the title of such a word of type: "Wireless", "WLAN", "Wi-Fi", etc.
  14. Title Driver Distribution Device on the official website asus

  15. Click on the "download" button (or "download").
  16. Link to download the driver of the Laptop Adapter on the ASUS website

  17. Save the file to the disk.
  18. Wireless Device Driver Save dialog box

  19. Next, by connecting the archive, set the driver to the system.

Read more:

Download and install driver for Wi-Fi adapter

Search for hardware drivers

Installing Drivers Standard Windows

Method 2: Enabling the adapter

Another pretty obvious cause of the disability of Wi-Fi communication on a laptop is to disconnect the Wi-Fi itself. This can occur both as a result of user actions and in the process of operation of applications. The ban on using an adapter can be installed in the BIOS and in the operating system settings. The Trey icon appears in Windows, indicating the impossibility of using Wi-Fi.

Disconnected wireless adapter icon in TREE WINDOVS 7

Checking the BIOS parameters

As a rule, on new laptops by default, the Wi-Fi adapter is enabled. But if the user entered the BIOS settings, the wireless communication can be disabled. In such cases, no action in the operating system itself will be able to launch Wi-Fi. Therefore, you must first make sure that the laptop is not a ban on the use of a network adapter.

Enabling Wi-Fi adapter in BIOS

Properties of a wireless connection

  1. Call the "Start" menu by pressing the "WIN" key.
  2. Next, select the "Control Panel".
  3. Point control panel in the Start menu in Windows 7

  4. Click the mouse over the menu and choose "large icons".
  5. Select the size of the display of icons in the control panel in Windows 7

  6. Next, follow the "Center for Network Management and Common Access".
  7. Network Management Center and General Access Control Panel in Windows 7

  8. Click the mouse on the link properties of the network adapter.
  9. Reference Change the adapter parameters in the Network Management Center and Shared Access in Windows 7

  10. In the window we find the wireless connection icon and highlight it with PCM.
  11. Select "Enable" in the menu.
  12. Selecting item Include in the context menu of the wireless connection in Windows 7

Device Manager

The same result enabling the Wi-Fi adapter through the Device Manager.

  1. We enter the "Dispatcher" search string.
  2. Entering the word dispatcher in the view line of WINDOVS 7

  3. Click on the proposed version.
  4. Select the desired device providing Wi-Fi connection using PCM.
  5. Next - "use".

Context menu item Enables the wireless adapter in the device manager

Method 3: Disconnecting the "aircraft" mode

The "airplane" function is created specifically for instant disconnection of all wireless connections on the computer. It turns off both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Sometimes newbies themselves, by mistake, use this opportunity and face Wi-Fi inoperability. It is clear that in our case, this mode must be set in the "Off" position.

An indicator of finding a PC in this mode is the plane icon in the tray to the right of the taskbar.

The mode icon in the plane in the system tray in Windows 10

  1. Click on this icon.
  2. Next, press the specified button on the panel (it should be highlighted). The button will become gray.
  3. Mode button in the plane in Windows 10

  4. The flight mode will be disabled, and the Wi-Fi button is highlighted. You must see a list of available wireless connections.

In Windows 8, the connections menu looks different. Clicking the Wi-Fi icon in the tray, then press the switch. The inscription should be changed to "incl."

Turn on and off the mode in the aircraft in the Connection menu in Windows 8

Method 4: Disable Energy Saving Functions

When the portable PC is output from the sleep mode, you can encounter the fact that the network adapter does not catch the network. Windows simply turns it off at the time of sleep, and then for different reasons may not include it again. It often becomes problematic if it is possible to start it without rebooting the OS. This reason is particularly relevant for computers with Windows 8 and 10. To sleep the Wi-Fi module no longer bothered you, you need to perform some settings.

  1. Go to the "Control Panel" and choose "Power supply".
  2. Power Power In the Control Panel in Windows 7

  3. Go to the settings of a specific power plan.
  4. Setting the power plan in the control panel in Windows 7

  5. Next click the mouse to change additional parameters.
  6. Item Change Additional Power Parameters in Control Panel in Winse 7

  7. Click on the drop-down list of parameters for the module of the Wi-Fi of the Communication.
  8. Claim Adapter Parameters in the Active Power Mode Settings in Windows 7

  9. Next, we reveal the submenu by clicking on the cross, and set the permanent maximum performance for the device.
  10. Installing the maximum performance of the wireless adapter for active power mode in Windows 7

To disable sleep mode for our Wi-Fi, we carry out the following:

  1. In the "Device Manager" by clicking the PCM on the desired adapter of the wireless connection.
  2. Next - "Properties".
  3. We move to the "Power Management" tab.
  4. Move the Power Supply Control in the Connection Adapter Properties window in Windows 7

  5. Remove the tick that is responsible for turning off the device during sleep mode.
  6. Setting off wireless communication adapter in sleep mode in Windows 7

  7. Perform a restart system.

Method 5: Disable fast download

The fast launch function entered in Windows 8 often leads to incorrect operation of various drivers. For her prohibition, we perform the following steps:

  1. Press "Win" + "x".
  2. In the menu, click on "Power Management".
  3. Power Management item in the Windows 8 menu

  4. Next - "Action when closing a cover."
  5. Reference Action When you close the lid to the power supply properties in Windows 8

  6. To change inaccessible parameters, click on the link at the top of the window.
  7. Link Changes in power supply parameters inaccessible at the might in Windows 8

  8. Remove the switching on quick download.
  9. Checkbox inclusion of quick launch in the power supply parameters in Windows 8

  10. Reboot your computer.

Method 6: Ban of FIPS Mode

In Windows 10, unlike previous versions of this OS, the default mode is a mode compatible with the Federal Information Processing Standard (or FIPS). This can affect the normal functioning of Wi-Fi. If you have installed different from the tenth version of Windows, it is recommended to check this parameter.

  1. Click the "Win +" R "keys, enter in the" NCPA.CPL "line and click" ENTER ".
  2. Enter NCPA command in the window string to perform in Windows 7

  3. Next PCM allocate a wireless connection and click on the "state".
  4. Item Status Context Menu Wireless Connection

  5. Press the button to access the connection properties.
  6. Wireless Network Properties Button in Windows 7

  7. We move to the Safety tab.
  8. Tab Safety Window Properties Wireless Networks in Windows 7

  9. Click on the "Advanced Parameters" button at the bottom of the window.
  10. Button Advanced Options Connection Properties Window in Windows 7

  11. Next - if you are tick, we remove it.
  12. Chekbox Mode of Compatibility Mode with HIPS in Windows 7

Method 7: Routher Settings

If changes were made in the router settings, this can also be one of the reasons for the impossibility to detect Wi-Fi network with a computer. Even with all the necessary drivers in the system, a properly configured network configuration of Windows, the router may prohibit the use of wireless communication. There is a huge number of routers that differ in functionality and branded firmware. Next, consider general recommendations on the example of one router model (Zyxel Keenetic).

Exterior view of the router

All modern routers have a web interface through which almost all parameters of the device and network configuration are configured. Usually, to enter the router settings, you must enter into the address bar of the browser "". On some models, this address may differ, so try typing the following values: "", "" or "".

In the dialog box input login and password, the router, as a rule, provides all the necessary information. In our case, "Admin" is a login, and 1234 - a password to access the web interface.

Enter login and password in the access window dialog to the router web interface

All the necessary data for access to the settings of the specific router model should be signed in the attached instruction or use the search on the Internet. For example, enter the name of the router model + "Setup".

The appearance of the interface, the names of the specific elements and their location in each model can be very different, so you must be sure what you are doing. Otherwise, the best - to charge this is a specialist.

Wireless resolution

It happens that users are connected to the router using a power cable. In such cases, they absolutely do not need Wi-Fi communication. Then the wireless communication functions in the router settings can be disabled. To check such settings, we show an example with the ZyXEL KEENETIC router.

Wireless Resolution in the settings in the web interference of the router

Here we see that in the section responsible for Wi-Fi, the wireless communication is allowed. Designations can be different: "WLAN ENABLE", "Wireless ON" and even "Wireless Radio".

On some models, you can enable or disable Wi-Fi using a button on the housing.

Turning off filtration

Another feature that we need to consider is filtering. Its goal is to protect the home network from various connections from the outside. The Zyxel Keenetic router is capable of filtering both MAC addresses and IP. Filtering works selectively to incoming traffic and outgoing by specific ports and URLs. But we are interested only in the incoming ban. In the ZyXEL web interface, the lock settings are in the "Filters" section.

Filtering Settings section in the ZyXEL Router Web Interface

In the example, it can be seen that the blocking is disabled in principle, and there are no records in the table of locked addresses. In other models of devices, it may look like: "WLAN Filtering Disable", "Filtering Off", "Block Address Disable", etc.

Disabled lock on Mc addresses in the ZEXEL KEENETIC router web interface

Similar situation and with IP lock settings.

Disabled blocking by IP addresses in the ZEXEL KEENETIC router web interface

Read more: Solving problems with Wi-Fi access point on a laptop

Channel change

Neighboring wireless networks or some electrical appliances can lead to interference on the Wi-Fi channel. Each Wi-Fi network functions on one of the channels (in Russia from the 1st to the 13th). The problem occurs when several Wi-Fi networks are placed on one of them.

If the user lives in a private house, then within the radius of his adapter, there will probably not be any other networks. And even if such networks are available, then their number is small. In an apartment building, the number of Wi-Fi operating networks can be significantly larger. And if several people simultaneously configure the same static channel for their router, then no interference is avoided.

If the router's settings are not changed, then by default it selects a channel automatically. When the adapter to the network, he just "sits" on the channel that is currently free. And so every time you reboot.

It should be said that only the faulty router might experience problems when Auto Select channel. And in most cases, change the channel - is not the solution to the noise problem. Constant manual determination of these parameters - even the fun. But as a way to gain access to the network at the moment this option is worth considering.

To check the settings select the channel transmitter, you need to go to familiar web-based interface. For example, the Zyxel Keenetic These settings are found under "Network Wi-Fi» - «connection».

Automatic channel selection mode in the web interface of the wireless adapter

The example shows that in the settings set to automatic channel selection mode. To check the current channel operation, you can use the program WifiInfoView.

download WifiInfoView

List of operating channels in the program wifiinfoview in windose 7

In the first place it is recommended to select 1, 6 or 11. If you can see that these channels are not available, try to specify one of them as current.

Some router displays additional information about the busy channel.

Channel selection and display its load on the router D-Link

Method 8: router Restart

Quite often it helps normal reset the router. As a rule, this is the first recommendation service support provider for any problems with the network. Consider several options of how to carry out a restart dispensing device.

«Power» button

In most cases, the rear side of the router body has a special button, is responsible for enabling / disabling the device.

The power button is turned off on the back of the router enclosure

The same result can be achieved by simply pull the power plug from the wall outlet and wait at least 10 seconds.

reset button

Button «Reset» in its basic mode allows you to restart. To do this, click on it with something sharp (eg, a toothpick) and then immediately let go. If you keep longer, will reset all settings the distribution device.

Reset button on the rear side of the router body

Web-based interface

To reboot the router, you can use the device console. Going into the router settings, you must find the button itself to reboot. Where it will be, it depends on the firmware version and device model. For example, this feature is available in the "System" under "Configuration" for Zyxel Keenetic.

Configuration menu under System router's Web interface

Clicking on the button to reboot.

Restart the device button in the router web interface

Method 9: Network Reset

Resetting network settings Returns network configuration to the original state and reinstall all adapters in the system. This method is recommended to be used only as the last option, as it makes fundamental changes to many system settings.

Windows 10.

If you have a version of Windows 10 (Build 1607 or newer), then we carry out the following:

  1. Click on the search icon in the taskbar.
  2. Search icon on taskbar in windows 10

  3. We enter into the "Network" line, and then select from the proposed options "Network Status".
  4. The output of the best match of the word network in the Windows String 10

  5. At the bottom of the window (perhaps you have to scroll through the mouse wheel), choose the "network reset".
  6. Reference Relief Network in the state of the network parameters in Windows 10

  7. Click "Reset Now".
  8. Button Reset Now In the Network Reset window in Windows 10

  9. I confirm your choice by choosing "Yes."
  10. Network collection confirmation dialog box in Windows 10

Windows 7.

  1. In the search bar, we enter the first letters of the desired word ("commands") and the system immediately displays the "Command Line" item first in the list
  2. .

    Point Command Line in Search Issue in Winds 7

    Read more: Call "Command Line" in Windows 7

  3. Click on this PCM point and select the launch with administrator rights.
  4. Run on behalf of the administrator in the context menu of search results in Windows 7

    We agree with the introduction of changes by clicking "Yes."

  5. We enter "Netsh WinSock Reset".
  6. Enter the Netsh WinSock RESET command in the system console in Windows 7

  7. After that restart the PC.

The problem with the wireless network can be solved. If not, you should try to reset directly with TCP / IP. For this you need:

  1. In the "command line" to dial "Netsh int ip reset c: \ resetlog.txt".
  2. Enter the Netsh Int IP RESET command in the system console in Windows 7

  3. Reboot.

Thus, there are quite a lot of ways to restore work Wi-Fi for normal users. First of all, you must make sure that the BIOS and the availability of all drivers for the network adapter are correctly configured. If this does not give the result - check the power modes installed in the Windows operating system. And the last step is to work with the configuration of the distribution device itself.

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